How to Make a board

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Board Bow: High Performance Build for Beginners
Video: How to Make a Board Bow: High Performance Build for Beginners


The board board, also known as the "Call of the Soul" board, is a flat surface printed with letters, numbers and other symbols that is used to answer questions of people during a seance. This wikiHow article will show you how to make your own private board.


Part 1 of 3: Paper board

Method 1: Write by yourself

  1. Using a large sheet of paper, write down the letters and numbers 0-9, and the words "Yes" (yes), "No" (no), "Hello" (hello), and "Goodbye" ( goodbye).

  2. Arrange the letters in a circle, draw the sun in the top left corner - next to it will be the word "Yes". On the right side, draw the moon, next to it is the word "No". Then write the numbers on the outside of the circle. Use a large, upside-down cup to be the muscle.
  3. Sit around the table with a few friends. Each person will gently place their hands on an upside down cup. Please assign one person to ask all questions, and another to take notes. advertisement

Method 2: Collage

  1. Start by writing the letters in a row or two, making sure they are large enough for you to read.
  2. In the row below, write the digits 0-9.

  3. Write the signs "Yes", "No" and "Goodbye" to make communication with the soul easier. You can add any phrase if you want.
  4. Cut out letters, numbers, words, and phrases.
  5. Use glue or glue to attach them to the paper according to the layout you like.
  6. To make it easier for the muscle to move, you can create a smooth surface. Glass or clear plastic sheets are fine.
  7. It is done! You are ready to chat with your soul through a plank board! advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Wooden board

  1. Collect materials. You will need a polished and smooth wooden board. In addition, you will also need paint, varnish (or other coatings) and a torch (with a solder used for engraving or similar). Pencil and paper will also help.
  2. Practice. The groove can be relatively difficult to use. Practice on the wood chips first to get the required speed and pressure. You will also learn how to move the torch to get the shapes you want.
  3. Have the board ready. Make sure that the board is clean and smooth.
  4. Outline your design. You can draw freehand or use "tips", such as printing the numbers on charcoal paper, or buying pre-etched stamps at craft stores.
    • Make sure the drawings are not too small or have too much detail, especially if you have no experience using groins.
  5. Use the torch to depict the design. Do not rush. Look at the composition under different lights to make sure it looks good.
  6. Cool and wipe the surface clean. Wait for hot spots to cool down and wipe off any excess wood. Erase pencil stains and other marks, gently wipe the entire surface with a damp cloth.
  7. Surface gloss coating. Varnish or other glossy finishes will create a surface that is smooth enough for the engine to work. Carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions. You may have to shade a few layers, and each layer will take a relatively long time to dry.
  8. Add details. You can paint more details when the varnish is completely dry. Details should be drawn from the second to last glossy overlay, as long as it is clear and colorless. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Designing your board

  1. Choose a table surface layout. There are many ways you can arrange characters on a board. The layout doesn't matter, as long as you have the necessary characters. You need at least the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and the words "yes", "no" and "farewell" (goodbye).
    • Use the traditional layout if desired. The letter will be written in two slightly curved rows in the middle of the board, the words yes / no above, and the numbers and the word "farewell" below.
    • You can use the diamond layout. Accordingly, the letter is written in a rhombus with four straight angles with the four midpoints of the sides of the board. The number will be written inside the rhombus. In the four corners will be the same basic words as above (there will be one more phrase, eg "not now" (not now)).
    • You can also try circular layout. It is similar to the diamond layout but will instead be oval.
  2. Choose the font style. Choose a typeface that matches the plank board. Gothic fonts work best, as are many other Western fonts. However, you can choose any font you like. Write a few words in a text editor to see which font works best.
  3. Selection of additional details. Many believe that adding certain symbols to corners or other positions on the board is a good choice. Common symbols include: moon, sun and star; symbols of the elements; symbols of the planets; and symbols or figures in spiritual amounts (12, 13, 7, 3, etc.).
    • You can also add other tangible items to the board, such as a candle holder, attach a stone (quartz stone is useful for this purpose), or add room to place the necessary items (water bowls, branches, etc.).
  4. Choose your colors. Please choose the main color for the board. Dark brown tones are usually better for calling the soul, but if you especially just want to meet happy souls, use colors you think they like. If you're going to get in touch with a certain person, use their favorite color.
    • Use opposite colors. You definitely want to see the message easily.
  5. Choose the muscle. You will need a mech (which you put your hand on) to use the board for. You can either get one at random at one-price shops or make your own. advertisement


  • The quality of the answers you get using the board will depend on the quality of the question. Ask seriously, you will get a serious answer. The same applies if you ask a dumb question.
  • No one can tell if the board is really powerful. Some believe it will summon souls from another world to answer questions, while others assume you have unconsciously controlled the muscle. Think openly and always respect the beliefs of others.
  • Some people believe that a soul is real, and if you are not careful, you will make it angry and be visited by uninvited guests. Please respect the board if you are concerned about this. Imagine that there is always a white glow around you for protection.
  • When an angry spirit comes across, pray and stop using it immediately. You may not believe in bad spirits, but respect those who believe. Stay calm and remember that the board is yours, not theirs.
  • Remember that you have control and nothing to fear.
  • When finished, take the muscle to the words "Goodbye" and fold the board. Some believe that you should not leave the board open.
  • If you or someone else feels worried, tired or unwell, do not use the board. Anything on the board can feel it, and you may encounter demons. As long as everyone is confident and healthy, nothing will happen.
  • If things start to get scary, like moving objects or other demonic phenomena, it's safest to stop playing.
  • For more traditional typefaces on the board, check out Harold's Fonts for free download. The three fonts for the board game available on them are Cap’n Howdy, Mystic Prophet and Sideshow. Of course, you don't have to use these three correct fonts, as there are plenty of other options.
  • Don't believe everything the soul says when you use the board. Bad spirits will pretend to be members of your family.
  • Before you start playing, you have to know when bad spirits appear. First, let's watch a few movies about mecha and necromancy. These movies are related to the board and can help you understand what will happen if bad spirits approach you through the board.
  • The board has often received a bad reputation due to false rumors. You should be comfortable with using the board (maybe by lighting candles or praying…). However, since there is a possibility of godly hatred, don't play this game if you keep thinking about evil entities.


  • The real danger arises if you ask for proof of the existence of the soul you are encountering. When you "want to see a sign", you officially open the gate between the real world and the spiritual world, allowing souls to enter.
  • Any attempt to contact the deceased or other spirits should be made lightly (i.e., do not attempt to contact a certain soul, let them find you, never is required to appear). This should not be done by inexperienced people.
  • Self-made wooden boards may be more effective than paper ones. If the paper is curled or folded, the soul will be frightened and avoided. This is a good thing if you feel scared and don't want to play but your friends keep insisting. Just fold the paper and don't tell them that the mover won't work.
  • Scientifically, there is no evidence that any of the above is true, since the words are formed in the player's subconscious, not by any 'supernatural force' (or in some cases). is purposely controlled by a player). So, while the results may seem astounding, scientific evidence suggests they emerge in the player's mind the way dreams or hallucinations arise.

What you need

Paper board

  • Drag
  • Hardcover
  • Ballpoint or marker pen
  • glue

Wooden board

  • A flat and glossy wooden board
  • paint
  • Varnish or other glossy coating material
  • Welding torch with engraved nose
  • Pencil and paper (optional)
  • Carbon paper (optional)
  • Seal (optional)