How to stimulate hair growth fast

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Tricks To Make Your Hair Grow FAST! How To Speed Hair Growth
Video: 6 Tricks To Make Your Hair Grow FAST! How To Speed Hair Growth


If you are anxious to have a great beard then you will hardly accept that this is simply waiting. In fact, genetics is the most important (and unchanging) factor determining the speed at which facial hair grows. However, there are several things you can do to make your facial hair grow a little faster. Take care of your facial hair growth, choose a lifestyle that's good for your beard growth, and consult your doctor if you need help; And above all, be patient!


Method 1 of 3: Face and beard care

  1. Patiently wait for your beard to grow. Genetics is a key factor in how fast (and thick) facial hair grows, and in this respect there's not much you can do. While there are a number of remedies that can help, you should also accept that the beard will grow on its own accord and at its own pace.
    • Some people believe that trimming hair promotes faster facial hair growth, but there is no evidence to support this.
    • It is likely that shaving before the facial hair grows will stimulate the hair follicles to grow faster, but the evidence for this effect is limited.
    • So, once the beard has started to grow, let it grow!

  2. Wash your face twice a day to unclog hair follicles. Wet your face with warm water. If your facial hair hasn't grown yet, massage your face with a mild cleanser. If your beard is already growing, you can also use a mild beard shampoo. Rinse off the cleanser and / or shampoo with cool, clean water, then pat dry with a soft cloth. Do it every morning and evening.
    • Regular cleansing removes dirt and oil from the hair follicles. This will make it easier for the facial hair to grow.
    • To see if the cleanser is gentle on your skin, dab a small amount on your chin and wait 10 minutes. If you don't notice any reaction (such as redness or irritation), you can wash your face with the product.

Massage your face twice daily to stimulate hair follicles. Use your fingertips to press firmly (but not to the extent of pain) on your face, massage in a small circular motion over the growing area. Massage for 10 minutes, twice a day.

    • Regular facial massage can help stimulate hair follicles and support faster hair growth. And very comfortable!
  1. Exfoliate the face of dead skin once a week. Wash your face as usual with a mild cleanser or shampoo, except rinse with warm water and let your face moist. Gently massage the exfoliating product all over the face (including beard), then rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry.
    • Exfoliating will remove dead skin cells that can prevent maximum follicles from growing.
    • Before applying an exfoliator all over your face, test it on a small area of ​​your chin for 5-10 minutes first.If there is no burning or irritation, you can continue using the product.

Treat growing beards with beard emollients or oils. While you should be careful with every product advertised to stimulate hair growth, beard oils and beard softening creams are actually beneficial. Keeping your beard soft and moist enough can stimulate the hair to grow a little faster.

    • However, avoid using beard oil if you have acne. Beard oil can make you break out more.
    • If you can, choose a beard product that contains eucalyptus oil. There is some evidence that eucalyptus oil actually helps stimulate hair growth.
    • At the very least, beard products look good and feel good on beard, whether it grows quickly or slowly.
  1. Try a homemade hair growth stimulant. As with most home remedies, the evidence for hair growth is very limited, but these therapies don't seem to do any harm either, so you can try one or both of the treatments. The following:
    • Mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of fresh lemon juice with 1 tablespoon (15 g) of cinnamon powder. Spread a thin layer on your beard, let it sit for 20-30 minutes, then rinse and use cleanser as usual. Use this mixture 1-2 times a day, and stop using it if you notice any irritation.
    • Mix 3 tablespoons (45 g) of dried mustard leaves with 60 ml of amla oil to make a smooth paste. Spread a thin layer over your beard, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cleanser as usual. You can store the remainder in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Method 2 of 3: Choose a diet and lifestyle that's good for your beard

  1. Eat more foods rich in vitamins B3, B5, B7, and B9. Many B vitamins are known to stimulate hair growth, so increasing your vitamin B intake can help your hair grow a little faster and thicker. Biotin (vitamin B7) seems to be particularly helpful, so talk to your doctor about biotin supplements.
    • Nuts are good sources of biotin (vitamin B7).
    • Vitamins B3 and B5 are commonly found in chicken, beef, fish, milk, and avocado.
    • You can get vitamin B9 from whole grains, nuts, and green vegetables.
  2. Increase your intake of vitamins A, C, and E. Similar to the B vitamins, these vitamins help support hair growth in a number of ways. They are also important vitamins for your overall health.
    • Eat carrots, broccoli and leafy green vegetables to get vitamin A.
    • Choose green peppers, tomatoes and citrus fruits for vitamin C.
    • Get vitamin E through legumes, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.
  3. Apply balanced diet to support healthy hair growth. While it's good to focus on essential vitamins, you should also stick to a healthy diet that includes a variety of nutrients. Think of it this way: anything that's good for the body is good for the beard!
    • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein and good fats (like avocados and olive oil).
    • Cut back on processed foods, foods high in salt and sugar, and harmful fats (such as saturated and trans fats in processed foods).
    • Drink water to hydrate the body and for the hair follicles in the growing beard area.
  4. Follow wellness guidelines for exercise and sleep. Similar to following a healthy diet, getting adequate exercise and getting enough sleep is beneficial for your overall health and beard. Please try to follow the instructions below:
    • Set aside at least 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic exercise. Moderate intensity means your heart rate increases and you are so gasping for breath that it is difficult to talk.
    • Every week, exercise 2-3 sessions, 30-60 minutes each session.
    • Sleep for about 8 consecutive hours at night.
  5. Reduce stress to support hair growth. You've probably heard that excessive stress can lead to hair loss. If you know that stress also causes hair growth, you shouldn't be surprised. This means that the less you worry about your beard, the faster it will grow!
    • Find the stress relief strategies that work best for you. Try yoga, meditation, deep breathing, dynamic relaxation, muscle tension, take a walk, listen to soothing music, chat with a friend or read a good book.
    • Work with your doctor and a mental health professional if you have a lot of trouble coping with stress.
  6. Stop smoking for overall health (including beard). There is no direct evidence that smoking is particularly harmful to beards, but tobacco is clearly harmful in many ways, and it is not unreasonable to suggest that it can also hinder development. growth of the beard. Whether or not you are having facial hair care, quit as soon as possible.
    • Currently, there are many measures to support smoking cessation. Talk to your doctor to find a method (or a combination of methods) that works for you.
    • There is some evidence that smoking cigarettes can cause gray stubble faster.

Method 3 of 3: Consider medical options

  1. Consult with your doctor about your testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels. Testosterone can be classified into two types, commonly known as T and DHT. DHT level affects beard density, while T affects beard thickness. Controlling T and DHT levels under medical supervision can help with facial hair growth.
    • Do not take oral medications, creams, injections that increase testosterone levels or other products without consulting your doctor. These products have many undesirable side effects and will ultimately hinder hair growth.
    • Your doctor may recommend regular strength training exercises as a natural way to increase testosterone levels.
  2. Talk to your doctor about using minoxidil (Rogaine) on your face. Rogaine, the most popular brand name product of minoxidil, is widely used to slow the process of male pattern baldness. If properly applied to facial skin, this product will help stimulate facial hair growth. However, although Rogaine is available over-the-counter in many places, you should always check with your doctor before applying it to your face.
    • This may be the right choice to treat poorly grown stubble rather than an overall faster facial hair growth.
    • Newly grown facial hair may drop when you stop treatment.
  3. Ask a healthcare professional about how to use a micro needle to stimulate hair growth. This is a method of using a rolling device on the face similar to a clothes roller - but instead of the sticky paper on the roller, the device has hundreds of tiny needles. Proponents of this method believe that these tiny punctures work to stimulate hair follicles and help hair grow.
    • Some dermatologists and plastic surgeons use the micro-needle roll method to deal with problems like acne. Talk to a healthcare professional that you trust before deciding to use this method or buy the device yourself.
    • If done properly, the treatment will be safe and relatively painless. However, it is essential that the equipment be properly cleaned before each use according to the product's instructions (usually in alcohol).
  4. Learn about beard implants as a last resort. If you have areas of facial hair that won't grow, maybe a beard transplant might be your only option. As with hair transplants on the top of the head, individual hair follicles are transferred from one area (like the nape of the neck) to another (like the cheek area).
    • Beard transplantation requires a lot of procedures that are both costly and time consuming. This can take up to 2 years to see maximum results, and does not always work.
    • Beard implants can help hair grow in blemishes, but it won't cause hair to grow faster.


  • Remember to be patient and patient. You can encourage faster facial hair growth, but genetics will play a big part in how fast or slow your facial hair grows. Look at the beards of family members; You will guess what your beard will be like.