How to be a good father

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Makes a Great Father? | Mark Trahan | TEDxTexasStateUniversity
Video: What Makes a Great Father? | Mark Trahan | TEDxTexasStateUniversity


Fatherhood has never been an easy task. No matter how old your children are or how many children you have, realize that a father's duty never ends. To be a good father, you must always stand with your children, set an example for them and be strict in teaching your children, sympathy with their needs but not easy. See the steps below to learn how to be a good father.


Part 1 of 4: Stay by your side

  1. Spend time with your children. The kids won't care if you just got a promotion at the company or if you own the most expensive home in the neighborhood. What the kids are interested in is having dinner with you, watching soccer on Sunday and watching a movie with you one night during the week. If you want to be a good father, make time with your children every day - or at least every week - no matter how busy you are.
    • Add baby time to your calendar. The perfect evenings for kids could fall on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Take time to get things well organized these days so you won't get distracted.
    • If you have more than one child, take time to see each one individually to deepen your relationship with them.
    • If you're too tired to play basketball with your child, do something else like watching a basketball game or a movie about basketball. It is important that you spend time with your baby.

  2. Be with your children at crucial moments. While spending time with your baby each week is a great way to strengthen your affection, try to be present at your child's important events as well. Schedule your schedule so you can attend your child's first day of school, an important sporting event or high school graduation.
    • You will remember these moments for the rest of your life and your presence is so meaningful.
    • You might be busy when one of your children's big events are about to take place, but if you miss it, you'll regret it later.

  3. Teach your children important lessons. You should also be there to teach your children how to accomplish some of the basics of life. For example, helping boys use the bathroom, teaching their kids to brush their teeth properly, helping them learn how to ride a bike, and guiding them to drive when they are old. You can also teach your son to shave and maintain his personal hygiene. Your children will need your presence to learn important life lessons and everyday little things.
    • Share parenting with your partner. You should both teach your children the important things that are needed to enter life.
    • Help your kids learn from their mistakes. When your children make mistakes, help them understand why and teach them how to avoid repeating the same thing in the future instead of just giving them penalties and forgetting them.
    • Regularly praise your child's efforts and make sensitive criticisms. Your attitude will have a huge effect as your child develops self-esteem.

  4. Develop communication skills with your child. It is extremely meaningful that you are present during your child's key moments, and being able to communicate with them while you are present is just as important. You don't have to do interesting things with your child all the time to make them enjoy being with you; instead, you just need to focus on being able to communicate in a way that understands the worries and difficulties they face.
    • Be sure to check with your children every day so you know what they are going through that week, their worries and thoughts.
    • You shouldn't ask a symbolic question like "How was it going today?" without really wanting to know the answer.
    • Children who are in their teens or are busy students often don't want to give you the details. Make sure to check with your children as often as possible so they know you care and don't feel claustrophobic.
  5. Travel planning with your child. To be a good parent, it's a good idea to spend time traveling with your kids - with or without a mother. You can plan an annual fishing trip with the girls, a beach trip with your son or a memorable camping trip with the kids. Regardless of your plan, create a special, unforgettable, and repeatable experience at least once a year that will help you formulate an exciting parent-child event.
    • For a trip with a mum, make time with the children when you can.
    • Planning your trip a few months in advance will give your kids something interesting and different to look forward to.
  6. Make time for yourself. While it's important to be with the kids, make sure to spend some time with yourself when possible, such as taking a Sunday afternoon to work alone, or spending half an hour running each session. Morning or relax with an interesting book every night before bed. You should put your children's concerns first, but don't completely forget your own needs.
    • If you don't take time for yourself, you won't be able to relax, recharge, and continue to give your children the time and attention they need.
    • You can choose a special room or chair in the house where your children know they shouldn't disturb your father. Get them used to the concept of "self-time" and explain that you will be working separately for a while - unless they really need you.

Part 2 of 4: Being strict

  1. Reward appropriately. A strict father not only knows how to punish children when they make mistakes, but also rewards them when they do something well to encourage them to repeat good things. Every time your child does a good job in school, helps him complete a difficult exercise, or is mature enough not to take part in a fight, say you're proud of him, take him to the restaurant Love or do anything that shows you appreciate your child's good behavior.
    • For young children, love is a huge reward to help them realize your pride.
    • Recognize your child's efforts and praise them for them. You should give three compliments before each criticism.
    • While occasional rewards with new confectionery or toys when your child is behaving correctly may encourage your child to do so, don't just reward the toy or candy every time your child does the right thing. They should also be encouraged to know how to tell right from wrong as you teach.
    • Don't reward yourself for completing obvious tasks, like chores or cleaning after you've done something. If you do, your child will feel like they are just helping.
  2. Give the right punishment. To be strict in parenting, you have to give punishment for making mistakes. That doesn't mean you'll beat or scold your child; instead, this is how I know my mistake and the consequences I have suffered from it. As you gradually become understanding, you will multiply your own mistakes.
    • Talk to your partner about family rules and the next steps in developing your children's character.
    • Make sure you and your wife agree with the punishment for the children. Regardless of the parent witnessing your child's wrongdoing, the punishment you will receive will be the same. This is a way to help you avoid the role of "protagonist, villain".
  3. Always be consistent. Being consistent is just as important as having the right form of punishment. If your child disobeys, the punishment will be the same, whether it is inconvenient or if you are tired or in public.When your child behaves properly, don't forget to make him feel special, no matter how tired or stressed you are.
    • If you don't act consistently, your children will know that your response can be influenced by mood.
  4. Don't yell. You may feel angry at your child's behavior, but yelling is not the solution. If you need to release your mood, shout out loud when you are alone, in the bathroom, or face your pillow. Don't yell at your kids, even if you really want to. You can raise your voice so that they recognize their mistake, but if you keep yelling, they will get scared and don't want to talk to you.
    • While this can be difficult, do not let your children witness your loss of control.
  5. Do not use violence. While you are angry, avoid hitting, hurting, or grabbing your children. This affects the physicality mixed your child's feelings and make them avoid you. If your children think that you are prone to violence, they will not want to express their thoughts and will not want to be with you. You should avoid using violence in front of your child or partner if you want to earn their respect.
  6. Show respect and love. While it is important to make sure that they know you are strict and that they don't overtake you, they also want to be deeply loved and bonded with you. To be a good father, you need to draw the line between being tough while teaching your children and giving your children a feeling of love and respect.
    • If you take great care with your children, they won't feel comfortable opening up to you.
    • If you take your children too seriously, they will assume that you are easygoing and unethical

Part 3 of 4: Become a good example for you to follow

  1. Be an example for children. If you want to be an example for your children, your rule will be "Do what you say and the way they do "; thus, they will know that you are serious about teaching your children to behave properly. If you want your children to behave according to their expectations, first let them see their positive behavior. Here are some ways you can be an example:
    • For example, if you don't want your child to regularly smoke or drink alcohol, don't do these things in front of them - or better off these habits.
    • If you want your child to treat others with kindness and respect, they must show respect for the manners of many people, from the waitress at a nearby restaurant to the telemarketer. phone.
    • If you don't want your children to fight, then don't fight with your wife in front of the kids.
  2. Respect your wife. If you want to be an example for your children, you must first be someone who respects your wife. After you get married, show your children that you love, help, and enjoy being with your wife. If you treat your wife badly, the children will find that it is normal to treat your mother or other people badly because Dad often does.
    • Part of respecting your wife is sharing child care and housework with her.
    • Let the children see you praise and show your wife the affection and love she deserves.
    • Not only do you respect your wife, but you must also love her and strive to maintain a relationship filled with love, joy, and care. If the children's mother is happy, everyone will be happy.
    • In the case of a divorce, you should also not defame the mother of the children, even when the rice is not healthy, the soup is not sweet. It can be stressful and anxious for children to see their broken parent relationships.
  3. Dare to admit errors. You don't have to be perfect to be your role model. In fact, your imperfections are essential for your children to see that no one is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. When you make a mistake, such as forgetting to pick up your child on time or getting angry, acknowledge the mistake and apologize.
    • If you can get rid of your ego in front of your kids, they'll easily confess to you about their mistakes.
    • The fact that you dare to admit mistakes will help your children learn more than always "doing everything well".
  4. Help with housework. If you want your children to help out with housework, you should do the same thing, no matter how busy the work is. Let your kids see you washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen and sweeping the house, and they'll want to help too. If the children think cleaning is “my job,” they won't be eager to get help when needed.
    • Helping with chores is not only a way to make your wife happy, it also helps your children see that your parents are helping each other and they should too.
  5. Make your children respect. Respect is not something you can naturally achieve, you need to behave in such a way that your children respect you. If you are not around your children often, yelling at your wife, or just taking part in your child's discipline every now and then, the kids won't respect you just because you're their father. You should behave in an admirable, honest, and consistent manner to show your children that you are an exemplary father and an admirable person.
    • However, children should not worship you and think you are perfect - they should see that you are a normal person who wants to take good care of them.
  6. Let me feel your boundless love. You might think that being a role model means being a little cold and always doing the right thing, but in reality it means deep bonding, not being afraid to hug them and saying that you are Children are very important to you. Every day, don't forget to say "I love you", cuddle them and let them know how important they are to you.
    • Regardless of your age, children need your love and affection.
    • Compliment your child and say that your life is meaningless without them.

Part 4 of 4: Always understanding

  1. Accept that you are not friends. You may want your children to inherit a family career, attend college or become a high school soccer star like you used to, but you have to accept the fact that they are individuals independent of their needs and desires. want to own and perhaps not in tune with you. You will think that only your own path leads to happiness, but to be a good father you have to accept that your children have different thoughts in how they live.
    • You might think that you are doing well in your role by asking your children what to do or how to live, but you are actually only affecting their independence by trying to control them.
    • It will take time for you to accept your child's wishes. If you cannot understand why your child wants to be an artist while you are a doctor, give him a chance to explain it to you and take the time to listen and understand.
    • If you interfere too deeply in their children's lives, they will be upset and not willing to share them with you.
    • Let your children make their own decisions by giving them the opportunity to be independent and open. You may want your child to play baseball, but suggest more activities and let them make their own decisions.
  2. Awareness of the change of time. To be a good parent, you have to understand that your children don't grow up in the same environment you used to - even if you were raising them at the same time. With the influence of globalization, social media and political change in today's society, your children have different experiences from you and are more aware of the problems and changes in today's society.
    • So be aware that body piercing, premarital sex, and traveling around the world are more common than ever before. Accept that your children are a product of their time and they want to explore the world more than you ever did.
    • You may think that you know exactly how life works, but let your children express themselves and share their perspectives with you.
  3. Accept your mistakes. If you want to be an understanding father, accept that your children are not perfect and they can be as wrong as what happens to you.A mistake in life is a lesson for your kids and you should accept that your child needs a lot of lessons to grow up - whether it's a crash in traffic, a paralysis on the exam because a lazy reviewer , or buying useless goods with savings.
    • If you don't allow your kids to fail once in a while, they won't learn anything. You may want to protect and protect your children, but letting them make mistakes will help them make smarter decisions.
    • You will still give them the proper punishment when they make a mistake, but don't forget to talk about your child's wrongdoing and show them the consequences of the mistake instead of just yelling at them.
  4. Understand the difficulties that children face. To be a good parent, you must be aware of the times when your child is having problems and pay attention to their needs. Maybe the little girl is having a hard time after moving because she doesn't have friends, or her son has just had his first love affair and is very sad.
    • Although you cannot fully sympathize with their cold or emotional behavior, you should pay attention to their thoughts so you can understand and converse when they are having difficulty.
    • Just by saying, "I know you're struggling. Do you want to share this with me?" It is also enough to help your child feel your care.
    • Try to put yourself in your child's shoes. When you are angry, understanding what your child is going through will help you understand their behavior.
    • Prioritize your children by being available to talk with them, even if you don't really agree with their choices.
  5. Do not set unrealistic expectations for your children. Your child's life also has a lot of pressure, from siblings, friends at school to teachers or coaches. Help your children understand their wants and recognize their abilities and limitations. You can also help your child set healthy goals. Encourage your child to reach their full potential but avoid forcing them to achieve what you used to have or expect them to fulfill your dreams.
  6. Understand that a father's duty has no end. Don't think that when your children are 21 years old or graduate from college, parenting ends. While it is extremely important that you encourage your child to become financially and emotionally independent, be sure to let them know that you care for and be with them and that they are important to you. advertisement


  • Always talk to your children, instead of criticizing them.
  • Ask your dad and / or grandpa about parenting experiences, and ask them questions you don't understand.
  • Always show patience and understanding.
  • Always listen to your children, even when you don't understand what they are saying.
  • Teach your children by being an example and not making excuses for your actions like "Do what you say, not what you do".
  • The goal in being strict with your children is letting them know that their behavior is inappropriate and unacceptable. The use of force (such as hitting the buttocks) is still under discussion and some violent penalties are considered violent behavior.
  • If you're being too strict, don't be surprised when your child rebels behind you - especially when your teen is a teenager. Remember that there is a huge difference between being a father and being a dictator.
  • If you adopt a child, accept who they really are and don't encourage them to be like you.