How to Control Your Underarms More sweat and odor

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Stop Underarm Sweating and Funky Odor Fast – Baking Soda Magical Hacks
Video: How to Stop Underarm Sweating and Funky Odor Fast – Baking Soda Magical Hacks


Sweating is the body's natural process of regulating body temperature during exercise or exposure to hot environments. Although sweating too much can be embarrassing, most people do not suffer from underarm sweating. This phenomenon affects only 2.9% of the population). Those who do not suffer from increased sweating can take the following steps easily at home to reduce problems related to sweat and body odor.


Method 1 of 2: Control Underarm Sweating

  1. Use antiperspirants. Sweating is a natural way for your body to cool down on its own in many cases. While sweating is normal and certainly healthy, in many situations you won't want to sweat, for example, when you're on a date or having an important presentation. The aluminum compounds in antiperspirants clog your pores and prevent sweat from being released.
    • If you find yourself sweating so much that an over-the-counter antiperspirant can't handle it, you can talk to your doctor to prescribe other antiperspirants. Please use this product every night; It may take a week for you to see the difference.
    • If you prefer to prevent perspiration with natural products over chemicals, try rubbing a potato under your arm. The starch in the potato will clog the pores to reduce the amount of sweat secreted. Applying cornstarch over the armpits also has a similar effect.

  2. Eat a healthy and balanced diet to keep a healthy weight. Obese people sweat more often than others because they need more energy to move. The skin folds will keep sweat from accumulating and increase body odor, while also causing the growth of bacteria.
  3. Wear cool material. The cypress synthetic material in the underarm area will make you sweat more. Natural materials - cotton, wool, and silk - help clear your skin.
    • The exception is some synthetic materials, especially those used for sportswear, that have been developed to absorb moisture from your skin. Buying sportswear made from these materials will help reduce sweat production.

  4. Reduce stress. Both emotionally and physically stressful situations make your body sweat more. Learn stress reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, affirmation, listening to music, getting enough sleep, and eating a balanced diet.
    • It also includes the complete elimination of emotionally stressful situations in your life, such as those related to work or relationships.

  5. Avoid using foods and drinks that make you sweat more. Caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, garlic, curry and onions can increase your sweat intake. Try to minimize foods or drinks containing these ingredients.
  6. Minimize food or other hot situations in the body. Women in menopause often experience hot flashes — caffeine and lack of sleep, for example — that lead to increased sweating. Avoid these stimuli to reduce the amount of sweat secreted.
  7. See your doctor for advice on the basic circumstances that make you sweat a lot. Increased sweating can be a symptom of serious medical conditions. See your doctor to rule out the possibility of the following conditions:
    • Diabetes (or blood sugar imbalance)
    • Endocarditis
    • Diffuse anxiety disorder
    • HIV virus
    • Increased sweating (excessive sweating)
    • Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid)
    • Tuberculosis
    • Blood cancer
    • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
    • Some medications can also cause you to sweat more. If there are symptoms related to the new medication you are taking, ask your doctor about similar medicines that do not cause sweating.
  8. Consult a dermatologist about medical treatments. If none of the steps above solved your perspiration problem, you can consult a dermatologist for medical options. Your doctor and dermatologist will only consider medical options if you are truly diagnosed with increased sweating (excessive sweating). Current options include:
    • Botox injection means the use of botulinum toxin to reduce sweat excretion from the body in the underarm area. This will prevent the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, temporarily reducing sweat production. This is an effective treatment, but it is quite expensive.
    • Sweat gland removal surgery, this is surgery for outpatients using anesthetics.
    • Microwave pyrolysis, used to destroy the sweat glands with microwave energy. This method is done in two sessions, each lasting 20-30 minutes and these sessions three months apart.
    • Ionization therapy, which uses electrical current to reduce the amount of sweat.
    • Prescription oral medications work to systematically curb sweating. These drugs include anticholinergics such as glycopyrrolate, oxybutynin, benztropine, propanthelin, and more.
    • Sympathectomy is removed, with the surgeon blocking nerve signals from your body to your sweat glands. This is a major surgery and the patient is hospitalized. Side effects include loss of sensation in the underarms, low blood pressure, loss of heat resistance, and even an irregular heartbeat.

Method 2 of 2: Underarm Odor Control

  1. Find out what causes underarm odor. Your body has two distinct types of sweat glands - the whole and the first. The first sweat glands are concentrated in the thick hair follicles, and they are the sweat glands associated with your underarms. However, there are no sweat glands that cause body odor. Sweat is made up of water and salt, and the smell of sweat comes from a mixture of sweat and bacteria that naturally live on your skin.
  2. Identify times and circumstances in which you smell sweat. Since sweat itself does not have an unpleasant odor, you will notice specific situations when you sweat without the accompanying odor. Identify specific situations in which you notice sweat.
    • Some of the most common are after exercising, when you have not showered, changed, or when you eat spicy foods or alcohol.
  3. Bathe daily. Daily bathing will reduce the growth of bacteria on your body, the potential cause of body odor. You should also shower after intense physical activity such as playing sports or exercising in the gym, because the excess sweat secreted during exercise will create a breeding ground for bacteria.
  4. Change clothes every day. Besides taking a shower every day, you should also change clothes every day. When the shirt touches the underarm area, bacteria will spread from the skin to the underarms, and will create an unpleasant odor if you wear the shirt for several days in a row.
  5. Use deodorants. Deodorants are over-the-counter products that remove unpleasant odors and let your sweat release cool off. Deodorants are often alcohol, making your skin acidic and preventing bacteria.
    • If you prefer a natural alternative to deodorant, you can use white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or fresh lemon for your underarms, as they also affect the pH of your underarms and decrease growth rate of bacteria. You can mix them (especially vinegar) with a few drops of essential oils you like, as this mixture will also bring a very strong scent to your body.
  6. Shave your armpits. Many guys will make fun of this idea, but thick armpit hair will create a large space for odor-causing bacteria to multiply. By reducing your overall bacteria intake, you also reduce body odor.
    • Even if you are opposed to shaving the entire armpit area, you can still trim the hair off, which is better than doing nothing.
  7. Avoid foods and drinks that increase body odor. The food you eat can affect your natural scent, and get worse when you sweat. Common foods that cause an unpleasant body odor include garlic, onions, curry, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages. Temporarily remove these items from your diet, or at least minimize them as much as possible to check if there is any change in your body odor.
    • Even an imbalance in vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and zinc, in the diet can cause a heavy body odor.
  8. Eat more vegetables. In addition to avoiding certain foods, eat certain foods to reduce unpleasant body odors. Foods high in chlorophyll (green vegetables) have been shown to have potential for reducing body odor.
  9. Stay hydrated. Food that affects your body odor will have a much worse effect when you are dehydrated. When you drink a lot of water, your body will have maximum capacity to remove waste without increasing body odor. advertisement


  • Try to separate yourself from the specific factors that lead to excessive sweating and / or body odor to get rid of them completely.


  • Do not stop taking any medicine that you suspect is affecting your body odor before consulting your doctor.