Ways to Treat Corona Virus

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Treatment options for COVID 19 patients
Video: Treatment options for COVID 19 patients


With the new Corona virus strain (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19, formerly known as 2019-nCoV) spreading globally, you may fear that the presence of respiratory infections is synonymous. with you already infected with this virus. Although it is possible that you may have only upper respiratory infections, such as a cold or the common cold, you should still watch out for your symptoms and contact your doctor just in case. If you get sick, your doctor will help you with your treatment.


Method 1 of 4: Symptom recognition

  1. Watch for coughs with or without phlegm. Although the Corona virus causes an infection of the respiratory tract, it does not cause as many symptoms as the flu or the common cold. The most common symptom is a cough, and a cough may or may not be accompanied by phlegm.Call your doctor if you have a cough and have recently traveled (especially to China, Korea, Italy, Iran or Japan) or have been in contact with someone at risk of infection.
    • You are at risk of getting COVID-19 if there is a community infection in your area, or you have been in contact with an infected person, or you have recently traveled to a place with high rates of community infection.
    • When you cough, cover your mouth with a tissue or a sleeve to keep you from infecting others. You can wear a medical mask so that you do not spill out the fluids and infect people.
    • When sick, stay away from people who are at high risk of infection and complications, such as people over 65 years of age, babies, children, pregnant women and people taking drugs that suppress the immune system. .

  2. Take your temperature to see if you have a fever. The new Corona virus strain will usually cause a fever. Use a thermometer to check if your temperature is higher than 38 degrees Celsius, if so, you have a fever. Contact your doctor if you have a fever to find out the cause, in addition to taking medicine, stay at home.
    • When there is a fever, whatever it is, the possibility of infection also exists. Protect others by resting at home.
    • Remember that fever is a symptom of many diseases, so it does not confirm that you have the Corona virus.

  3. See a doctor right away if you feel short of breath. The last and most common symptom of this new strain is shortness of breath. Since shortness of breath is always a serious symptom, see your doctor, go to the emergency room or emergency medical center for prompt treatment. You could be seriously ill, whether it is caused by the Corona virus or not.
    • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this strain of the Corona virus can cause serious complications such as pneumonia. For life, see your doctor right away if you experience shortness of breath.

    Warning: People with weak immune systems or pre-existing medical conditions, such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes, are vulnerable to this dangerous strain of Corona virus. Children and the elderly are both susceptible to complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia. If you or a loved one is at risk, be careful and avoid contact with people or animals that are infected with the virus.

  4. Be aware that it is likely that you do not have Corona virus if there are other symptoms. In March 2020, the CDC and WHO both reported that the most common symptoms of the Corona virus are cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Other respiratory infection symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, headache or body aches ... can indicate that you are suffering from another respiratory infection such as the flu or a common cold. Seek medical attention if you are concerned about your symptoms.
    • It is understandable if you are anxious, but keep in mind that you most likely won't get Corona if you have symptoms other than fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

    Tips: If you are young and in good health, you will likely have mild symptoms of COVID-19. If you've recently traveled or been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, call your doctor if you find you have respiratory symptoms to see if testing is needed. In the meantime, stay home so you don't infect others.


Method 2 of 4: Medical care

  1. Call your doctor right away if you think you have Corona virus. Do not take symptoms lightly if you think it is possible that you may have been ill, as severe Corona virus infection can be life-threatening. Call your doctor to see if you need to be tested for Corona virus. Tell them about your symptoms and let them know you have recently traveled, have been in contact with a potential person, or with animals that may have been infected. Follow your doctor's advice, whether it's getting tested or staying home and keeping track of symptoms.
    • Let the clinic staff know that you suspect you have Corona virus before you are there. That way, they can take precautions to keep the disease from spreading from you to other patients.

    World Health Organization

    The experts said: The national and local governments will provide the most up-to-date information on the situation in the area. Calling in advance will allow your local health facility to direct you to the best place to visit. This will also protect you and help prevent the spread of viruses and other infectious diseases.

  2. Have your doctor test for Corona virus for you. If your doctor thinks you may have Corona virus, they may quarantine you at the clinic or hospital during the test. They will then liaise with the disease control units in your country. A doctor or public health professional will take a sputum or blood sample to test for the Corona virus.
    • It is likely that your doctor will give you home isolation, depending on the situation. However, you may be isolated to keep the virus from spreading to other patients.
    • The doctor cannot test you at their clinic. The test will be handled by the CDC or your local national health organization.
  3. Strictly follow your doctor's treatment regimen. There is currently no specific treatment for the Corona virus. This is a viral infection that we cannot currently treat with antibiotics. If your doctor diagnoses you with Corona virus, they will likely let you go home, unless you have symptoms that are so severe that you need hospitalization. Seek advice from your doctor to treat yourself and prevent the disease from spreading to others.
    • Your doctor may prescribe medications or recommend certain medications to treat your symptoms. There is currently no drug that can kill or treat the virus, so all you can do now is take care of yourself and wait for the virus to die on its own.
    • Ask your doctor what you need to know and when you need to return for additional treatment (for example if your symptoms get worse or add new symptoms).
  4. Go to the emergency room if you have severe lung symptoms. Although some Corona virus infections are mild, COVID-19 can cause serious respiratory symptoms such as difficulty breathing. These symptoms are always urgent, even if they are not related to COVID-19. Go to the emergency room or seek help if you or someone you know has the following symptoms:
    • Difficulty breathing or severe shortness of breath
    • Pale face or lips
    • Chest pain or pressure
    • Increased confusion or difficulty being irritated

Method 3 of 4: Take care of yourself when you are sick

  1. Stay home and get plenty of rest. Getting plenty of rest is very important for your body to fight off infection and recover. Also, staying at home will help keep you from infecting others. Once you have the virus, take time off from work or school and avoid heavy activity. Get plenty of sleep.
    • Ask your doctor for advice about the right time to resume your normal activities. They may ask you to wait up to 10 days or more after your symptoms have gone.
  2. Take over-the-counter medications for pain and fever. If you have symptoms such as body aches, headache, or fever, you can take medicine to relieve symptoms such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprophen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (Aleve). If you are over 18 years old, you can take aspirin for pain relief and fever reduction.
    • Do not give aspirin to children under 18, as it can cause a dangerous condition called Reye Syndrome.
    • Always take the correct dose as indicated on the instructions for use or as prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist. Before taking the medicine, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
  3. Use a humidifier to soothe a cough. A humidifier can help soothe the throat, lungs, and windpipe, so that the coughing can also ease. In addition, phlegm will also dissipate faster and coughing attacks are also more effective. Place your humidifier by your bedside at night and wherever you normally spend the day.
    • A hot bath or sitting in the bathroom with the shower turned on can also help relieve and loosen phlegm in your lungs and sinuses.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. When you are sick, you are very likely to become dehydrated.While recovering from the Corona virus, drink plenty of fluids, juices or other clear fluids to prevent dehydration and congestion.
    • Warm liquids, such as broth, tea or warm water with lemon, can all be soothing if you have a cough or sore throat.
  5. Quarantine yourself until your doctor has allowed you to leave the home. It is very important to stay at home until there is no possibility of infecting others. Your doctor will let you know when you can get back to your normal activities. Check with your doctor before going outside, even if you feel you are getting better.
    • Your doctor may re-test you to see if there is still the Corona virus in your body.
    • If there are no test kits to use, they may allow you to leave the house after you have no symptoms for at least 72 hours.
  6. Get medical help right away if symptoms are severe. Don't worry, but the Corona virus can actually cause severe symptoms, and you could end up with pneumonia and be life-threatening. Go to the emergency room or call for help if you have serious symptoms such as:
    • Difficulty breathing or severe shortness of breath
    • Persistent chest pain or pressure
    • Confused or irritated
    • Pale lips or face
    • This is not an exhaustive list, so talk to your doctor if you have severe or worrying symptoms.

Method 4 of 4: Prevent Corona virus infection

  1. Stay at home as much as possible to practice social isolation. You may have heard of the phrase "social isolation," which means that you limit your contact with others. This may prevent the Corona virus from spreading in the community. You should only get out of the house if it's necessary, like buying necessities or going to work. If possible, for the time being, arrange to work from home or study at home.
    • When going out, stay 2 meters away from others.
    • If you have friends or relatives gathered, limit your gathering to more than 10 people and maintain a distance of 2 meters from guests.
  2. Wash your hands often with warm water and soap. Hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of Corona virus and other diseases. Use lukewarm water and soap regularly throughout the day to wash your hands, especially after touching exposed surfaces (like door handles on public restrooms, or handrails on buses and trains. ), or after contact with an infected person or animal. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, and make sure to scrub your fingers thoroughly.
    • To make sure to wash your hands long enough, sing "Happy Birthday" while washing your hands.
  3. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Viruses that cause respiratory infections like Corona virus enter the body through the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose and mouth. You can protect yourself by not touching your face, especially if you haven't washed your hands.
  4. Clean and disinfect all household and public items and surfaces. To prevent general illness, clean surfaces or contacts immediately to limit the spread of disease. Use 240 ml of bleach mixed with 4 liters of warm water or sterile wet paper or disinfectant spray to keep everything clean. Make sure the surfaces remain wet for about 10 minutes for the disinfectant to work.
    • If someone in your home becomes sick, wash dishes and utensils right away with hot water and detergent. Also, wash all textiles like bed sheets and pillowcases in hot water.
  5. Avoid contact with sick people. Corona virus spreads through fluid droplets from sick people. You can inhale them after the sick person coughs. If someone sees a cough or they tell you they are sick, avoid interacting with them respectfully. In addition, avoid the following routes of infection:
    • Have close contact with the sick person, such as hugging, kissing, shaking hands or being with them for extended periods of time (eg sitting next to them on a bus or plane)
    • Share cups, eating utensils or other personal items with the sick person
    • Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth after touching the sick person
    • Exposure to sick patient waste (eg, changing diapers for sick children)
  6. Stay away from livestock and wild animals. Many Corona viruses are transmitted from animals to humans. If you come into contact with animals, especially in an area where the Corona virus is raging, always wash your hands carefully.
    • Be particularly careful, avoid contact with animals that are visibly sick.
  7. Cook meat and animal products. You can get Corona virus and other illnesses by consuming contaminated or poorly processed milk or meat. Avoid raw or unpasteurized animal products, always wash hands, surfaces and eating utensils that have come in contact with raw meat or raw milk.
  8. Cover your cough or sneeze if you are infected. People with Corona virus often spread the virus through coughing and sneezing. If you already have the virus in your body, you can keep others safe by using a tissue, a handkerchief, or a mask to cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.
    • Throw away used tissues immediately and wash your hands with soap and warm water.
    • If you suddenly cough or sneeze, or you don't have any tissue available, cover your nose and mouth with your elbows instead of your hands. That way, you won't spread the virus by touching objects.
  9. Pay attention to travel advice if you're planning to go to another country. If you plan to travel abroad, visit that country's travel website to see if a dangerous virus is circulating. You can also visit the CDC or WHO website for more information. These websites may offer advice on how to protect yourself while traveling. advertisement