How to clean the lymphatic system

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 DIY Remedies to Detox Your Lymphatic System
Video: 10 DIY Remedies to Detox Your Lymphatic System


The lymphatic system acts as the drainage system in the body, filtering and removing waste products from the body. Without the lymphatic system, the cardiovascular and immune systems cease to function. When the concentration of toxins in the fluid of the lymphatic system increases, the muscles do not receive the necessary amount of blood, organs begin to feel pain and lose flexibility, and the body's energy decreases. According to medical practitioners, it is very important to clean the lymph system. Every part of the body feels pain when the lymphatic system is blocked, as all the cells in the body depend on the lymphatic system to function to maintain their health. Lymphatic obstruction contributes to health problems such as heart disease, swelling and lymphoma.


Method 1 of 3: Adjusting Diet and Lifestyle

  1. Avoid processed foods. Although scientific research has not shown that foods high in sugar can accumulate toxins, cutting out processed foods, especially those containing sugars, can reduce the amount of toxins ingested in the body. Try to cut back on processed foods with simple sugars and carbohydrates, or foods with artificial flavors. The less toxins there are for the lymphatic system to filter, the easier the fluid to circulate and cleanse the body.

  2. Don't eat red meats, shellfish and hydrogenated fats. According to some physicians, red meat and shellfish are difficult to digest and block the lymphatic system. If you really need to eat animal protein, then eat organic meat. Hydrogenated fats are easily oxidized and lead to blockage of the arteries or lymphatic system.

  3. Reduce your consumption of dairy products and white powder. While there is no scientific evidence that these foods can cause lymphatic problems, they produce mucus that can block the lymphatic system. Limit your consumption of dairy products by replacing regular milk with almond milk or rice milk. Cut back on white flour by eating whole wheat flour or by trying gluten-free products. Whole wheat flour is better because it also retains many vitamins and nutrients.
  4. Eat organic fruits and vegetables. When you go to the supermarket, you should buy fruits and vegetables labeled organic, or ask market vendors directly about organic produce. Organic agricultural products limit the amount of toxins taken into the body, so the lymphatic system has less to filter. They also provide powerful enzymes and acids to clean the lymphatic system.
    • In the United States, the label on organic vegetables and fruits has the number “9” in front of the PLU code (which identifies this product category).
    • The word "organic" describes raw or processed agricultural products that are grown organically. These foods are not grown with: synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, fertilizers made from sludge, genetic engineering, growth hormones, antibiotics, artificial ingredients or synthetic additives.
  5. Eat whole grains, nuts, beans, and legumes. Whole grains like brown rice, nuts like walnuts, almonds and chia seeds all contain many vitamins and minerals that are important for keeping the body healthy and maintaining the lymphatic system.
    • The amount of vitamin A to consume per day is 700-900 mcg. It works in the intestines to prevent pathogens and viruses from entering the body.
    • The recommended amount of vitamin C is 75-90 mg / day. Linus Pauling said that vitamin C functions to boost the immune system and prevent viral infections.
    • The recommended daily intake of vitamin E is 15 mg. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant and prevents redox reactions that could potentially damage the arteries and lymphatic system.
    • The B vitamins are a group of vitamins that help boost energy and the immune system.
    • Zinc is a mineral that enhances immune system function through protein production.
  6. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. You need to stay hydrated and water also helps the lymphatic fluids circulate to flush toxins. Drink 6-8 glasses of purified or filtered water per day. Avoid drinking sodas, sports drinks and fruit juices high in sugar.
  7. Get tested for a food allergy. If you haven't done this yet, ask your doctor to do an allergy test or a food sensitivity test to find out which foods are badly affecting your digestive system. The ability to get rid of toxins starts in the digestive system, and any food that causes digestive problems leads to a blockage of the lymphatic system. Once you've identified foods you are allergic to, such as dairy or gluten, you can eliminate them from your daily diet to prevent lymphatic blockage.
  8. Use natural deodorants. Aluminum-based antiperspirants actually increase the amount of toxins in the body because it prevents perspiration. Many physicians believe these chemicals clog the lymphatic system. It is also thought that aluminum accumulation can lead to Alzheimer's disease.
    • You should also avoid using cosmetics that contain a lot of chemicals on your skin. Most commercial lotions, toothpaste, lotions and sunscreens contain a lot of chemicals that can clog the lymphatic system.
    • Buy organic, natural cosmetics that contain little or no chemicals. You can also make your own chemical-free cosmetics at home.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise and Physiotherapy

  1. Create a regular exercise routine. Regular exercise including skipping and jogging will stimulate better lymphatic circulation. As muscles move, they simultaneously massage the lymphatic system and improve circulation.
    • Walking, jogging and playing high-intensity sports are great ways to improve lymphatic circulation. Try to exercise at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity per week for at least 30 minutes to an hour per day.
  2. Participate in Lymphatic Drainage Massage sessions with a Vodder Certified MLD Therapist. This type of training is only offered to physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, massage therapists and therapist assistants through an ongoing training program. Underneath the skin, there are also lymphatic vessels and they help with blood circulation. When lymphatic drainage decreases, skin appears inert or pale yellow, or worse, signs of autoimmune disease appear. Lymphatic drainage massage is a rhythmic massage technique that improves lymphatic drainage throughout the body.
    • Try to incorporate dry brushing after taking a warm bath or shower. If you are taking a shower, you can take advantage of the hydrotherapy technique of switching between cool and warm. You should use a natural bristles body brush, preferably with a long handle. Brush your hands lightly in long beats to avoid damaging the skin. This helps to irritate the skin and remove dead skin cells.
    • Brush your entire body in the same way as the lymphatic drainage massage the MLD therapist has done for you.
    • You can add salt to the massage by applying salt and some therapeutic essential oils to the brush before you start the massage. This massage stimulates and draws toxins through the skin.
  3. Do yoga twists. Yoga professionals believe that the "Twisted Chair" and "Twisted Sit" positions can squeeze toxins out of the body.
    • To do this, do the following: Stand on a cushion with feet hip-width apart.
    • Clasp your hands between your chest like a prayer. Inhale and exhale and place your left elbow on the outer edge of your right thigh, just above the knee. Your body should then be twisted to the right, with your hands clasped toward the right side of the room.
    • The knees should be in line with each other and the hips are perpendicular to the front of the room. Use your left elbow pressed against the outside of your right thigh to take more right-hand twists with each inhale and exhale.
    • Hold this position for 5-6 breaths and then return your hands to the center of your chest. Complete the same movement on the left side, with your right elbow resting on the outer edge of your left thigh.
    • To do this, do the following: Sit on a mattress with your legs stretched out in front of you, your toes arched back toward your body.
    • Bend your right knee and bring your foot to the inside of your left thigh. You can either keep your right foot on the inside of your left thigh or cross it across the outer side of your left thigh for more body twisting. You can also keep your left leg straight or bent at the knee and pull your left foot out to the outside of your right hip.
    • Use the left arm to hold the right knee towards the chest. Raise your right arm and rotate your body to the left. Place your right hand on the mattress a few inches behind you.
    • Continue holding your right knee to your chest as you rotate your body to the left. For more rotation, press your left elbow toward the outside of your right thigh. Inhale as you straighten your spine and exhale as you rotate further to the left.
    • Hold this position for 5-6 breaths and repeat on the other side.
  4. Practice deep breathing. While there is no scientific evidence that deep breathing stimulates the lymphatic system, deep breathing will improve overall health, including the lymphatic system. On inhalation the pressure in the chest decreases and the pressure in the abdomen increases. This action pumps lymph fluid from the legs upwards and draws lymph fluid from the arms and head to the discharge points behind the collarbone. These points are like check valves so toxins cannot travel backwards, and are virtually eliminated from the body. To take deep breaths, do the following:
    • Lie on a flat surface like a bed or yoga mat. Take a deep breath through your nose, and as you inhale, tilt your head back and point your feet outwards. Hold your breath for 5 counts after inhaling lots of air.
    • Exhale through your nose and point your feet towards your head at the same time. Tilt your head so that your chin moves closer to your chest.
    • Repeat inhalation and exhalation for 8-10 breaths, breathing through the nose only. If you are a bit dizzy, do not worry because this is just the body's natural response to deep breathing.
    • Try to practice deep breathing at least once a day, for 8-10 breaths at a time.
  5. Take a dry sauna or steam bath. A dry sauna or steam bath once a week will help the body sweat and remove toxins. Some physicians believe that a dry sauna or steam bath is also beneficial for the functioning of the lymphatic system.
    • After bathing, remember to drink plenty of water to flush toxins out and also to facilitate the lymphatic system to complete its job.
  6. Let acupuncturist use the lymphatic system. Acupuncture is a healthcare technique that originated in China. The general theory of acupuncture is based on the flow of energy (Qi) throughout the body and is important for health. This disruption of flow is the cause of illness and disease.
    • One of the main goals of acupuncture is to relieve the lymphatic system. But before you do any acupuncture, be sure to check the acupuncturist's certificate.
    • Side effects of acupuncture include infection with the non-sterile needle and lung failure partly due to accidental insertion of the needle into the lungs. If the acupuncturist has been trained and followed hygiene standards, these risks will be minimized.

Method 3 of 3: Supplements and Detox Methods

  1. Ask your doctor about enzyme supplements. Before taking it, ask your doctor about the effects of these supplements on the body. According to some physicians, enzyme supplements help the lymphatic system break down complex fats and proteins, thus supporting the digestive system.
    • You can take a digestive enzyme with meals and take a proteolytic enzyme between meals.
    • Proteolytic enzymes are the body's primary tool for digesting protein fragments in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Therefore, the addition of a proteolytic enzyme will improve this ability of the body.
    • The proteolytic enzyme also helps to remove circulating immune complexes (CIC) from the body. When CICs accumulate, they trigger an allergic response from the immune system and overload the immune system. Therefore, taking a proteolytic enzyme supplement helps the body deal with this burden, and frees the immune system to perform its more practical task, which is prevention.
  2. Clean up the lymphatic system in three days. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that this purification is beneficial for general health, but some physicians believe it can activate the lymphatic system and expel toxins. If you have never done this before and are looking to clear your lymphatic system, try a three-day cleansing session. Three days is considered the minimum time needed to purify the lymphatic system. Starting a week before you are on a meat-free, flour-free and sugar-free diet. Eat only fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables a day or two before cleaning.
    • Choose a juice you like to drink and drink continuously for three days: apple, grape or carrot. The only other juice that you can drink during the purification period is prune juice.
    • In the morning you drink a glass of water, then drink about 250-300 ml of prune juice mixed with the juice of a lemon. This mixture makes it easier for you to have a bowel movement. Drink it slowly and chew it so that the juice mixes with the saliva in your mouth.
    • Drink alternately between the juice of your choice and the water you choose throughout the day until you reach 3.5 liters of juice and 3.5 liters of filtered water. You can add lemon juice to the filtered water or juice.
    • Combine 1 tablespoon of wheat germ or flaxseed powder, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of kelp or dandelion powder, and ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Drink this mixture 1-3 times per day.
    • At the end of each day the amount of liquid you consume is about 7.5 liters, and you can also drink antimicrobial herbs like garlic and chamomile. Remember to go to the toilet every day. If you have a slow bowel movement, you should drink a cup of prune juice mixed with lemon before bed.
    • During the three-day purification period, you must stimulate the lymphatic system by exercising for 30 minutes to 1 hour, but if you feel tired, do not overpress yourself. Because the toxin is eliminated from the body, side effects such as nausea, headache, back pain or dizziness may occur. These symptoms indicate that the toxin is being expelled and will subside after the first day of purification.
  3. Purification with herbs for 7-10 days. Some physicians have suggested that herbs such as wild chamomile, celandine, red clover, poke root and licorice root can enhance lymphatic function. These herbs also take away the waste plaques that are present in the filtration system of the lymphatic system. You can buy herbs at traditional medicine stores. Avoid using herbal purification for a long time, no more than 7-10 days.
    • In theory, it also helps the immune system to work better.
    • If you are on another medicine then consult your doctor or herbalist before trying this cleansing method. Avoid herbal teas and herbal purification if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.