Ways to Make the Person Like You

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Tips to Make Others Like You IMMEDIATELY
Video: 6 Tips to Make Others Like You IMMEDIATELY


If you are in love with someone and want them to like you too, there are things you can do to get their attention. First, try to be friends with your ex by helping out and exploring their interests and interests. Next, do not forget to show off your great points such as fashion style, confidence and a sense of humor. By showing your crush on your crush by smiling and making eye contact, over time your ex may like you too.


Method 1 of 3: Build friendships

  1. Share your concerns with the person so they get to know you more. Tell your significant other what you enjoy, like playing a sport, learning a new language, or spending time outdoors. Sharing the things you like and dislike will help your ex get to know you better and realize what you have in common.

    For example, invite the person to a basketball game If you enjoy watching basketball either Tell them about the fundraising activity you are running to help your favorite charity.

  2. Find out their passions. It could be music, sports, books or hobbies. Finding out what your crush likes will give you information to talk to them about and find common interests between you two.
    • For example, maybe they enjoy volunteering in nursing homes, drawing and making furniture.
    • To find out what their passion is, ask them what they like, ask one of their friends or check out their profile on social media.

  3. Ask questions about their hobbies and life. This is one of the best ways to show your interest in someone and become closer to them. Ask the person about your family, pets, hobbies, or anything else that helps you get to know them more. This way, your ex will know that you care about their life.
    • For example, you might ask them what major they want to study in college, what their pet's name is, or how they learned to play the guitar.
    • Ask questions that encourage them to ask about your life so you can get to know each other better.

  4. Spend plenty of time with the person. The more time you spend with someone, the more likely they will notice you. Go out with your crush more, regardless of whether it's with a large group, with a few other friends, or just two.

    Do some other activities when you are togetherLike going to the movies, walking in the park with a few friends or eating lunch together.

  5. Pay attention to listen to gradually become a firm support of that person. This means behave like a good listener by looking at the person while they speak and avoiding interrupting them. Try to remember what they told you so they know that you are really listening and want to hear them say more.
    • Be ready to listen when your ex tells you about a bad day, exciting accomplishment, or anything else in their mind.
    • When you are chatting with them via text or social media, you should respond quickly with thoughtful content.
    • For example, if the person says they like a particular singer, you can let them know the singer's upcoming performance to show that you've listened to their concerns.
  6. Make friends with the person's friends. If your ex's friends think you are an interesting person, he probably thinks so too. You can suggest a group outing like going to a movie, attending a sports match or going to a friend's house. Going out as a group will help you and your significant other feel more comfortable.
    • Find out about the person's interests through their friends to get to know them more and find common ground between the two of you.
    • Making friends with his or her friends is a way for friends to talk well about you in front of your ex.
    • Be careful not to flirt with your ex's friends because this makes it difficult for the parties to understand.

Method 2 of 3: Flirting with the person

  1. Show off your funny and interesting side. If your significant other finds you in a good mood, they'll want to spend time with you to feel good. Tell your crush funny stories about you or just relax and relax around them to show your humor.

    Gently push or gently touch the person as a way joke and flirt. You can also show wit or say a few jokes when you are with the person or text them.

  2. Compliment the things you like about the person. Maybe he was an excellent basketball player, always doing well in math, or very funny. Let your crush know what you like them about as a way to help them gain more confidence and hint at you like them.
    • For example, you could say, "You are so funny!" or "I saw you playing basketball yesterday - you're really good!"
    • You can also say that you like their smile, their outfit, or their personality.
  3. Keep a little bit of a mystery. Instead of telling your ex all about you, take it easy and let them know little by little about you. The fact that you constantly talk about yourself will overwhelm the person. Instead, share only a little bit of information at a time so they want to hear more.

    If that person ask about your life, such as: "What do you like to do in your spare time?", you will answer questions and ask another question to let the conversation go on naturally.

  4. Always smile. Smiling instantly makes you look brighter - a simple way to attract your crush. Smile more when you are with the person, even if you don't talk to them face to face. This will naturally make you look and feel happier!
    • Smile when you see them in the hallway or when you talk to them.
    • If you text or use social media, send them a smiley.
  5. Always be confident instead of acting out of the ordinary just to impress your crush. Don't pretend to be interested in things you don't like in order to make the person like you. When you are yourself, you will be more confident in pretending to be confident, helping your ex to notice you more.
    • Share your passions with your crush so they know what you're interested in and what you two have in common.
    • Remember that she / he is just a normal person and that you don't need to be too nervous around them.

Method 3 of 3: Show your affection

  1. Make eye contact to show that you like them. When the person looks at you, look him in the eye for a few seconds before looking away. Looking into the person's eyes for longer is a sign that you keep your eye on them and also makes them "flutter."
    • When you are talking to your crush, make eye contact with them.
    • If your ex catches you looking at them, keep looking at them for a few seconds and smiling.
  2. Lean towards them while talking. This is a gesture that shows you care about what they say or do. Whether sitting across from them or standing away from them, lean toward them to show your attention.
    • For example, if you are not at the same table as them in class, lean toward them as you ask questions or tell them your story.
    • Pointing your body toward someone is a sign that you are interested.
  3. Text her after school. Your ex may not realize you are keeping an eye on them when you are just talking to them at school, but asking for their phone number and texting them after class shows that you really care about chatting. with them. Text your crush to talk about homework, after-school activities, or your weekend plans.
    • If she has a social network like Facebook or Instagram, message them here.
    • Don't send them too many texts, though - you don't want them to be shocked.
    • You can text that person something like "What do you think about today's test?" or "What are you going to do this weekend?"
  4. See you privately. If you often see the person in the presence of others, they may not realize that you really like them. Try asking them if they want to go out alone, like going to the movies, eating out, or going to a school event together.
    • Try to make a clear desire to see the person alone. You could say, "Would you like to hang out with me from time to time?"
  5. Express your feelings if you want to know their feelings for you. If you really like the person and want to know if they have feelings for you, show your feelings! Even if they don't reciprocate your feelings, you will feel better because you already know the answer.
    • Try to speak directly to them when the other people are not available so you can talk comfortably.
    • If you feel too nervous to speak in person, you can text them. Be wary of what you say, as messages can be saved.


  • Avoid keeping your eyes on your phone while you're around.
  • Invite a few more friends when you want to hang out with your crush but are too nervous to meet them in person.
  • Praise the person for showing your attention to them.
  • Try to speak honestly and let your ex know how you feel - maybe they'll reciprocate your feelings!
  • Pay attention to your posture by sitting or standing upright with your shoulders relaxed and avoiding hunching over.
  • Choose clothes that show your fashion sense.
  • Don't be too obvious. If you scare the other person, they won't pay attention to you.