Ways to Treat Throat Inflammation

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home
Video: Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home


People with sore throats often have an itchy throat initially, followed by a burning sensation when swallowing. In addition to treating other symptoms of sore throats such as coughs and colds with over-the-counter medications, rest, and drinking plenty of fluids, you can use the following natural and over-the-counter medications to soothe your throat. Usually a sore throat will go away on its own within 4 or 5 days, but watch out for warning signs of a more serious illness (such as strep throat), then see your doctor.


Method 1 of 2: Using Over-the-Counter Medicines and Natural Methods

  1. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Advil), or Naproxen (Aleve) can all be used to relieve a sore throat, and you should consult your doctor if you are taking blood thinners or other medications.

  2. Gargle with salt water. Although this has not been proven in any medical trials, it is still considered an effective way to cure sore throats.
    • Stir about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Suck and scoop for at least 30 seconds a few times a day
  3. Use an over-the-counter spray. Look for medications that contain the active ingredient benzocaine or phenol (both are effective because of their local anesthetic effects). A throat spray can help relieve a sore throat for a few hours.

  4. Use zinc gluconate lozenges immediately. Many studies have shown that if you suck on this medication, you can shorten the time you catch a cold by half the time you start a cold. These lozenges also help reduce inflammation, congestion, and soreness.
    • If you catch a cold more than 2 days and you have just used lozenges, it will be difficult to shorten the duration of the illness.
    • No matter when you latch, the symptoms will be lessened because the medicine contains a local anesthetic (which helps to soothe the throat), and reduces dry throat.
    • Since zinc gluconate lozenges (or cough candy) can stay in the throat longer than salt water rinses or sprays, it is considered one of the most effective ways to soothe a sore throat.

  5. Use mint lozenges. Peppermint will help ease your throat pain.
  6. Use a cough syrup. There are a variety of cough syrups for day and night use that will seep into the throat, relieve the irritation of the neck and relieve neck pain within an hour or two.
    • You should choose one that will help treat other symptoms as well.
    • Note carefully read the instructions, reduce dosage depending on age and duration of illness.
    • Do not take extra anti-inflammatory drugs, as cough syrups already do this, you should choose a multi-effect pill instead of each one individually.
  7. Use warm drinks and / or cold foods while you have a sore throat. Warm teas and soups soothe the throat, likewise cold foods like ice cream can soothe the throat and relieve pain.
  8. Make tea of ​​natural origin with ingredients that help soothe a sore throat. There are a few different ways you can help with a sore throat, like:
    • Chamomile tea, which is used to relieve pain.
    • Combine 1 tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of lemon juice, and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with hot water.
    • The ingredients above (honey, cinnamon, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar) are all natural remedies that help ease sore throats, and get rid of inflammation faster.
    • While this drink may not taste very good, it is worth trying if you feel less sore throat.
    • Note, you can just use honey because science has proven that honey helps reduce coughs and heal wounds, thereby soothing sore throats.

Method 2 of 2: See a Doctor when Needed

  1. Recognize the signs and symptoms of a severe sore throat. Although a serious sore throat is common (and resolves on its own within a few days), if you have any symptoms of a more serious illness, such as strep throat, you should be seen. In addition to a sore throat, a few other worrying symptoms include:
    • Fever (especially at temperatures above 38 ºC)
    • White ooze (white patch) in the tonsils or back of the throat.
    • Lymph nodes are enlarged in the neck.
    • Do not cough (people with strep throat often cough less).
    • No runny nose (common cold symptoms such as a runny nose do not occur with strep throat)
    • If you have two or more of the above symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will do some special tests to see if you have strep throat.
  2. Take an antibiotic if needed. If the disease turns to strep throat, you will need to take antibiotics immediately.
  3. See your doctor when needed. If you have a severe sore throat and a fever greater than 38 ° C that doesn't go away after 24-48 hours (or other problems), you should see your doctor right away.
    • If the swelling of the glands in the neck or the back of the throat makes it uncomfortable when swallowing or breathing, see your doctor right away (if you can't see your doctor on the same day, go to the medical center or emergency room. nearest).
    • The above symptoms could be of a more serious illness, such as mononucleosis or tonsillitis, so see a doctor and get treatment.
  4. Take pain relievers as directed by your doctor. If you have a severe sore throat, caused by strep throat, or otherwise, you can always see your doctor for a pain reliever.
    • Medicines such as naproxen can be taken to relieve the pain until the illness is over.