How to make your boyfriend love you

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
8 Habits That Make Your Boyfriend Love You Less
Video: 8 Habits That Make Your Boyfriend Love You Less


While you can't force your boyfriend to fall in love with you, you can definitely make an effort to be a sexier girl and build a strong relationship with him. The most important thing is to live true to yourself and let things go the way they are. If you are understanding, considerate and know how to live a happy life, the relationship will soon reach new heights before you know it.


Part 1 of 3: Making a great girlfriend

  1. Make your boyfriend feel satisfied with himself. One of the best things a girlfriend can do is to make a boyfriend feel that he's amazing, handsome, smart, and attractive. Even though every girl gets mad at her boyfriend at times, you shouldn't be nagging or complaining about things you don't like about him; focus on complimenting on your boyfriend's good personality and at the same time encouraging him to show his best.
    • If your boyfriend feels like he loves himself every time he is with you, he will definitely want to spend more time with you. On the contrary, if he feels disappointed, he will naturally not want to see you.

  2. Never stop romance. If you want the relationship between the two to always be fresh and exciting, you must always remember the romance in the early days of your date. Even if you can't be sweet and romantic all day long, try to show your loveliness and affection and show your boyfriend what he means to you to stay passionate. Here are some actions you can take:
    • Write down sweet notes to leave when you're away so your boyfriend understands that you care about him.
    • Send a cute text when he's busy all day.
    • Plan a romantic date night at least twice a month, and try to dress well.
    • Give him a passionate kiss. Do not kiss in the form of a daily task.
    • Give your boyfriend the love he needs. Even if the two of them had just gone through a long, tiring day, just cuddling can ignite that fire.

  3. Explore new activities together. To make your life more happy, you can try doing many activities together, so you will never run out of joy. It could be a trip to a new place, exploring an unprecedented neighborhood in the city, enrolling in a dance class together, or reading a book together. When working and playing together, the two of you will bond more and love each other more.
    • You don't have to be constantly looking for new activities. Just do something completely new every few weeks; and finding a habit that you two enjoy is also important.
    • Improvisation. If you wake up one morning and feel like repainting your room or going to the beach, then that's it.

  4. Be kind to your boyfriend's friends. To truly win your boyfriend's heart, you have to show that you can get along with his friends. You should not make things unhappy when you are present, not be cold or rude to his friends because you think they are not worth your time. Instead, ask questions about their lives, be friendly when you see them even if your boyfriend isn't around, and try to make them feel comfortable.
    • If they like you, they will let him know that he is lucky to have you. If you are closed to them, they will have nothing good to say about you.
  5. Make time for yourself. In order for your relationship to be stronger and your boyfriend loves you more, make sure you have enough time to work alone. This can be poetic writing, hanging out with friends or taking yoga classes - it doesn't matter what you do, it's important that you have time to develop yourself. If you are an attractive girl and have a life of your own, your boyfriend will like you for that; if he feels like the center of the universe then it won't be natural to be with you.
    • Having a meaningful life outside of a loving relationship makes your boyfriend feel lucky when he is spending time with. If your boyfriend thinks you have all day for him, he won't pay much attention to you.
    • Spending time with your friends is also a good way to keep in touch with others, who help you develop yourself and live a more inclusive life.
  6. Help when he needs it. If your boyfriend is having a turbulent week, you can help with a little bit of work, from making coffee to filling the car if he doesn't have time. Support him in a more comfortable life than you are proving that you care about his well-being, but you also need to make sure he treats you the same way without taking advantage of you.
    • There are times when he doesn't want to admit he needs help, but keep an eye out for when he's hanging out with you. If your boyfriend is clearly struggling and is very stressed out, you should see if it helps.
  7. Seduce him. If you want to maintain a passionate relationship, keep your bedroom fresh and hot. Whether it's sex or just kissing, you have to keep that fire going even if you've been together after a long time. Don't let your boyfriend feel like you're just having sex because he wants to, but because you really like it too. However, you should not be pressured to do more than you want to please him.
    • Each relationship has its own pace of progress, and you shouldn't have sex with your boyfriend if you're not ready.However, if you are already having a sex life, you need to spend time foreplay, cuddle and cuddle after sex, so you two don't feel left out.

Part 2 of 3: Understanding

  1. Give him his own workspace. If you really want your boyfriend to love you, you have to respect his boundaries and let him be himself. If you hang around him all the time and ask him what he's doing when you're not around, then you just appear to be clingy or dependent, and you won't be able to go far with any guy. . You should value the time you spend together and the time together, which is good for both of you to pursue your own interests.
    • Furthermore, if the two of you spend a lot of time alone, then when you have time together, you will become more engaged.
    • If your boyfriend has more time to study, play the piano or pursue other hobbies, he will develop into a more inclusive person. Real concern is for him to develop into a healthy and flawless person.
    • You shouldn't let him feel responsible for you 24/7 or be tortured. Prove your faith in him big enough by letting him have some space for hours without distractions from you.
  2. Let him spend time with his friends. In order for your boyfriend to truly appreciate you, you must understand the fact that he needs time with his friends to create a healthy balance in life. It is true that he will spend less time with his friends when he has friends in his life, but you shouldn't make him feel guilty every time you hang out with a group of friends or force him to spend time with you. Let your boyfriend know that you agree to let him stay friends and want him to have a good time when you're not around.
    • Not so often makes him choose. If you are planning to go out, you can invite some of your friends or his friends to go out, making it more natural to go out in groups. While it is also important to have time to go out separately, sometimes it is a way to reconcile.
    • When he's out with friends, don't call or text him too much to ask when he's home, otherwise he'll feel like you don't trust him or don't want him to be happy.
  3. Learn to compromise. To be an understanding girlfriend, you need to know that things don't always work out the way you want them to. Try to make compromises with your boyfriend when you are in a difficult situation and cannot find a solution that both satisfies you. Sometimes you can give in to him and he has to give in at other times. If your boyfriend thinks that you are always asking for what you want to do or you will get upset with him, then he can hardly be happy with you.
    • If something disagrees, you must listen to each other to understand if the controversial issue is really important to your boyfriend.
    • Doesn't speak so insolent or angry that he can't say a word. Get calm if necessary before continuing to try to resolve the problem.
    • If your boyfriend can do "what he means" from time to time - like when you decide to go to football instead of shopping with your friends - then you have to be wholeheartedly on the trip instead of constantly showing up. uncomfortable.
  4. Sorry when there is an error. If you want your boyfriend to truly love and respect you, you must acknowledge your mistake when you are at fault. Look him in the eye, put his phone away and show that he really feels sorry. Don't let him think that you said you're sorry for wanting something from him or because you feel compelled to do so; show your boyfriend you're sorry for what you've done and determined never to do it again.
    • Admitting your mistakes is even more important than trying to be perfect to win your boyfriend's respect. If you don't deny your mistakes, your boyfriend will appreciate you more.
    • Don't say "I'm sorry you got angry when I ..." because this way blames him. Instead, accept responsibility for your actions and say "I'm sorry I ...".
  5. Try to see things in his place. If you want to be rational and demonstrate to your boyfriend you care, sometimes try to put yourself in your boyfriend's shoes to see the situation from his point of view. Looking at what he's thinking can help you realize that not everything is as black and white as it looks, and unlike you might think, he has many good reasons for what he did and said.
    • For example, if he seems alienated in the past two weeks, consider other things going on in his life that could lead to such action. If his grandmother has just passed away, he is having trouble finding a new job or has just had a bad cold, he may not feel like himself, and you need to understand that not all of his behavior He is related to you.
    • If you know your boyfriend has just been going through a tough week, help him through by cooking dinner or running errands for him. As long as he treats you the same way when you get stuck, this would be a great way to say that you really care about what he is going through.
  6. Try to get along with his family. In order to win your boyfriend's love, you must show that you care for his family, even if you are very different from them. Try to be friendly, have a good conversation and be a considerate guest in his house. If things don't go well then be patient and do your best instead of slandering them in front of your boyfriend or showing a bad attitude to them; remember that in the end your boyfriend still wants a girl who can fit easily into his life, and if you can't stop disagreeing with his mother, that will be the red line.
    • Of course, if their family is really cold and doesn't welcome you, you don't have to flatter them. Maintain a certain amount of respect for them and discuss the matter sensitively if you decide to talk to him.
    • In the end you have to know that he knows his family much better than you do. Don't try to force him to choose between you and them.
  7. Maturity in communication. Another way to show reasonableness and make your boyfriend truly love you is to know how to communicate like an adult. That means you will say why you were sad the other day instead of pretending everything is okay, ask him why he is upset when he is clearly not good but not, and mention to the problem that the two were facing skillfully and respectfully. Creating clear and mature communication habits can help you and your partner maintain a healthy loving relationship.
    • When serious talk is needed, choosing the right timing can be the key to success. Don't raise an issue that gave you both a headache long before your boyfriend's birthday or job interview. While you can't sit around waiting for the perfect opportunity to come, you should at least find a convenient time if you want to seriously talk.
    • Listening is just as important as speaking. When your boyfriend wants to say something, listen to what he says instead of just waiting for your turn to say it or trying to interrupt.

Part 3 of 3: Knowing what not to do

  1. Not jealous. If you want your boyfriend to love you, you have to show that you feel comfortable in the relationship. If you constantly suspect him, ask him where he went, or compare yourself to other girls, then you can show him reason to be skeptical. Conversely, if you feel good and talk well about other girls, he will be more likely to fall in love with you because you are always confident in yourself.
    • Of course, if your boyfriend is openly suspicious, then you have the right to be jealous and questioning. But if you constantly question each time he talks to other girls or interrupt those conversations, problems will start to arise.
    • Instead of gossiping about other girls or blaming them for being ugly, say what you like about them or the girl you just met.You should be happy with yourself and with your current relationship, and forget about the girls outside.
  2. Not reluctant. Love cannot be reluctant and no miracle can make your boyfriend fall in love with you. Love takes time, and sometimes he feels it or vice versa. You can be the most perfect girl in the world, giving him everything he needs, but he simply can't have that kind of love for you. This can be painful, but it's better to be realistic and know when it won't happen to avoid hoping for a fantasy.
    • If you want to work hard, for the reason you want to be a better girlfriend and a better love. However, you should not try to change your true self just to make your boyfriend love you more.
    • After getting to know each other for a long time and you feel like you've done everything you can but he still hasn't reciprocated your feelings, then you should wonder if it's worth continuing the relationship.
  3. Don't push the relationship to grow too fast. Forcing your boyfriend to speed up the relationship can put your love in danger. This approach cannot help him develop a natural love interest. Give him time to meet friends and family, go on weekend trips with you, move in with you, or say "I love you". Each relationship has its own pace of progress and you shouldn't expect him to say he loves you after a few weeks of getting to know each other, or even months, or else you'll scare him away.
    • In fact, if you constantly push him to speed up and ask him why he hasn't introduced you to his friends, or invited you to visit family, then you're really frightening him. Respect the fact that he takes time to develop affection.
    • If you find out that you love him after the first few weeks, think twice before announcing this to him. If you think he doesn't have the same feelings as you, don't say it out loud to scare him.
  4. Don't force him to do too many things he doesn't want. Even though love is about giving and receiving, you shouldn't force your boyfriend to do the thousand things you think a good boyfriend should do. If your boyfriend is not the type of person who likes to get out in the open, you can invite him to travel for a day or two, don't force him to camp for two weeks; If your boyfriend doesn't like doing yoga together, don't force him to do yoga together. Respect for the fact that there are things he doesn't like to do, and only do things that really make you both happy.
    • Don't force him to do something he doesn't like, like painting the house just to prove his love to you.
    • Of course, everyone has to do something they don't want to develop their relationship with. Your boyfriend may want to go out with friends instead of shopping with you, but he has to give in from time to time. But if it feels like you are trying to "get" him to do things with you, you are having problems.
  5. Don't compare your relationships with those of others. Every relationship is different, and you won't be able to draw any conclusions if you compare your love with that of your parents, friends or neighbors. It's not that your girlfriend and her boyfriend moved in together after just six months of dating that you have to do the same; It's not because your parents got married at 25, you have to follow that same timeline. If you are too mechanical with the "should" things to do when in love, you will not be able to enjoy that love in its true sense.
    • What's more, nothing sees your boyfriend go faster than comparing your relationship to another. He will feel your wishes are too unreasonable and will never fulfill you enough.
    • You never fully understand how the relationship works between two other people, so you should not assume that you can find an answer to your love in the love of another couple. Sure, you can ask for advice from others, but remember the most important thing is the relationship between you and your boyfriend.
  6. Don't change yourself for him. If you feel you have to change who you really are in order to win his love, withdraw as soon as possible. Although there are things you can do to make the relationship feel stronger and to be a better girlfriend, in the end what you need is a boyfriend who appreciates and loves your true self, not the perfect glossy version you would normally assign to a girlfriend.
    • If you find it isn't you to act or dress at all, you need to rethink your motives. Are you changing yourself because that's what your boyfriend wants, or because you think that's what he wants? The most important thing is to live right with yourself.


  • These are just tips on how Hold boyfriend. You cannot force anyone to love you.
  • If you know that things can't work out better, don't be reluctant.
  • He may be using you and hurting you.