Ways to Make Ao

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Create an AO [Animation Override] on Secondlife
Video: How Create an AO [Animation Override] on Secondlife


The scenery and sounds that water creates always bring a peaceful, primitive feeling to the garden or backyard. If you don't have a natural water source on your property, you can consider building a pond. If done properly, a pond is not only beautiful but also very useful: it will be the ideal habitat for wildlife. Read the instructions below to make a natural pond or aquarium, creating a highlight for your backyard.


Method 1 of 3: Plan and Site Selection

  1. Determine the type of pond you want. What is the purpose of the pond? Think of what traits you like best when you start having a build idea. Here are the most popular backyard pond styles:
    • A natural pond is probably the easiest pond type to make because it does not require pumps and electricity. This pond is made to look like a natural part of the whole landscape. Since there are no fish to release, this type of pond will attract frogs, slugs, water spiders and other animals to bathe or drink.
    • An aquarium pond is a more decorative type of pond. This pond type, often with lilies and other aquatic plants, is built to complete the design of a garden. Common features of this pond type are the artistically arranged rocks, a small waterfall, and some goldfish.

  2. Choose a place to make a pond. The best pond placement is in a place that is sunny and shaded so that the plants can thrive and maintain a safe level of algae in the water. You may also want to make a pond where you can see it from inside so that you can see it even when it's raining or cold.
    • If you want to build a pond in the backyard, the first thing to do is to contact the water / electricity company and ask them to come home to mark the location of the power and water lines (if any). As such, you can avoid these positions when digging a pond.
    • If you own a large plot of land, you may have to do other things. If necessary, contact your local agricultural authority to find out if your land is in a watershed / watershed that needs protection, and what regulations you need to follow when digging ponds. or not.
    • Do not choose a place too close to the plants as you may damage the roots.

  3. Determine the size and depth of the pond. If you live in a humid climate, like in the Southeast, your pond only needs to be about 1-1.5 m deep and wide. But if you live in a dry climate, like in the central provinces, the pond is too small and shallow and the water evaporates very quickly. Do your homework to determine the appropriate depth of the pond.
    • Large ponds will be easier to care for because they have high stability, making it easier for plants and animals to grow.
    • Use a rope to draw the desired pond shape and size and keep the rope as it is when digging.

Method 2 of 3: Making Natural Pond

  1. Digging the pond. For small ponds, digging with a shovel is easiest. Take note of the following when mining:
    • If you want to support plant and animal growth, your pond should be deep enough not to get too cold in winter. If you live in a cold climate, you should dig a pond about 1-1.5m deep so that the animals can survive the winter.
    • The pond should have a gentle slope like a beach where the animals can crawl out because if the pond is full of steep cliffs, they can drown in the pond.
    • When digging, collect the excavated soil into heap and keep it for use as pond banks.
    • When digging is complete, remove all rocks with sharp edges from the pond bed.
  2. Pond bottom lining. The first liner is sand. Remember to cover cracks in pond bed with sand. The next step is lining the pond with a layer of man-made or biodegradable material. You can use newspaper or burlap, but biodegradable materials are better because they decompose over time and leave only a layer of sand. The rock used as a body liner will poke down and damage the sand liner. So, consider using biodegradable materials such as artificial carpets or specialized materials for pond linings. Then, cover with a large waterproof liner.
    • There are many different types of waterproof lining available at building materials stores or garden shops.
  3. Fill the pond with water. Use the hose to pump the pond water until it is full. Note to stop water pump before water overflows.
    • You can use rain water to fill the pond if you don't want to use tap water.
    • Cut off excess waterproof lining, leaving only about 12 cm.
  4. Create a small trench around the pond. Lift up the bedding and use a spade to dig a gully about 16 cm wide around the pond. Press down the spade about 10 cm deep, then tilt the spade to parallel to the ground and slowly lift the grass layer to form a small ditch around the pond. Spread the waterproof lining to cover the trench, then place the grass cover on top. This way will make the pond bank look "natural", attracting many wildlife species.
  5. Get water from a natural pond near your home. Use a large bottle or other container to get water from a clean pond near your home. Pay attention to get water from perennial pond instead of from neighbor's pond. Fill the tank with water, take care not to get fish from the pond. Then bring it back and refill your pond. Natural pond water contains bacteria and microorganisms, helping to form a natural habitat for wildlife.
  6. Monitor the "natural" growth of the pond. Your pond will change over time, developing nutrients, attracting insects and other organisms.
    • Do not remove grass around the pond; Instead, let the grass grow naturally.
    • During the first few years, do not release fish into the pond. The appearance of fish will discourage frogs, snails and many other wildlife.
    • Make pond mud by pouring a layer of topsoil into the pond. You can plant reeds or other aquatic plants like water lilies to aid in the growth of other species.

Method 3 of 3: Make Aquariums

  1. Digging the pond. The ornamental pond usually has many levels for a waterfall and there is room for pumps. If you are using electrical equipment, you will need to dig a pond close to your home for electricity. Dig out the desired size and depth with a shovel.
    • If you plan to use a pump, dig a hole about 25 cm deep in the center of the pond.
    • Make a second layer for aquatic plants by digging a shallower layer along the perimeter of the pond.
    • You can use the prefabricated pond molds available from a garden specialist store. This type of mold is usually bean-shaped and has many layers. If you decide to use the mold, adjust the pit accordingly.
  2. Pond lining. The first liner is sand, covering all cracks. Next, line the pond with a layer of biodegradable material such as newspaper or burlap. Finally a waterproof material sheet. The final liner must cover the entire pond bed and pond banks.
  3. Install pump and other equipment. If using a pump, you must place the pump in the deepest middle layer and the pump hose should extend over the pond surface. You can install a filter or a foam cleaner. Contact the device manufacturer for detailed installation instructions.
    • Do not place the pump directly on the ground as the pump may get entangled in the soil or the trash may fall into the pond as the pump is located in the deepest part of the pond. Place the pump on top of a bucket or pot at least 8.62 cm high.
  4. Making shore. Cut the pond lining so that only 12 cm is excess on the edge of the pond. Dig a small groove underneath the lining, beam up the lining and place a flat, heavy stone on top. You can use rocks from the river to make pond banks.
    • Make sure that the rock is placed into the trench about 10 cm deep, so that it is approximately as high as the pond surface when full.
    • If the rock is large and heavy, you don't need a mortar.But if the stone is light and small, you should use mortar to fix the stone to prevent the stone from falling off when someone stands up.
    • If you install a waterfall generator, you should insert the surrounding rock.
    • Creativity: you can shape with stones, or use stones of many shapes, sizes and colors to highlight the garden.
  5. Water pump. Use pipes to pump water into the pond until it is full to the shore but it has not overflowed. Test the pumps and appliances you have installed to make sure they are working properly.
  6. Aquatic gardening. Plant water lilies, reeds and other aquatic plants in the pond. Each plant has its own requirements, so make sure the environment you create is suitable for the species of plant you want to grow. For example, some plants are not suitable for moving water, so you should not plant them directly where the waterfall is located.
  7. Release the goldfish. Go to the aquarium store near your house and buy some goldfish to put in the pond. Find out which species of goldfish are best suited for. Do not stock too many fish as they can harm your aquatic plants.
    • If you have a good balance between your plants and fish, you don't need a filter. If you have too much fish, you may need to consider installing a filter to handle the waste they generate.
    • Koi carp are different from goldfish, and they require a special pond type. Please refer to the article on how to make a pond for Koi carp for detailed information.


  • Water hyacinth, when it grows well, has the effect of taking away nutrients from algae, thereby keeping pond water clean.
  • The nursery near your home is a great place to find aquatic plants, rocks, statues, and fountains kit for your pond.
  • Do not stock fish until the temperature and pH in the pond is stable after a few days.
  • Remember, a fish pond is not good for wildlife as the fish will eat frogs, toads and newt eggs. Therefore, you need to consider which animals you want to have in your pond.
  • A pet store close to home may be a great place to buy fish. However, you should call them before you arrive to make sure they have the fish you need. Large pond fish species often run out of stock very quickly and sometimes, small shops don't even sell them.


  • When buying an aquarium plant, make sure the plant is not toxic to fish and other pets.
  • Understand local regulations for safety in relation to ponds. Some localities may stipulate that ponds with a certain depth must have surrounding fences.