Ways to Treat genital herpes

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Oral Herpes Treatment || Genital Herpes Cure || Herpes Symptoms - All You Need to Know
Video: Oral Herpes Treatment || Genital Herpes Cure || Herpes Symptoms - All You Need to Know


Genital herpes is a very common disease, about 45 million Americans have it and the youngest is only 12 years old. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in 6 people between the ages of 14 and 19 get genital herpes. It is caused by the HSV virus (herpes simplex virus). Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies available for this disease.


Method 1 of 3: Symptomatic treatment of genital herpes

  1. Use a cold pack. Using an ice pack placed on the affected area will help relieve the pain. Use a towel to wrap the ice pack to prevent the skin from getting too cold, then place the ice pack on top of the area with the sore. You must use a new towel for each application and wash the washcloth in hot water.
    • If the cold compress doesn't work, then use a semi-warm, half-warm method. Use boiling water to cool to a moderate temperature, soak the towel in water and squeeze it dry, then place the towel on the sore skin. Be sure to use a clean towel or washcloth and apply the compress multiple times.

  2. Take a warm bath. To reduce the discomfort and pain of cold sores you can take a warm bath. Warm water not only rinses it off, but it also reduces irritation, you should also add Epsom salt to your bath water. A warm bath can reduce the itchiness and heal the sores caused by the cold sores, and the skin will also dry faster when you are done.

  3. Use baking soda. If the sores are draining, you can use baking soda to dry them, and baking soda can help relieve itching and pain. Soak a cotton ball and dip it in some baking soda. Then, lightly dab a cotton ball over the affected area to cover it with baking soda. Each time you repeat, use a new cotton ball to avoid staining the baking soda when you dip the cotton ball in it.
    • Do not use cornstarch. The bacteria easily multiply with cornstarch and thus cause infection in the wound, especially if you have sores.

  4. Make a mixture of ointments from lavender and olive oil. Olive oil is not only good for the skin, but also has antioxidants that help ulcers heal faster. Place a cup of olive oil in a saucepan with a tablespoon of lavender oil and beeswax, then heat the pot over medium heat. When the mixture is just boiling, take the pot off the stove. After the mixture cools, use a cotton ball to dab it and dab it on the cold sore. Each time you dab into the mixture, you must use a new cotton ball, repeat until all the sores are covered.
    • Do not boil the mixture for too long as the olive oil will burn.
  5. Use propolis. Propolis is a wax secreted by bees, has antiviral properties and can accelerate the healing of ulcers. Use an ointment or wax containing propolis to ease the pain and treat herpes. These products are available online or at a pharmacy.
    • Propolis is available in capsules or tincture, but you should only use the ointment form.
  6. Use herbs. There are many herbs that can treat genital herpes. Ointments made from perilla extract help relieve pain, itching, and discomfort. The skin cream containing sage and rhubarb extract is as effective in treating HSV infections in the female genitals like Acyclovir. St Johns Wort flower plant has long been considered to inhibit the growth of HSV virus.
  7. Eat seaweed. Seaweed has been found to have the ability to heal the symptoms of genital herpes. Different types of seaweeds such as South American red seaweed, seaweed and Indian red seaweed can inhibit the growth of HSV virus. These algae are used as food for healing by adding to salads or stews, in addition they are also made into functional foods.
  8. Use wild chamomile. Cucumber supports the immune system, thus limiting the damage caused by disease. You should try drinking tea made from wild chamomile, drinking from 3 to 4 cups a day. Wild poppy has also been formulated as a functional food.
  9. Take supplements. Several studies have demonstrated that supplements can treat genital herpes. For example, taking 1-3 grams of lysine per day shortens the duration of the onset of illness. It has also been shown that supplements can reduce the number of outbreaks of herpes in the mouth. However, you should only drink them for a maximum of 3-4 weeks.
    • Remember that lysine is an amino acid that can raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
    • You must consult your doctor before using it, as some supplements may interact with medications you are taking.
  10. Take antiviral medication. There is no cure for a HSV virus infection, and the virus will last forever in your body. Although not a natural treatment, antiviral medications can help treat symptoms when the cold sores are severe. Medicines help relieve pain, discomfort and intensity of acne. It also reduces the risk of spreading the disease to others, but does not completely eliminate this risk.
    • Common antivirals to treat HSV viruses include acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex).
    • These medications are usually prescribed for the first flare-up and help control subsequent episodes. For example, the dose of acyclovir is to take one 800mg tablet 5 times a day for 7-10 days.
    • The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, dizziness, and muscle aches.

Method 2 of 3: Changing habits to treat HSV virus

  1. Eat healthier. Once you are infected with the HSV virus, you need to stay as healthy as possible by eating healthy. Avoid processed, packaged or pre-cooked foods. Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, oils and seeds you consume each day. Limit red meat, increase skinless poultry meat and fish. Focus on eating the complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, lentils, beans, and vegetables.
    • Avoid foods that are processed with sugar, such as corn syrup (which is very high in fructose). If you need to eat something sweet then use sweet grass, which is 60 times sweeter than sugar. You should also avoid artificial sweeteners.
  2. Do exercise. Our bodies work best when exercised. Start slowly by walking more slowly. For example, park your car away from work, use the stairs instead of the elevator, take your dog for a walk, or take a walk after dinner. You can also sign up to join the gym and find a fitness coach. Some exercises you should try are weight training, cardio exercises, yoga or using the full body machine. In general practice the way you like and stick to it.
    • First, you need to consult your doctor and know what you should and should not do.
  3. Relax more. Genital herpes affects every aspect of your life, you will feel more stress each day. But certainly this is not beneficial for the illness, as stress only worsens the condition. You have to fight it by relaxing. Every day, you should spend more time with yourself to relieve stress, participate in fun activities like reading books or watching TV shows you like. Yoga is a great way to relax.
    • Meditation also has a stress relieving effect. You can meditate anywhere and anytime. Practicing meditation techniques successfully takes practice and patience.
    • Try practicing visual self-hypnosis, which means you have to visualize a peaceful image and use it to lead you into hypnosis.

Method 3 of 3: Understanding HSV virus

  1. Know the cause. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. The cause of the disease is either HSV-1 or HSV-2 virus, but most cases are caused by HSV-2 virus. HSV-1 is often the cause of ulcers or blisters on the mouth and lips.
  2. Understand the mechanism of infection. Genital herpes is spread when you have sex with an infected person and have direct contact with their genitals, anal or mouth.The disease is more contagious when the person has open sores, but the HSV virus may infectious when there are no obvious ulcers. Contraceptive methods can not protect against HSV. Male or female condoms are not sure to protect you because sores are not only on the genitals, but they can reduce the risk of infection.
    • You will pass the infection on to your partner whether it is pimple or not, but the risk is minimal between outbreaks.
    • If you have mouth sores, don't have oral sex with other people, and vice versa.
    • For men, skin sores and lesions usually appear on and around the penis, or around the anus. In women, sores appear around the genitals, anus, or in the vagina. If an ulcer or lesion appears in the vagina, it may be difficult to notice, unless it is examined or it is causing vaginal discomfort and / or white blood.
    • The only way to avoid getting infected is to avoid vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
  3. Recognize the symptoms. Many people with genital herpes show no symptoms, while others have little or severe pimples. That is why someone infects others without knowing that they are infected with HSV. If there are symptoms, the lesion usually manifests as an ulcer. Fluid blisters form around the genitals or anus, and then they rupture and leave a painful wound. The sores can appear within two weeks of infection and last for 2-3 weeks.
    • Other common symptoms include itching, tingling or burning in the genitals or anal area, some flu-like symptoms such as fever, aches and pains, pain in the legs, buttocks or genital area. , white blood, swollen glands in the groin or along the neck, painful urination or bowel movements.
  4. Herpes flare up periodically. HSV virus infection leads to recurring and persistent outbreaks of acne. This virus can remain hidden for a long time without showing symptoms. It is not known what causes the virus to resume functioning yet, but outbreaks tend to occur during periods of fatigue, stress, and illness. For women sick often manifest during menstruation. The average number of outbreaks was about 4-5 times in the first year. The immune system then responds better to the disease, so its frequency and symptoms also decrease over time.
  5. Understand possible complications. The HSV virus is particularly problematic for people with weak immune systems, and for women who are pregnant or want to have children. HSV infection can lead to miscarriage and premature delivery, and women infected with HSV are more likely to transmit the virus to their babies. Overall this disease is very dangerous.
    • Women infected with the HSV virus often need a cesarean section because this reduces the risk of transmitting the disease to the baby.
    • HSV virus also increases the risk of cervical cancer, so women with this disease should have cervical smear periodically tested.
  6. Get tested if there are ulcers on the genitals. HSV is diagnosed during herpes outbreak by taking a sample from the ulcer to be tested. Usually it is painless to take a sample from the ulcer, but if the area is severely ulcerated you may experience some pain.
    • If the ulcer is not clear, your doctor will order a blood test to find antibodies against the virus.
    • Ask your doctor if the ulcer could be caused by another illness. Some diseases that also cause ulcers are fungal infections, hand, foot and mouth disease, syphilis and shingles.


  • Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when using supplements.
  • Most natural treatment products come in topical form, not by mouth. They are very safe and effective when used according to the manufacturer's instructions, but there have been some reports of skin rashes or allergies. You should first test on small areas of skin that are free of disease and wait 24 hours. After trying the application without any reaction, the product may be helpful.
  • If you cannot find natural remedies at a pharmacy, you should look it up online.
  • Alternatively, you can find a local physician or an herbalist. It is likely that they will make a special ointment for you.
  • Infection with HSV virus often causes stress and depression in the sufferer, but you are not alone against the disease. There are online dating communities and support groups on the internet now, so you can join one if you find it appropriate. Talk to your partner to let them know how you feel and listen to their thoughts.