How to make a guy want to talk to you

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


When you have a crush on a guy, you will often want to talk to him. There are a number of ways you can start and bond with him so you can both talk as much as you want. Initially, you can reach him using social media to like his post and learn about his interests and style. Then, you can use a cheerful sentence to start a conversation. A good way to maintain his interest is to get to know him more by asking about his point of view, doing activities with him, and building in-depth conversation. In general, making him want to talk to you on a regular basis revolves around finding out how to treat him like a friend and flirting while getting to know each other.


Method 1 of 3: Build the original link

  1. Use a funny or cheerful way to speak out what you observed. One way to start a conversation is to pay attention to what's going on around you. Find out about something in your surroundings that you can make funny comments about. For example, if it's time for lunch but the food isn't ready yet and the two of you are waiting in the sun, you could say a silly saying like, “Do you think they'll give them water? Did we wait like this, or did they just want us to die of thirst? ”. Men find mischief to be quite attractive to women, and it will give you something to bond with.
    • Even if you don't think of yourself as a funny person, you can be mischievous.
    • This mischievousness will keep your conversation fun and pressure-free.
    • Remember that starting a conversation is the most important thing. Don't worry too much about your talking. You should focus on maintaining the story.

  2. Show him that you're enjoying the conversation. One way to get a guy into a conversation with you is to show that you have a great time talking with him. Some ways you can show that you are happy are making eye contact, smiling often, sincerely laughing, and leaning over a little while chatting. While you are talking, you can tilt your head to one side, smile and touch your hair, neck, or clothes. But don't overthink, just be natural. Your nonverbal language should show that you are having a good time.
    • Let him know you would like to text him if you have a texting habit. For example, you could say something like, "I find texting you fun."

  3. Be confident in who you really are, and enjoy spending time with him. List a few factors that make you a great person. You will be more charismatic when you know why you are great and don't hesitate to show it.
    • Don't be afraid to make mistakes while being with him. Live true to yourself, with bad habits, etc. Relax and laugh when you make mistakes, whoever makes mistakes.
    • Avoid acting like someone else you think he would like instead of himself. Imagine that when someone tried to act in a way just to please you, would you like that? Probably not.
  4. Meet someone who makes you show your best in front of him. Have fun laughing and meeting other people in his presence. Showing that you are cheerful, independent, and have friends of your own is important.
    • It will let him know that friends are important to you and will help him realize who you are when you are with others.
    • It can make him jealous (in a positive sense) and he will probably want to meet you more than before.
  5. Follow him on social media. If you don't have a social media account but he often does use it actively, you should set up one. Like or retweet something he's posted. If you are both on social media, this is a good way to start a conversation. Liking and retweeting his post on social media will help build friendships and give you an idea of ​​what he likes. In addition, liking his post will help you keep track of what's going on with him.
    • After liking some of his posts, you should comment on the post or message him.
    • Avoid liking everything he posts. Pick one or two elements that you really like, and do this at intervals every few days. If you pay attention to him too much, you may seem like you're trying too hard or quite intimidating.
  6. Post on your social media. If you liked or commented on his post, you should post it to show him something you are interested in. He needs to read about your interests as much as you do about him. For example, you can share a beautiful or interesting picture that you have taken, or find funny animations, pictures or quotes from the internet that you can post with a comment about why you like it. .
    • For example, if he posts a lot about a band he likes and both like the same band, you can post their music video or lyrics from one of their songs. follow the comment about why you like it.
    • Live true to yourself. Only post things you really like and be part of who you are. It looks fake if you post something that you haven't been interested in before.
  7. Comment on his post. You should comment on the post as soon as he posts it. If you write a comment soon, he will probably reply to you. Consider complimenting the post, asking a question about it, or commenting on something that interests you.For example, if he posts about your favorite band's performance, you could respond by saying “I'm so jealous that you saw them! Do they perform live music or not? ”.
    • Avoid writing comments too often. You should write comments at intervals.
  8. Pull out if he doesn't seem excited about you. If he looks aloof or aloof and doesn't give you a lot of answers, he may not be excited. Fortunately, there are many other guys who want to chat with you and with whom you can establish great bonds. Instead of seeing the interaction with this guy as a failure, think of it as a good practice to be able to converse with another guy in the future. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Strengthen the bond

  1. Ask him for his opinion on the similarities between the two. Once you've established your first contact, keep texting and chatting with him to make your bond stronger. One way to do this and keep the conversation interesting is to ask for his views on a variety of areas.
    • Regardless of the similarities between the two, whether it's books, movies, food, etc., you should think about open-ended questions or present to him and be able to initiate an interesting conversation. . For example, if you both love Harry Potter, you might ask, "What do you think is the best part of the Harry Potter series?". And you are free to agree or disagree with him. This type of disagreement can be entertaining.
    • You can start by telling him what you have his opinion on, then ask him about it. This question can also be related to the context in which you are present and the action you are taking. For example, if you are eating an apple at lunch, you could say, "I think the Envy apple is the best, but I wonder which apple you like?". Again, being mischievous is a great way to make a conversation more fun, especially if you're talking on a simple topic and keeping the conversation going.
    • Come up with a few different questions you can ask him before you talk because the topic of the story can change more quickly than you think.
  2. Disagree in a playful way and tease him. He'll want to keep chatting with you if you're having a good time chatting. An example of teasing is you raise your eyebrows when he says that his favorite apple is the Red Delicious apple, and you say something silly like, “You mean the best Red Delicious apple? I think not everyone is perfect ”. Men often like this goofy joke because it doesn't pressure and is quite humorous. Jokes are great because the two of you don't have to talk about anything in particular but are still establishing a connection.
    • Practice joking with friends and family. Find miscellaneous things to disprove them. Hilarious disagreement is also good for your other relationships.
  3. Avoid asking questions for which he already knows the answer. Do not use chat questions or get acquainted like "What's the matter?", Or "So where are you from?". These questions are not that interesting, and you will not be able to learn much more about him, as he may answer you in the same way that he has answered many times before. Let him end the conversation with the excitement of wanting to keep talking with you again, so stay away from the casual polite conversation.
  4. Increase his confidence. Everyone wants to feel good about himself, and if you can give him this, he'll want to keep chatting with you. Try to let him know why you like him through small, sincere compliments. You don't have to make matters big - let him know why he's awesome with a casual attitude. Actually, you don't have to exaggerate. For example, when you are walking somewhere and find that he is very good at direction, you could say, "I love it when you seem like you always know the way to where you need to go."
  5. Find out how and when to end a conversation. One way to make your guy want to talk to you more is to end the conversation at the right time. The best way to end a story is to find where you need to go after you have established a good bond, and before the story gets boring. Then, think about why you need to go home, and after laughing or talking about something related, let him know you have to go. Be sure to let him know that you are very happy and look forward to talking to him again.
    • You need to be normal and calm at the end of a conversation. Say something like “I am very happy to chat with you. I think I need to go home and do my homework, but I really want to see you soon ”.
    • Make eye contact with him when you say goodbye. Make eye contact for a little longer and smile more brightly or more subtly.
  6. Regularly send messages afterwards. Depending on your conversation style with the guy you like, the concept of "often" has different meanings. You can start texting him every few days, and depending on whether he responds quickly or slowly, you can text him more often or vice versa. Submit a playful and humorous comment or ask a question to get his interest.
    • For example, you could inquire about what's going on with him like, "Hey, how's the midterm test?".
    • Either let him know about something interesting that happened to you or your day problem related to him. You might say something like, “Do you remember when we had to eat peanut butter sandwiches because the food truck was late? I see Bao is eating all of our lunch ”.
    • Try to text many different messages. Don't just ask about the day or talk about funny things. Try to combine funny questioning and commenting.

Method 3 of 3: Establish Deeper Links

  1. Join him in activities. Some people become attached to others through activities rather than conversation. Maybe he will feel closer to you if you do something together. For example, play sports, play games, or do projects together. Pay attention to the kind of activities he loves and do it with him. For example, if he likes outdoor activities like playing basketball, ask him to show you how to throw a ball in the basket. Or if he likes to play a certain game, please refer to how to play.
    • Even if you don't know how to do an activity that he likes, it could mean a lot to him that you try to learn it.
    • Enjoy hanging out with him. Laugh at your mistakes, ask questions, and talk to other people who are also participating in the activity.
    • Even if he's the guy you love to talk to, doing something together will help build your relationship in a new way.
  2. Find out about his interests and important relationships in life. Some guys may perceive a connection with other girls based on how they feel and how they talk, and even guys who aren't constantly expressing his feelings want to talk to you. about what they care about once they are comfortable with you. After having spent quality time getting to know him, you should come to get to know him on a deeper level. He will feel closer to you and trust you more if you know what he cares about and his life story.
    • It can be great for having this kind of conversation at night. You should ask about his important past times, his important life relationships, and the factors he cares about. .
    • For example, you might ask, "What hobbies mean the most to you and why do you care about it so much?" Or ask, "Which member of your family are you closest to and why?". These are simple questions, but listening carefully will help you have a meaningful conversation with him.
  3. Find a quiet place to chat where you won't be disturbed. When you talk, sit across from him or in a position where you can clearly see your face and hear him clearly. Ask questions and use the following listening skills to build a great conversation with him.
    • Use your body posture to let him know you are listening. Make eye contact, nod and respond with a small tone or gesture as he speaks.
    • Keep the right distance. If you stand too close, you may seem overly excited and feel suffocated. If you stand too far away, you may seem quite distant. You should give him space to talk to, but make sure to adjust your position so you can hear and see him clearly.
    • Summarize the main points of his words. This will let him know that you really understand what he meant. For example, if he talks about his bad day, you can summarize the most important part he said. For example, you could say, "So I mean I don't understand why your brothers behave so illegally until you see what happened to her in school."
    • Please sympathize with his feelings. Empathy means that you can clearly understand the feeling he is experiencing even if you don't share it with him. For example, you can combine repeating the main idea he wants to say and showing sympathy by saying something like, “You must be sad to have to take the test again after you have worked hard like so ”. It's important to let him know that you understand his feelings and why he feels that way.
  4. Express yourself to him. Don't forget to be honest about your feelings. If you really like him, you may feel awkward talking about yourself, but he will build better connections with you if you can talk to him about something that interests you. Tell him about the important relationships in your life, the great experiences you have had to go through, and the good things you love about your life. As described above, make eye contact with him during the conversation, use gestures to express your feelings, and allow your tone to tell you what you want to say. He will be able to connect and take care of you better by having a clear understanding of what's going on with you.
  5. Be with him like a confidant in difficult times. Everyone needs someone to lean on in times of trouble. If you can be this person for him, you will build a strong bond that makes him feel close to you. There are many things you can do to be there for him when it's difficult. For example, if you know that he is struggling with grades and has an unhappy conversation with the teacher, send him a message of encouragement before he meets the teacher. You can say "Good luck - I know you will solve the problem because you can always do it". After he has met the teacher, ask him or her and let him know you will be there if he wants to talk.
    • Sometimes, people want to be distracted when they're going through a tough problem. In this case, you can send him a funny text that makes him laugh.
    • If he tells you he is having a problem, ask if he wants to meet and talk about it. Or you can let him know you'll be there if he just wants to meet up and relax.
    • If you can be with him in a difficult time, your bond will deepen and he will be more likely to reach out to you when he's having a good or sad situation.
  6. Ask him for help. Men often like the feeling of being needed. If you need help with something, let him know, and ask him for help in advance. For example, if you need someone to help you draw posters for an after-school club, you might ask if he has some free days to help you. When he arrives, make sure you have something for him to do. Accomplishing quests together is a great way to bond together in new ways. advertisement


  • See him as the person you want to be your friend with. This way, you will be less nervous, and he will feel more about who you are.
  • Don't stress over him. He's just a guy and a human like you, and maybe he gets stressed out when talking to women too.
  • Don't talk too much about yourself. When you're nervous, it's easier to talk more than usual. Keep this in mind, and always come back to asking him questions if you find that you've been talking for a long time.