How to Treat Hair Loss With Garlic

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Make Garlic Oil For Hair Growth, Hair Loss, Dandruff & Itchy Scalp-Beautyklove
Video: How To Make Garlic Oil For Hair Growth, Hair Loss, Dandruff & Itchy Scalp-Beautyklove


Hair functions to protect the skin and helps maintain the body's temperature balance. Hair growth is a cyclic process depending on where the hair is grown, age, family history, nutritional status and environmental factors. There are many ways to treat hair loss (hair on the head), including the use of garlic. Here are instructions on how to treat hair loss with garlic.


Method 1 of 4: Blending Garlic Hair Care Mixes

  1. Garlic juice. To treat hair loss, you can use a mixture of garlic. First, prepare 6-8 garlic cloves and peel. Use a press to squeeze 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of garlic juice.
    • If you do not have enough juice, you can add garlic until you have pressed enough 25 ml.

  2. Make a mixture of honey. Set the garlic juice aside after you've finished pressing it. Then, measure 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of honey. Mix the honey in a bowl of garlic juice and refrigerate.
  3. Make chamomile tea. While you wait for the honey and garlic mixture to be cold, you can pre-brew chamomile tea. Prepare 2 bags of chamomile tea or 3 teaspoons of Loose Leaf tea. Place tea bags or tea leaves in a kettle and place on the heat. Pour 700 ml of water into a kettle and simmer for 30 minutes.
    • After brewing the tea, pour the mixture into a cup. If you use tea leaves, you should take the tea.

  4. Complete the mixture. Once the tea is brewed, remove the honey and garlic mixture from the refrigerator. Mix one egg yolk into the mixture. It may take a few minutes for the mixture to blend evenly as the honey is thick and sticky. Next, add 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel and mix well.

  5. Use mix. After all of the ingredients are evenly blended, find a place where you can easily apply the mixture without getting dirty. Gently massage the mixture onto the scalp (not all of the hair). Hair grows from the scalp, so it's better to focus on massaging your scalp. Finally, cover your head with a clean cotton towel.
    • Incubate the mixture on the scalp for about 20 minutes.
  6. Shampoo. After 20 minutes, use baby shampoo or mild shampoo to wash your hair well. Next, use one egg yolk to massage the scalp. Finally, rinse with warm water.
    • Make sure the yolk is evenly applied to the hair. Wash only with warm water and do not use shampoo.
  7. Complete the process. After you've washed the egg yolks, use chamomile tea. Prepare a cup of tea and pour it on your scalp, use chamomile tea to wash your hair again.Do this 2-3 times a week until your hair starts growing again or stops falling out.
    • Repeat the treatment 2 times per month.

Method 2 of 4: Using Other Natural Ingredients

  1. Use another remedy from garlic. You can use pure garlic oil to treat hair loss. Massage the garlic oil onto your scalp before shampooing. To make it simpler and better for the scalp, you can warm garlic oil before using it. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times per week until hair regrowth or loss stops. When the effect begins, you can do this 2 times per month. Some brands of pure garlic oil include Puritan's Pride and Eclectic Institute.
    • You can buy hair products containing garlic. For example, some hair conditioner oils such as Dabur Vatika Garlic-enriched Hair Oil and a garlic hair mask such as Alter Ego Garlic Mask.
    • Alternatively, you can add fresh garlic to a mild shampoo. Cut 2-3 cloves of garlic and drop into the shampoo. Use garlic shampoo 2-3 times per week.
    • Although there is no direct evidence that eating garlic or taking garlic supplements can help with hair loss, you can still do it this way. Use garlic for cooking or as a garlic supplement as a supplement to help with hair loss.
    • Some studies on combining garlic gel and steroid treatments to treat excessive hair loss have found that garlic significantly improves hair growth.
  2. Add protein to stimulate hair growth. Unlike what shampoos and conditioner manufacturers persuade you, strong, healthy hair must be nourished from the inside. Hair is mostly protein and for fast hair growth, you should get enough high-quality protein. Get from a variety of complete protein sources because they contain the essential amino acids that make up the protein.
    • Eat more eggs, dairy products, quinoa, buckwheat, hemp seeds, chia seeds, soybeans, tofu, fermented tofu, natto beans, rice, and legumes.
  3. Consume more B vitamins. A diet rich in B vitamins is recommended as they are essential for the healthy growth of hair follicles and hair. Foods rich in B vitamins include spinach (spinach), parsley, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, cruciferous vegetables, amaranth, broccoli, beets, radishes, bell peppers, legumes lentils, beef and veal liver, fortified cereals with B vitamins.
  4. Add minerals. Iron is the only mineral that has been shown to be linked to hair loss. Although low levels of zinc and selenium are associated with hair loss, it is not known whether zinc or selenium deficiencies play a major or secondary role in hair loss. You can take iron, zinc, or selenium supplements as well as increase your intake of foods rich in these minerals in your diet.
    • Eat more iron-rich foods like eggs, lean meat, red meat from grass-fed animals, dark green leafy vegetables, beans, lentils and liver. You can get zinc from seafood, shellfish, spinach, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, and nuts.
    • Using omega-3 fatty acids on the scalp has been shown to increase the number of hair strands. Increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet may help with hair loss. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, mackerel, eggs, flaxseed, soybeans, chia seeds, walnuts, herring, sardines and sea bass.
    • If you want to take a supplement, you should not overdo it and follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid mineral overdose.

Method 3 of 4: Changing Hair Care Habits

  1. Do not wash your hair too much. You can prevent hair loss by changing your hair care habits. Don't wash your hair too much, as it doesn't actually cause your hair to fall out, but doing so removes the natural oils in your hair, making it more brittle.
    • Experts recommend that you only wash your hair 2-3 times per week.
  2. Do not use shampoos that contain too many chemicals. Some shampoos contain chemicals that are harmful to the hair, making it dry and making hair loss worse. Therefore, you should use natural shampoos that contain ingredients that nourish your hair instead of taking away nutrients from your hair.
    • Avoid using shampoos that contain ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), paraben and ammonium chloride, especially if your hair is thin, brittle or has been stretched, permed, dyed, etc.
  3. Do not use too much conditioner. Using too much conditioner can cause hair loss. Conditioners deflate the roots and damage the hair follicles, causing hair to fall out. Use conditioner only 1-2 times a week and avoid using conditioner on your scalp.
    • Try natural conditioners like Nature's Gate, Babo Botanicals, WEN and Intelligent Nutrients.

Method 4 of 4: Using Hair Loss Medicine

  1. Seek medical attention. If hair loss is frequent, it is necessary to determine the root cause. It is best to see a doctor for examination by a doctor. There are many diseases in which hair loss is a symptom and finding out the cause of hair loss is essential. Even so, there are other ways to treat hair loss before deciding to see a doctor.
  2. Use drugs to treat men. The main drugs to treat male hair loss are Proscar and Propecia - 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors help block the action of hormones that damage hair follicles. Minoxidil is also a medicine used to stimulate hair growth.
    • Minoxidil is relatively less effective than Finasteride but can be applied directly to areas with hair loss.
  3. Use drugs to treat women. Although accounting for 40% of hair loss cases, hair loss in women is of little concern. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors are not of much use in women because of potential adverse effects on female hormones. Minoxidil 2% is often prescribed for female hair loss because it can be applied directly to the area of ​​hair loss, has less side effects and is more effective for women. Other hair loss medications include Aldactone, Tagamet and Cyproterone Acetate.
    • In women, hormone replacement therapy can help. Pregnant women should be cautious when taking medication for hair loss because the drug can cause birth defects in the fetus.