How to Make Aloe Gel

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Make Aloe Vera Gel at Home | Easiest Way
Video: How to Make Aloe Vera Gel at Home | Easiest Way


  • Aloe vera gel is very perishable, so it's best not to do a lot at once unless you intend to give someone a portion.Especially if the leaves are large, cutting one or two leaves is enough to make 1/2 to 1 cup of gel.
  • Take special care not to cut off too many leaves at a time if your plant is young. Cutting off all the outer leaves can kill the plant.
  • Let the plastic melt for 10 minutes. Place the leaves upright in a cup to let the dark yellow plastic drain out. This resin contains pus, which can cause mild skin irritation. It is best to let the plastic melt, avoid mixing into the gel.

  • Stripping leaves. Use a vegetable peeler to carefully strip off the green part of the leaves. Make sure to cut to the white inner layer with the gel underneath. Strip the entire leaf on one side, leaving a gel-filled half concave leaf.
    • If there are large leaves, you should cut them into smaller pieces before stripping.
    • Discard the stripped leaves so that they don't mix with the gel.
  • Use a spoon to scoop out the gel. The clear, soft gel is easy to scoop. Scoop all the gel into a clean bowl.

  • Empty the gel into a clean, sterile glass jar. If you use a preservative, you can keep the gel in the refrigerator for several months. If not, the expiration date will be one or two weeks.
  • Use gel. Apply the gel to sunburns or mild surface burns. Aloe vera can also be used as a skin conditioner or an ingredient in homemade body products.
    • Never apply aloe vera to deep cuts or blisters. Only recommended for irritated skin surfaces as they can make deep cuts difficult to heal.
    • Try mixing 1/2 cup aloe vera with 1/4 cup liquid coconut oil to create a massage cream that can help moisturize and heal wounds.
    • Learn how to grow aloe plants to make gel whenever you want.
  • Advice

    • If you don't have powdered vitamin C, you can crush a vitamin C tablet and sprinkle it on the gel. A few drops of grapefruit extract have the same effect.


    • Aloe vera can be eaten, but should not be consumed in excess because it has a laxative effect.
    • Wear gloves while handling aloe if you are sensitive to the latex.