How to make veins float on the skin

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BLACK VEINS Effect From STRANGER THINGS (After Effects Tutorial)
Video: BLACK VEINS Effect From STRANGER THINGS (After Effects Tutorial)


You can easily make veins pop by blocking blood circulation. However, if you want your veins to pop up every day, it's a little more difficult. Even so, if you want to do this to show off to your friends or take muscle photos then we have a way to help.


Method 1 of 2: Become like a bodybuilder

  1. Reduce the percentage of body fat. The emergence of a vein like a bodybuilder depends on the percentage of fat in the body. The veins that arise are superficial veins. The less of a cushion there is between the skin layer and the vein, the more visible the vein will appear. Choose a low-fat diet to reduce body fat.
    • In men, less than 10% of body fat will make the veins appear more prominent. The less fat your body has, the more prominent veins will be, especially in hard-to-see places like the abdominal muscles. For women, the body fat percentage should be around 15%.
    • To achieve this fat ratio, you need to eat healthy. That means eating plenty of veggies and low-fat protein, skipping junk food, drinking carbonated drinks, and no sweets.

  2. Reduce your salt intake. Salt will hold water in the body. When your body is hydrated, your skin swells up, obscuring the veins.
    • Do not use industrially processed foods and anything that you did not prepare yourself. This is because foods that are not prepared by you are often high in salt.
    • Currently, 2,300 mg of salt is the highest recommended daily intake limit. That is just approx one teaspoon salt. The American Institute of Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend consuming only 1,500 mg of salt per day. To control salt use, buy and use fresh herbs and spices to add flavor to your dishes.

  3. Build muscle. To build the muscle that causes your veins to pop, you need to focus on a serious strategy for building muscle. This muscle type is not formed by 3 workouts with 10 repetitions each, as is recommended to do during exercise. Serious muscle-building exercises require 3-5 repetitions when exercising with heavy weights.
    • Start with 6 sets with 5 repetitions per set but increase the weight of the dumbbells by 25% compared to the type you normally use. Muscles form when you have to use more force.

  4. Do a cardio exercise. Cardio exercise is the best way to burn fat and get lean. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is very effective. During HIIT exercise, you will do a high intensity cardio exercise, then rest for 20-30 minutes in between.
    • An example of the HIIT exercise is a short ride fast and rest or sprint for 10 laps at a distance of 100 meters and rest for 60 seconds after each lap.
  5. Drink water. Drinking enough water will keep your body and muscles from becoming dehydrated. This helps to reduce fluid retention in the body. Drinking more water than necessary will help flush excess water, reducing water retention. Maintain a moderate amount of potassium in the body to help the body get rid of water instead of water (like when using a lot of salt).
    • Many bodybuilders dehydrate the body before a competition. Drinking less water will make the veins clear. However, you should not do this method because it is very dangerous. If you want to apply it, you must be extremely cautious.
  6. Reduce carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates increase the amount of fluid the body retains. A low-carbohydrate diet will reduce the amount of water that gets stuck under the skin. Low-carbohydrate diets also help with fat loss.
  7. Be careful when using diuretics. Diuretics reduce the amount of water in the body, making the veins more prominent. You can buy a diuretic or take a natural one like espresso. However, diuretics are extremely dangerous. You should use it with care and wisdom.
  8. Take a supplement. Agmatine is a dietary supplement in the byproduct group of the amino acid Arginine. Agmatine prevents nitric oxide from breaking down in the body, thereby increasing blood circulation to the muscles. Accelerating blood circulation can increase blood vessel size. Nitric oxide supplements may help make blood vessels more prominent. In addition, creatine is another vascular supplement.

Method 2 of 2: Make your blood vessels pop temporarily

  1. Tie something around the arm. Use a cord to stop bleeding to increase pressure and fill the veins, making them appear more visible. Tie something up around the arm or leg where you want the vein to stand out.
    • Another method is to place your right hand just above the left wrist (or vice versa) and grip firmly.
    • This is similar to when you have a blood donation or blood draw for a test. The nurse will tie the wire around your arm to bring up the vein to clearly see where the needle should be inserted.
  2. Hold your fist tightly. After tying the rope around your arm, you will hold and release your fist several times. Doing this with a hemostatic gas cord will help keep the blood in the vein so that it can expand.
  3. Continue until you feel a pressure on your arm. This will take about 10 to 15 seconds. Just like when you hold your breath, you'll know when your arms and legs need oxygen. At this point, the vein will appear.
    • Release your hands and gas lines to stop bleeding when your limbs need oxygen. The vein will slowly return to its original state as soon as you release your arm.
  4. Try holding your breath. Holding your breath prevents oxygen from circulating in the body and increases blood pressure. Close your mouth and nose and forcefully. Bodybuilders sometimes use this technique when trying to pose with veins.
    • This method can be dangerous. Popping a vein in this way will sometimes rupture it. This can happen in less dangerous areas like the eyes or dangerous areas like the brain. Remember to breathe after about 30 seconds.
  5. Practice. During exercise, skin veins are pushed onto the skin's surface, making them appear more visible. This phenomenon is more evident in the body with a low fat percentage. Lifting weights helps to make veins clearer than other muscle training exercises. Veins often show up after exercising because the body becomes dehydrated.
  6. Increased body temperature. As the body heats up, the blood is pushed to the skin's surface, increasing the appearance of veins. One tip that bodybuilders often use is to blow a hairdryer over the skin to make the veins pop. Another safer way is to heat up the body with food. Eat hot peppers or cayenne peppers. Some supplements also have a similar effect.