Ways to encourage others to love themselves

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Help Someone Love Themselves 😍
Video: How to Help Someone Love Themselves 😍


Self-love is sometimes mistaken for selfishness or pride. However, it is very important to mental health and is often overlooked. If you want to tell someone to love themselves, help them build their self-esteem, and offer advice to always reflect on negative thoughts. Additionally, explain to them how to practice self-love by maintaining both physical and mental health.


Method 1 of 3: Build self-esteem

  1. Emphasize that they shouldn't feel guilty about loving themselves. Some people think that loving yourself is selfish, and seeing yourself well is arrogant. If the person you are supporting feels guilty about loving himself, emphasize that there is nothing wrong with seeing yourself well.
    • Explain that healthy self-love involves recognizing your strengths, accepting your weaknesses, and being proud of your accomplishments.
    • Distinguishing healthy self-love from bragging about your accomplishments to make others feel ashamed can be a sign of low self-esteem.
    • Reminder that taking care of themselves is part of loving yourself. For example, taking a break from working to avoid exhaustion is not selfish. You need to maintain physical and mental health.
    • Remind them that loving yourself is not selfish. Instead, help them understand that it's seeing themselves well enough. It means loving and taking care of themselves, and doing so makes it easier for them to support others when needed.

  2. Tell them to list their good qualities. Let them write down their talents, positive qualities, and interests. For example gardening, having a sense of humor, being good at a sport.
    • If it is difficult for them to come up with positive qualities, tell them what you admire about them. Say “You have many good qualities! This hard-working friend, this good tennis player, is always actively helping this family and friends ”.
    • Encourage them to focus on positive qualities, but don't be bossy or give advice when not asked.

  3. Explain that self-esteem doesn't have to be based on the views of others. Tell the person you are supporting that self-esteem comes from both the outside and the inside. From the outside is based on the judgment of others and superficial rather than from the inside.
    • Tell them, “Self-esteem should come from within, not from others. Instead of wanting to achieve achievement for others to think you are smart, make an effort to achieve your personal goals or because you value knowledge.
    • Say, “There's nothing wrong with enjoying being praised by others, but don't let other people's judgment shape you. Like a situation where people laugh because you learn the piano. You love playing the piano and you appreciate music, so their acknowledgment shouldn't have any role here.

  4. Remind them not to compare themselves to others. Each person has different abilities, qualities, and passions, so acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses. Don't feel disappointed with yourself because others are skilled.
    • Say, "It's not good to be jealous of others or getting angry at yourself. Rejoice for others because they have a talent that you admire. Don't blame yourself for not being able to. Instead, remember that you have your own strengths ”.
    • Encourage them to do things at hand like improving their physique or time management skills. However, if they want to be a great fitness trainer but can't master a technique, let's say they have to accept the fact they can't be good at everything.
    • Spending too much time on social media can cause unhealthy comparisons. If necessary, tell them to limit their online time.
  5. Encourage them to help others and volunteer for activities they enjoy. In addition to guiding them to be positive, encourage them to help others when possible. Helping a loved one and participating in charitable work are a sure-fire way to gradually get rid of your inferiority complex.
    • For example, they can help a friend or family member learn something or join them in home decoration and repair work. They can also volunteer for an activity they enjoy, such as at animal rescue centers, cooking for the poor, or mentoring programs for young people.
    • Tell them, “It can be difficult to keep negative thoughts when you help others. It is difficult to convince yourself that you are a bad person when in fact you helped others have a better day ”.

Method 2 of 3: Fight with negative thoughts

  1. Explain how to recognize and direct negative thoughts. Suggest that they stop thinking like "I'm not good enough", or "I can never do this." Tell them to tell themselves, "Stop now! Those are negative, unprofitable thoughts, I can change my mind ”.
    • Ask them, "Can you tell a best friend," You're a bad person "or criticize them badly? Often you will use a much more pleasant way of telling your friends what to do. Instead of negative thoughts, treat yourself as you would your friends.
    • Suggest that they replace negative thoughts with more neutral or realistic ones. For example, instead of "I am stupid, I can never do well in math", say "This subject is difficult for me, but I will try to learn better". This will help them develop a more positive mindset.
    • Make sure your friend likes to hear advice about negative thought management. If they're not excited, let them have more time, don't push them.
  2. Remind them that negative situations are not there forever. Tell them that you know the obstacles in life seem irreversible, irreversible, and ubiquitous. Encourage them to think in the optimistic direction instead of letting yourself be absorbed in it.
    • Tell them, “Absolute and negative thinking is not constructive at all. Instead of thinking "I can never do it," tell yourself, "If I do, I can improve," or "There are things I can't do well, and that's okay." .
    • Say, “Bad things seem to be everywhere, but nothing is forever. Think about the times you tackled tough problems. Things got better and better; Tell yourself, "This too will pass".
    • Encourage them by saying “Please do your best to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You have overcome a lot of things, you become stronger when you conquer past challenges ”.
  3. Assure the person that everyone makes mistakes. Ask them to forgive themselves for their mistakes, from stupid words to intentional wrongdoing. Instead of dipping into the past, advise them to see their mistakes as an opportunity to grow.
    • Many people lose sleep because of making mistakes in front of people or making embarrassing words. If the person you are advising with is drowning in mistakes, tell them “Everyone has done shameful things. You cannot change the past, try to think of it in a funny way ”.
    • Say “If you mess things up or make the wrong decision, don't dwell on what you should be doing. Learn from mistakes, move forward, working hard not to repeat them later ”.
  4. Tell them to accept what is beyond their control. Self-acceptance can be difficult, but it is an essential part of healthy self-love. Advise them to be proud of what they have done, work to improve if possible, and understand that there are things that surpass their capabilities.
    • For example, they may criticize themselves for things in their control, such as not concentrating on work or study. They can improve by spending more time studying, hiring tutors, pursuing career development opportunities, or asking their supervisors to advise on how to work more effectively.
    • However, everyone has to be realistic about the limits they can control. For example, you might say, “You might feel sad about not being able to play the lead in a school play. Accordingly, this character is low, and you are too tall. Then there will be another chance that works for you ”.

Method 3 of 3: Practice Self-Care

  1. Discuss the importance of a strong help system. When someone feels depressed, loved ones help them see the bigger picture. Tell the person friends and family will love the person no matter what. Plus, it's important to stay with those who are positive and supportive.
    • They should avoid people who tire them or are critical of them. Instead, cultivate relationships with people who value and encourage them.
  2. Give them tips for maintaining overall health. When someone loves themselves, they make an effort to take care of their health. On the contrary, feeling healthy helps them to perceive themselves in a positive way, thereby motivating them to love themselves.
    • Advise them to eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, whole proteins and whole grains.
    • Suggest that they exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Types of exercise include brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and yoga.
    • Telling them to rest is important, and that they should get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  3. Suggest them to do activities that make them happy. Tell them to make time for hobbies and to allow themselves to relax. Whether it's reading or hiking, do whatever it takes to nurture your love.
    • If they say they have no interests or interests, suggest or remind them of their passions. For example, you could say “I know you have a dog; You can take it to new parks or explore strange roads. Or maybe take part in dog training classes ”.


  • Always remember not to give too much advice when not asked. Don't give orders, be sure the other person wants to listen, and hold back if they aren't interested.
  • If the person is unable to see themselves in a positive way, they may need counseling. Advise them to see a specialist if they quit routine activities, are always sad, or you suspect they will hurt themselves.
  • Advise them to think about relationships. Think someone in their life makes them feel down or do things that make them think negatively about themselves? If so, advise them to stay away or limit the amount of time they spend with them.