Ways to Make Money Online

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
😱 Easy Way to Earn Money Online | Earn Money Online 2022 | Ways to Make Money Online
Video: 😱 Easy Way to Earn Money Online | Earn Money Online 2022 | Ways to Make Money Online


Although the global market has not reached the ideal level of the movie "Jetson" with people flying to the office by spaceship, it has grown to the point of attaching people to computers. Here are a few ways to help you make money online as well as tips for anyone looking to succeed in the online world.


Method 1 of 5: Fast Ways to Make Money Online

  1. Trading in domain names. Domain names are like priceless real estate and some people live off buying and selling them. The usual strategy is to use Google Adwords to find trending keywords and use this information to buy domain names that you think will be in high demand in the future. However, since the short, or easy to remember domain names are all owned, you will still be lucky to buy domain names consisting of random letters and they will most likely coincide with the name of a certain person or company. Then the time comes, they'll come to you to buy. (For example the website CPC.com was sold for over $ 200,000 when Contract Pharmaceutical Corporation decided to open it. Not bad with three letters.) For more advice read How to buy a domain name cheaply .

  2. Do online surveys. Although this work does not bring much income, they do not take time and can gradually accumulate into relatively cash when you need it. Read the article "Ways to Make Money With Free Online Surveys".
  3. Make audio subtitles. Websites are getting better and better by offering subtitles to people with reduced hearing, so the profession of captioning is becoming more attractive. Subtitles are inexpensive but easy to do, quick and effortless. Visit the eLance or oDesk websites to find open caption jobs.

  4. Sound editing. If you know how to use audio editing software, you can edit live internet broadcasts or interviews before posting them online. Again, try looking for opportunities at eLance or oDesk sites.
  5. Join contests. Since you won't make anything unless your product wins, look for lots of contests free in an area where you have your product (eg photo, logo making, background design) and submit it to as many places as possible. It may take a day to pay off all but a few small successes (or better yet, a big one) will be enough to make up for it. These experiences can steer you in a new creative direction. advertisement

Method 2 of 5: Make money through Online Marketing

  1. Do affiliate marketing. This is a great way to make money advertising products or services to others without having to use a warehouse. Affiliate ads are often mounted on your website / blog / page through linked articles (your article content should therefore be strong and persuasive and careful to avoid considered spam ads), in-video ads (if you are funny or able to act), or less common ways such as billboards on the website (though ineffective as people often avoid they are like an epidemic). If necessary, you can also do affiliate marketing without a separate website (eg by uploading a video to a youtube page with a link to the product). Check sites like Commission Junction to find out which products or services are in need of affiliate marketing.
    • If you get lots of hits, you can use click-based advertising. Although this method does not bring a lot of money per click, the total number of visitors will bring a significant income for you.
    • If you have compelling content, you can use per-purchase advertising, which will give you a matching commission (fixed amount or deal-based sales) each when a visitor to your site makes a purchase at the affiliate.
  2. Make customers shop mystery. Many people have known mysterious customers in the real world, but with the form of online business, mysterious customers online are also increasingly popular. If you're just getting started, be prepared to face the cost of shopping as the rebate you get will depend on whether you can become a qualified mystery customer.
  3. Please do webinar advertising. This is a form of online seminar marketing - the advantage is that it is a lot cheaper than the real one and doesn't need to be repeated. If you specialize in an area and someone else is willing to pay to learn, record your own talk in professional locations (usually in conference rooms or other places depending on the owner. deals), then upload it to your website and advertise.
  4. Job recommendation for professional people. If you know qualified and ethical people, refer them to a potential and relevant company. If that person is hired, you will earn between fifty and several thousand dollars, depending on the location. Check pages like ReferEarns or WhoDoYouKnowForDough for more information. advertisement

Method 3 of 5: Monetize Online Content

  1. Selling music. A few years ago, Radiohead announced selling their latest album through its own website and making money - for a donation. Your music product may not be as good as Radiohead, but a lot of small, independent products and even big names are following this trend. When released, a small amount of sales without intermediaries can be more profitable than most musicians who have to go through record middlemen who "have the right" to share the profits.
  2. Become a freelance designer. Design a website that shows your category and build a list of clients by looking for jobs in the classified ads. Although it takes a long time to do it this way, you can set your own price and not have to share the profit with the graphic design company.
  3. Sell ​​selfies. This is both a way to make money and maintain a personal preference. Some people search for selfies using keywords, and you will do the same thing, thinking you post quality, searchable photos. The photos uploaded are your work done and while each sale doesn't make much, expensive photos accumulate substantial monthly income. iStockphoto, ShutterStock and Fotolia are a few good places to go.
  4. Sell ​​e-books. Not everyone is able to write books, and if you find a creative way to solve a problem and you want to pay for the answer yourself, a book on that topic is waiting. welcome you. Browse the available information and look for people writing similar issues in the forums. Don't waste time writing a book on an issue where everyone can easily find an answer, or about what you want specifically for those who can't do anything.
  5. Selling apps. In a market of millions of users, $ 1 or $ 2 per sale can bring in huge amounts of money. If you have a great idea but don't know how to code, hire a developer. Make sure you've consulted similar ideas; seek to take advantage of your competitiveness and abide by the terms of the company where the device runs your application.
  6. Reply. Lots of small businesses, websites and marketers need good content articles and expensive keywords to get more traffic. Since you have no starting experience, write 200 to 300 words in advance. As you become more mature and experienced, you can charge more. If you are a professional writer, you can submit articles to mainstream publishing organizations. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Make Money From Selling Online

  1. Let's create an online store. Selling online is especially helpful if you have unique items that are not attractive enough to maintain a regular store, whereas everyday items cannot improve better with the online sales channel. If you are not web savvy or have trouble maintaining a website, you can create an online store at eBay or CafePress (free). If not, you can hire someone to design for you or you can even do it yourself.
  2. Let's create a virtual store in the game. Contrary to popular expectations, a lot of people sell virtual items in online games and have made real money. Just create a profile picture and set up a store, you can do business with other players (or use to advertise your real business). Of course, you have to find a game that allows you to do that and pay to install it, but once you get into the world in the game, you have access to a sea of ​​people from many different ages and from many parts of the world. world. MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games) are the series that are very suitable for this. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Tips for Working Online

  1. Make a good first impression no matter what kind of online you are following. With any business, your brand (website, store, category, etc.) has to capture the attention of the user, and engage them to learn more. A strong brand includes an intelligent and insightful handwriting, offering description, product overview, news, information and feedback opportunities (call to action).
    • Differentiate your product / service from the competition. Find out what sets your business apart by focusing on the particular brand, product or service package that will solve the customer's problem. Emphasize these differentiating factors to position your brand differently from the rest.
    • Please remain friendly and approachable. You want to invite your customers to interact with you, so make sure the information or materials shared on your website or directory convey friendliness to foster communication and interaction with your customers. friend.
    • There is a solid contract with the partner company. Enlist the help of an attorney or hire an attorney to review the contract with the partner company to know how you will be paid and the basis of the calculation. (for example, based on work done, hard sales, sign-ups, conversions, visits to your partner company page from your site, etc.).
    • Follow your customers closely after the first interaction. Because you don't communicate directly with your customers, you need to be proactive online (but not sneaky). After your first meeting with a client, send a thank you note after a few days to remind the guest of your meeting. Be open to further questions and let potential visitors know that you are happy to serve him / her.
  2. Optimize your skills and knowledge to create an engaging online interface. Even though you are a great salesman or designer, you may not know how to apply your competencies to your online business.
    • Take a course on search engine optimization (SEO). Whether studying online or studying at a community college, learning SEO is an important step towards a successful online business. Learning SEO will teach you how to position your brand or get higher rankings on Google so that your website comes up first when a customer searches.
    • Business planning. Even if you write for yourself, creating a plan will give you specific directions and goals, help you stay focused and follow the plan.
    • Seek advice from the experts.Or if you have friends or colleagues who make money online successfully, leverage her / his knowledge and experience. Find out what worked well or what was tested that failed. Try to take lessons and knowledge to help you build your online business.
  3. Make sure you have the determination and concentration to work independently. If you have a desire to make money online successfully, you need to spend time and effort developing it.
    • Check out your financial needs. Do you need to make a large income or just care to make a little more money? The amount of money it takes will determine the time and effort you put into making your online business successful.
    • Calculate the amount of time that can be spent on your online work. Are you a housewife with 2 kids in school who need a lot of care and chores daily, or are you just a single mom with no strings attached (or in between two extremes )? Estimate how many hours you can spend working and how much you would like to earn. Usually with many types of jobs, the first few years take a lot of your time and effort, especially when you are building a client list.
    • Be honest about your work habits. Are you a highly independent worker, motivating yourself to stay focused without your boss checking it, or are you easily distracted by phones, children, and other noisy environmental factors? Working online takes a lot of motivation and focus to reach your goals of making money.


  • Test yourself before signing up for any online program. If the company asks to pay money for a start-up or gives you a deal, check for yourself by going through the Client Report and other company reviews. Fraudulent online companies, always disguised as honest companies can give you a little bit of initial money seemingly quickly and then leave you with your mess.