How to Install Flash Player on Ubuntu Operating System

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Install Flash Player on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)
Video: Install Flash Player on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)


Flash is no longer being developed for Linux. The latest versions only include this software with Chrome. If you use the Chromium browser, you can separate the Flash plug-in from Chrome to use it. When using Firefox, you need to switch to a different browser if you want the latest versions. If you use the Chrome browser and update to a new version, you can easily install this software.


Method 1 of 3: Install on Chromium Browser

  1. Open the Ubuntu Software Center. You can open this from the Ubuntu toolbar.

  2. Press Edit (Edit) and select Software Sources (Software source).
  3. Click "Ubuntu Software".

  4. Check the box "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)" (Software restricted by copyright or legal issue - not supported). Then click "Close".
  5. Wait for the Software Center to update the source. You may have to wait a few minutes.

  6. Search for "Pepper Flash Player". We will load the plugin for the browser.
    • Although the plugin name is "pepperflashplugin-nonfree", it is a free plugin.
  7. Open Terminal. You can open Terminal from the toolbar or click Ctrl+Alt+T.
  8. Import .sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree then press↵ Enter.
  9. Wait until the installation is completed. You may have to wait a while. After completing the installation, the name of the computer will reappear. Please enter exit and press ↵ Enter to close Terminal.
  10. Restart browser. Flash is now installed for the Chromium browser.
  11. Check for updates periodically. When installed in this way, Flash will not update automatically. You will have to manually check for new updates relatively often.
    • Open Terminal.
    • Import sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree -status and press ↵ Enter to check for updates. If an update (available) shows a larger version number than the update (installed), there's a new update available.
    • Import sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree -install and press ↵ Enter to install the update.
    • Restart your browser to complete the update installation.

Method 2 of 3: Install on Chrome Browser

  1. Update Chrome browser. Since Flash is the software built into Chrome, you do not need to fumble about trying to run this software. You just need to update your Chrome browser to the latest version and Flash will work properly.
    • If Flash in Chrome browser is damaged, try to uninstall and reinstall again.

Method 3 of 3: Install on Firefox Browser

  1. Switch to Chrome or Chromium. Adobe no longer supports Linux development except the Pepper Flash plugin for the Chrome browser. That means the Flash add-in for Firefox is out of date, no longer being improved, and only minor security fixes left.
    • If you want to install the outdated version for Firefox, read on.
  2. Open the Ubuntu Software Center. You can open this from the Ubuntu toolbar.
  3. Search for "flashplugin-installer".
  4. Select "Adobe Flash plugin" from the list of results found.
  5. Install add-ons.
  6. Restart Firefox for the new add-on to take effect. advertisement