How to have a good time on an excursion

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tour 1 - Perfect Time (Official Music Video)
Video: Tour 1 - Perfect Time (Official Music Video)


Excursions are one of the most interesting things to do during school. Instead of sitting in a classroom, you have the opportunity to expand your knowledge of a particular area through real experience. However, this does not mean that since you are not in school, you can do whatever you want. If you want to enjoy your trip, it is worthwhile to prepare carefully and behave appropriately to ensure that everything goes smoothly.


Part 1 of 3: Fun on the Bus

  1. 1 Play road games. If you are not allowed to travel with electronic devices, you can while away the time on the road playing games that do not require any accessories. Depending on the game, you will probably need another person. However, the more people you involve, the more interesting it will be. In some cases, you can even play with the whole bus.
    • If you are a supporter of something simpler, play 20 Questions. One person thinks of an object or person, while other players try to guess what it is by asking up to 20 questions.
    • Broken Phone is a fun game for the whole bus. One person whispers a sentence or two to another person, who then tries to repeat it verbatim to a third person (also in a whisper), and so on. The last player says this phrase out loud to compare how much it matches the original sentence.
    • You can play the Restaurant / Gas Station / Hotel game while driving on the highway. All players choose a particular restaurant, gas station or hotel, such as McDonald’s or Burger King, and you get points every time you see the place you have chosen or its logo on a road sign. The person with the most points at the end of the allotted time wins.
  2. 2 Start singing. Another great way to speed up travel time is to have the entire bus chanting road songs. For musical variety, you can walk on the bus so that each passenger can start a song. In some cases it can be interesting to choose a theme, for example, songs about a road or a trip, songs from cartoons: or songs with "travel" in the title.
    • It is usually best to use popular songs that will be known to many passengers.
    • If you have a school song, then you can start with it or end this fun pastime with it.
  3. 3 Chat with your friends. You may not even need a book or some kind of electronic device if the trip is not very long. Instead, you can just talk to your friends and see what's new with them. It may happen that a person you don't know very well is sitting in the neighborhood - you should take this opportunity and get to know him better.
    • If you don't know what to talk about, you can discuss the tour itself and what you expect to see during the day.
  4. 4 Take something for fun. If your destination is a considerable distance from your school, you have a long way to go. Therefore, it is a good idea to bring some entertainment with you to kill time on the road. Your phone or tablet will let you enjoy your favorite music or play games. Grab a book if you prefer to while away the time reading, or a magazine or two to share with friends.
    • Before traveling, be sure to ask your teacher if you are allowed to take your phone, tablet, or other electronic devices with you. You won't really like it if your device gets confiscated when you had so many plans for it.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing for your trip

  1. 1 Do your preparatory work. In some cases, the teacher may give you a pre-trip assignment to help prepare for the activities or exhibits you see at the tour site. You may need to study certain information or conduct research on a related topic. To avoid incidents, make sure you complete the assignment before traveling and are well aware of the places you are about to visit.
    • In the process of studying a specific topic, it may not be clear to you, in which case it is worth contacting the teacher for clarification. Otherwise, many things will confuse you during the tour.
  2. 2 Choose the right clothes. To get the most out of your travel, it is important to choose the right clothing. Your teacher may include equipment recommendations in your travel materials, so be sure to read them carefully. In some cases, all students may be required to wear a shirt or T-shirt of the same color to make it easier to keep track of everyone during the field trip.
    • It is very common for these types of trips to walk a lot, so make sure you are wearing comfortable shoes, such as tennis shoes or trainers.
    • Make sure you are dressed for the weather if your excursion is outdoors. For example, wear a raincoat and boots when it rains, and a warm jacket or coat during cold weather. In hot weather, shorts and a T-shirt can help keep you warm.
    • If the event takes place indoors, you don't need to worry about the weather. However, you can bring a light sweater if the air conditioner is on.
    • Some excursions may require a more formal look. For example, if you are going to a theater or a concert, jeans and sneakers may be unacceptable. Ask your teacher if you're not sure what to wear.
  3. 3 Pack the items you need with you. Depending on where you are going, you may need certain travel accessories. The teacher should provide you with information with a list of necessary things, you only need to study it carefully. You will most likely need a notebook or notepad with a pen to take notes during the tour.
    • Make sure you take any medications you may need - certain medications, an inhaler, or an insulin pen in case of an emergency.
    • It's worth bringing some money with you just in case you want to buy souvenirs, drinks or snacks.
    • If you will be outdoors all day, be sure to bring sunscreen so you can reapply it to your skin if needed.
  4. 4 Plan your lunch. The journey can take an entire day and you won't get a chance to have a normal lunch. Some locations may have a cafeteria or snack bar where you can purchase food, while other locations may not. Your teacher will tell you what you need to know, so you can decide if you need to pack your lunch or bring some money with you to buy food.
    • If your excursion takes place on a hot day, then take a lunch that will not spoil from the heat.
    • It is worth bringing an extra bottle of water, juice, or your favorite beverage to stay hydrated throughout your trip.

Part 3 of 3: Travel Behavior

  1. 1 Follow the rules. Stick to the rules during the tour and nothing can spoil your experience. You don’t want to miss out on all the fun or fun because of being yelled at or, worse, not taking you on a trip for inappropriate behavior, do you? Your teacher will most likely provide you with guidelines for the excursion, but be sure to listen to the recommendations of the staff at your destination, such as your tour guide.
    • Remember that you are representing your school on this field trip, so it is important to be disciplined and have a good reputation for your institution.
    • If you and other students break the rules and are generally out of control, not only will your school's reputation suffer, but your class may never go on field trips again.
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure of the rules. You don't want to accidentally break a rule because you don't know what is okay and what is not.
  2. 2 Be careful. Before you reach the final destination of your journey, your instructor will likely give you a subject lesson. The location of the excursion helps to make the lesson more fun and interesting than the lesson at school, so it is important to pay attention to all activities and presentations during the trip in order to assimilate all the information.
    • Sure, it's great to be out of school, but you shouldn't just use this opportunity to chat with friends. You still have to learn something, even if you are out of class.
    • If you have friends who have a habit of distracting you, let them know that you really want to focus on the excursion. You might say, "I really enjoy talking to you, but let's move this to lunchtime. For now, I have to concentrate."
  3. 3 Be open. When you hear where you should go on an excursion, the trip may seem boring to you, because it is tied to the subject that you study in school. However, keep an open mind when traveling, because a lesson in the form of an excursion is much more interesting than reading a book or a lecture. You will get the most out of your excursion by being open to all new / new experiences.
    • For example, after reading one of Shakespeare's plays, you don't feel like watching it because you found it unbearably boring. However, theatrical performance can give stories and characters a lot more life, and then it can even bring you pleasure.
    • If you are going on an excursion to a place where you have already visited before, for example, a zoo, and it seems to you that you have already seen these exhibits before, try to consider this location from a new perspective. Don't just study the animals at the zoo; think about what it would be like to be a zoologist or veterinarian, which in turn will help you see a given location in a whole new way.
  4. 4 Review the tests. Your teacher can give you assignments / tests to complete after your trip. You do not need to fill them out directly on the excursion, but it would be a good idea to just familiarize yourself with them.This will help you understand what you need to pay attention to while traveling and make the most of the knowledge gained.
    • If your teacher did not give you any tests, there may be some follow-up assignment after the trip, such as an essay. You may want to take a small notepad with you when you travel.
  5. 5 Find a friend for the company. When you go on a trip to where you have not been, it can be very easy to get lost. If you team up with a classmate, you can keep an eye on each other. In which case, you will notice if a friend is staring or moved away somewhere, and vice versa. This way you can help each other if needed. Taking responsibility for someone else can also help you learn better about your environment.
    • If you don't have a good friend among your classmates on this trip, look for someone in a similar situation and join him.


  • Be sure to listen not only to your teacher and staff of the location where the excursion is taking place, but also to other accompanying persons.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions when you are on a field trip. You probably have access to people who are experts on the topic, so take the opportunity to get more information.
  • Find out if you are allowed to take photographs on your trip. Later, travel pictures will bring you a range of emotions and good memories.
  • It's a good idea to remember your bus number. That way, if you separate from your group, you can return to the bus to wait for them.


  • Always stay with the group. You hardly want to get lost in an unfamiliar place.
  • Bring only what is allowed with you, as other items may be confiscated. If you are unsure if a subject is allowed, check with your teacher.
  • Don't be fooled on the bus. This could distract the bus driver and endanger the entire class.