How to treat foot fungus with apple cider vinegar

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Toenail Fungus Treatment using Apple Cider Vinegar | FAST CHEAP CURE
Video: Toenail Fungus Treatment using Apple Cider Vinegar | FAST CHEAP CURE


Foot fungus is a fungal infection that usually starts in the interstitial area, causing itching, burning, scabs, peeling skin, uneven nails and even blisters, which can spread to the hands if left untreated. Fortunately, with just one simple home remedy, athlete's foot can be cured in a short time. Apple cider vinegar both helps reduce inflammation and pain, and helps kill the fungus that causes disease.


Method 1 of 3: Use Apple Cider Vinegar Separately to Treat Foot fungus

  1. Buy 5% apple cider vinegar, which is opaque in color. The brown, opaque film that you see in some bottles of apple cider vinegar is called "female yeast". That's a good indication that apple cider vinegar is high quality and contains many nutrients that have healing properties that help vinegar to work better.

  2. Pour 2 to 4 cups apple cider vinegar into a large bowl. The bowl should be big enough for the foot to fit.If more solution is needed, fill in warm water and do not dilute apple cider vinegar with more than 1: 1 water.
    • If you don't have apple cider vinegar, you can use white vinegar.

  3. Wash your feet before soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar solution. Wash your feet with soap and water. Scrub well and use dry cloth or air dry. If you are using a towel, wash it thoroughly after wiping your feet to prevent the fungus from spreading to other parts of your body.

  4. Declaim food. Put your feet in a bowl of apple cider vinegar. The acid in the vinegar kills the fungus, softens and breaks down the calluses caused by the fungus. If you want, you can use a towel to gently scrub the infected skin while soaking your feet.
    • 5% apple cider vinegar is not too strong for the skin. However, if you experience a burning sensation or a rash, stop soaking your feet and add more water to the mixture.
  5. Soak your feet in apple cider vinegar for 10-30 minutes. Do this 2 or 3 times a day for 1 week. After 1 week, continue to soak your feet in apple cider vinegar 1-2 times daily for the next 3 days. After soaking for 10-30 minutes, remove your feet from the bowl of apple cider vinegar and dry.
  6. Apply apple cider vinegar directly to the small infection. If the infected area is small, you can dab a cotton ball or a clean washcloth in the apple cider vinegar solution and apply it to your skin. Place the towel over the infection for a few minutes, then soak the towel in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the skin. Do this 2 times a day for about 10-30 minutes each time.
  7. Apply moisturizer after soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar to minimize damage. The acids in the vinegar can be a bit strong for the skin. Therefore, to protect your skin, you should apply a thin layer of moisturizer to your skin after soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Combine Apple Cider Vinegar with Other Substances

  1. A blend of Oxymel, a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar has been used since ancient times. Research has demonstrated that opaque, unprocessed honey has antibacterial properties.
    • Mix honey with apple cider vinegar in a 4: 1 ratio.
    • Apply the paste to the infected skin and let it sit for 10-20 minutes.
    • Rinse and dry your feet.
  2. Foot soak alternately in apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Like apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide is an effective antifungal. However, hydrogen peroxide is very powerful, stronger than apple cider vinegar, so it is not used for daily foot baths. Instead, you can alternate foot baths a day in apple cider vinegar and 2% hydrogen peroxide.
    • Buy hydrogen peroxide 3%.
    • Dilute hydrogen peroxide with water in a 2: 1 ratio of hydrogen peroxide to water.
    • If the skin burns or a rash, continue diluting hydrogen peroxide by adding more water.
    • WARNING: Do not mix apple cider vinegar with hydrogen peroxide or soak feet repeatedly in both mixes. Mixing apple cider vinegar with hydrogen peroxide can create peracetic acid, a caustic chemical that can cause leg burns and lung damage if inhaled.
  3. Apply silver glue to your feet after soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar. Colloidal silver (small particles suspended in liquid) with a concentration of 100 ppm (parts per million mass fraction) is an effective antifungal and antibacterial agent. After soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar, apply the silver glue to the infected skin and let it air dry.
    • WARNING: Do not swallow the colloidal silver. When ingested, colloidal silver is both ineffective and can accumulate under the skin and cause permanent discoloration, pale gray coloration.

Method 3 of 3: Prevent Recurring Foot fungus

  1. Keep the infected skin clean and dry. In addition to soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar, keep the infected skin clean and dry at all times. The fungus that causes foot fungus prefers a moist environment, so a damp feet will make the infection worse or return.
    • The best way to keep your feet dry is to wear socks made of natural fabrics or fabrics that absorb moisture from the feet. Change socks as soon as they are wet.
    • Wear sandals or flip-flops in hot weather.
    • Wear specialized bathroom shoes, flip-flops or sandals when going to the pool, gym, hotel room, shower or changing room.
  2. Wash shoes. Mushrooms are stubborn creatures and they won't go away on their own if you don't try to fight them. The fungus will get on your shoes and towels if the items touch the infected skin. Therefore, it is essential to disinfect the items that the infected feet touch. Wash footwear (both inside and out) with water and let dry naturally in the sun. After drying, sprinkle antifungal powder on your shoes to make sure the fungus doesn't come back.
  3. Wear shoes that fit your feet. Foot ringworm usually occurs due to sweaty feet and tight, tight shoes. Don't buy shoes that are too tight and expect them to stretch. To prevent athlete's foot, buy shoes that are long enough and loose enough.
  4. Change shoes every day. This will ensure that your shoes are always dry when you put them on.
  5. Disinfect bathrooms and tubs. As mentioned above, the fungus that causes ringworm is very fond of moist environments. When you have a ringworm and take a shower, the fungus will latch onto the bathroom and cause a fungal infection to recur when you take another bath. Therefore, you should disinfect the bath or bathroom. Wear gloves and use bleach or apple cider vinegar to scrub the bathroom floor. After sterilization is complete, always throw gloves and sponges in the trash. advertisement


  • Do not share towels, socks, and shoes to avoid spreading foot fungus to others or from others.


  • Only soak your feet in apple cider vinegar after the test and make sure there are no open wounds on your feet. Apple cider vinegar can cause serious burns if the leg has an open wound.
  • Although used to treat foot fungus for a long time, the antifungal ability of apple cider vinegar has not been proven through a formal study. So for the best treatment of foot fungus, you should consider using an over-the-counter antifungal cream or spray.
  • See your doctor if you've tried apple cider vinegar and see no improvement after 2-4 weeks.