How to make a guy feel special

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Make Your Guy Feel Special | James M Sama
Video: 10 Ways to Make Your Guy Feel Special | James M Sama


The notion that only men have to work hard to make their girls feel especially outdated. Nowadays, it is normal for both sexes to show love. Although the guy is different, there are a few basic things you can do to make him remember how important you are to you. Surprise your partner with the following ideas to show your interest.


Method 1 of 2: Pamper the guy

  1. Praise him. Men want to feel like they have a positive impact on their partner. If he tries to do something for you, don't let it go. Praise him now! Let him know you take all the effort and what he means to you.
    • Try to be honest. It's easy to spot an insincere compliment, so don't take the risk of letting this happen to you two. Praise him a little but honestly more than a whole bunch of things easy to forget.
    • Another way to compliment a guy is to pay attention to him. Simply be more focused (especially when the two of you are talking), which shows he is important to you.

  2. Treat what he likes. No one understands him better than you, so choose an activity you're sure he likes. He will appreciate your move. If you want to be more generous, you can spend a night just for him. Cooking example for him - the best option is what he likes. You can play songs he likes when you both have a meal, then watch the movie he likes together. Such small details will really make him feel special.
    • Turning a small gift into a surprise makes everything even more wonderful. For example, putting a pair of tickets in the hand to see your favorite team while they are having dinner. The gift may not be great, but the effort in planning to create a new surprise makes him feel worthwhile.
    • If you take him out to play, don't be afraid to pay - hooking up is not just a man's obligation. You don't have to spend too much money to make him feel special.

  3. Be generous with your love. Say love him, hug him, kiss him a lot, and snuggle - whatever you know he likes. Make him remember he's the perfect partner and you can't find a better one. If he knows you are honest, he or she will feel special.
    • If you want to make him feel special, don't criticize him. If he makes any small mistakes, let it go. Putting it back on romantic occasions only kills the emotion. On the other hand, if he says something malicious or disrespectful, don't keep quiet just because you want him to be happy.

  4. Nice appearance. A close relationship requires more than looks, but it's fine to look a bit pretty. He would be proud to be with a good looking lover when you both go down the street. Dress beautifully, fragrant and look gorgeous in your hand. Whenever his friends or coworkers gasp at your beauty, he will be more proud of being able to date a wonderful lovely girl.
  5. Flirting with him. Men love the feeling of being desired and adored. The best way is to flirt when you're getting to know each other - or even when you've been together for many years. You can compliment the look, play a little push, or make fun of him. But the key must be naturally sincere.
    • Need some flirting ideas? Read our article on flirting for some easy tips.
  6. Caress his ego. Men love having a partner that makes them feel strong and important. You can do that by giving him a chance to "prove himself". It sounds silly, but ask him to help you with some things, even if it's something you can do about it. For example, changing the light bulb or opening the lid of the jar also makes him feel valuable.
    • Some people don't fully understand your moves yet, so praise him when he completes a mission. Just as simple as "Oh, I'm fine!", And a kiss on the cheek will work.

    "Although everyone's opinion is different, in general, men have the need to be more respected, and women like to be loved."

    Elvina Lui, MFT

    Emotional consultant Elvina Lui is a licensed family and marriage therapist specializing in relationship counseling. She received her Master's in Counseling from Western Seminary in 2007 and trained at the Asian Family Institute in San Francisco and New Life Community Services in Santa Cruz. She has more than 13 years of consulting experience and training in harm reduction modeling.

    Elvina Lui, MFT
    Emotional consultant
  7. Show affection by touch. Subtle and light touches can sometimes convey love more effectively than a thousand words. Start touching him as often as possible. For example, when he says something you don't agree with, you can playfully puff him on the head and say "Come on!". When the two of you spend time together, touch him more in an informal way. Touch his shoulder and chest every time you stand up. Stand against his leg as you sit down, rest your hand for a few seconds, before letting go. Say hello or goodbye to me with a hug. Finally, when you are ready to step into your comfort zone, you can kiss him.
    • Every time you touch him, make sure you want it - a forced, dishonest touch won't make him feel special.
    • The "limit" of touch depends on how comfortable the relationship is. Don't force yourself to push things further. Showing affection with cuddles of affection that won't upset you and can help your relationship develop naturally.

Method 2 of 2: Show interest

  1. Be yourself. There's nothing that makes a guy feel more special than a lover showing your true self in front of them, things you wouldn't normally show to others. Be stupid, strange, or wild - whatever is your nature! This shows that you are comfortable with him, and also makes him lower the "shield" a bit.
    • Timing is also important. You should only lower your defense shield when you are sure the two of you like each other, do not immediately show all your bizarre habits, it may cause confusion for the opponent. Instead, show yourself slowly so that both sides have the opportunity to get to know each other's true self.
  2. Be confident. It sounds a bit paradoxical, but if you believe in yourself, the more valuable your guy sees himself. Don't pressure or worry about making him feel special. Instead, just relax and be normal. Be friendly and honestly interested in what he says, but don't force yourself to laugh at jokes that you don't find interesting. Keep eye contact when you talk, smile if he makes you happy. These simple gestures show your confidence in being with him and loving him.
    • On the other hand, gestures like avoiding his eyes, looking down at his feet, or listening to every word he says in an anxious way will backfire. Men are sometimes not good at reading other people's emotions, so if you are nervous, shy or quiet, he will think he did something wrong.
  3. Protect him. Men are often under pressure to have a strong, confident image, so if you can take some of this burden off, he will appreciate. If someone doesn't respect him in public, you don't need to be meek to let him take care of himself. Just confidently stand up to protect him with words and actions. This will make him think you're willing to break your comfort zone and protect him, how much you care about him.
  4. Support when he slips. Men don't have many opportunities to express their worries or thoughts.They have been taught that showing insecurity (like fear, crying ...) is weak. You know that, and let him know you will always be with them. Giving them a hand or shoulder to lean on when life isn't going well will make him feel more special than ever.
    • Some guys will have a hard time expressing their worries and fears right away, so don't feel useless when he shows that everything is okay but clearly something is wrong. Ask for help (even if you are rejected), show that you care and are willing to help. So be ready when he "accepts" asking for you.


  • You may not know: "You can (and should) actively take your boyfriend out". Don't just wait for him to take you on a date. Today, lovers should actively share the obligation to date.
  • There are many different opinions about how to express affection in public. Many guys like to "show off" their love by hugging and kissing their girl in the street, while many guys are embarrassed by this. So if you're not sure about this with him, ask them straight. Also pay attention to the attitude when you make a public gesture like that - he might say he likes it but blushes in embarrassment when you do so.