Ways to deal with not having friends

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why not having any friends was the best thing that could have happened to me
Video: Why not having any friends was the best thing that could have happened to me


Good friends are always a valuable asset in everyone's life, but there are times when you look around and realize that you don't have any close friends. If this properly describes your situation right now, you can cope by practicing loving yourself and being more comfortable with yourself. This time may not be easy, but developing a positive outlook and seeking help from others can help. After all, don't hesitate to step outside to meet new people. Remember, anyone can be your potential friend!


Method 1 of 4: Dealing with loneliness

  1. Love yourself. Always love yourself, treat yourself with compassion, respect and kindness. Does this seem difficult to you? Understand that you are not alone. Loneliness is something that almost everyone has experienced in life. Feeling lonely doesn't mean you are flawed or odd. In fact this is the manifestation of man!
    • Remember that loneliness is really like that: it is just a feeling. Those feelings are not part of your personality.
    • Think about how you would treat someone you like when they are upset. Then, treat yourself like that. Start by saying nice words to yourself as if to your loved one.
    • Give yourself a gesture of affection, like a pat on the back or a hug. It sounds strange, but it is really such a gesture that is soothing.

  2. Handling feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is a terrible experience. However, it is important that you understand and handle it instead of trying to suppress it. Take a moment to feel lonely, feel your throat tighten, chest squeezed and stomach empty. You will have to find a way to overcome those feelings.
    • If you feel like crying, let your tears flow. There's nothing to be ashamed of showing your emotions - in fact, you may feel more relieved after being able to cry freely.
    • Dealing with feelings doesn't mean indulging in it. Instead, take the time to learn your feelings to overcome them.

  3. Focus on long-term goals. When you feel lonely, you may find that putting energy into accomplishing long-term goals can help. Are you dreaming of going to college? Focus on getting good grades and participating in school activities. If you have a dream to travel to Europe, plan to save money.
    • Write down goals and a plan to achieve them. That way, your chances of accomplishing your goals will be higher.
    • Big goals can be daunting, so break down big goals into smaller everyday tasks. If you want to write a novel, plan to write a few pages a day.

  4. Make time for activities you enjoy. Enjoying fun alone is possible - as long as you take some time during the day to pursue activities that interest you. Maybe you enjoy writing, picnicking, or drawing. Doing things you enjoy is one way to improve your mood and help you get to know yourself better.
    • Try going to a concert by an artist you admire by yourself. Going to music alone may seem a bit odd, but once you get there, you won't be alone. Anyway, everyone there has at least one thing in common - they all love the performer or the band that's performing.
  5. Create a YouTube video. If you're feeling lonely, creating a YouTube video is a great way to reach out to the world to share your ideas and feelings with people of all walks of life. Whether it's performing a hilarious monologue, singing a song, showing off juggling or demonstrating makeup techniques, you can connect with others around the world through a YouTube video.
    • The YouTube community is full of potential friends! People can love your video, they will leave lovely comments, from which the fire of friendship will be lit. Or you can also make friends by watching and commenting on other people's videos.
  6. Create a blog site. Creating your own blog is a great way for you to share your passions with the world on a topic, discover more about your topic, and become part of a community that shares your interests. concerns. Find something you are passionate about like football, yoga or fashion and start writing!
    • Many bloggers gradually built a community of friends as others read their posts and connected with them.
    • You don't have to tell other people about your blog, or even post it publicly if you don't want to.
  7. Join an online class. Distract yourself by trying to learn something new! You can find MIT's OpenCourseWare, or free online courses from other universities. You may already have a degree or have chosen your subject, but there are an abundance of courses in every discipline - from microeconomics to Portuguese history - that can help you explore interesting subjects. taste that you find attractive.
    • Your life will also be busier and more meaningful when you take an online class. Maybe you feel like every day goes empty without friends, so this is an effective and positive way to fill that time.

Method 2 of 4: Stay optimistic

  1. Pamper yourself. A good self-care regimen can improve your mood and help you relax. Set aside at least once a week to take care of and relax your body.
    • Take care of yourself with anything that nourishes your mind, body, or soul, such as eating healthy foods, exercising, getting enough sleep or being in nature.
    • You can also indulge yourself with activities like a massage, facials, manicures or a new hairstyle.
  2. Practice positive inner monologues. It is easy to get into a self-indulgent mood for not having friends. You might think, "I'm so useless" or "No one will love me." Not only are such thoughts erroneous but counterproductive. Positive inner monologue means saying nice words to yourself and counteracting negative thoughts with something positive.
    • If you suddenly notice in your mind, "nobody likes me", think about your family members that for them you are wonderful! You can say to yourself, “Wait, it isn't. I have a whole family that loves me wholeheartedly ”.
    • List qualities that can make you a good friend, such as being there when people need help. Re-read the list every time you begin to feel worthless.
  3. Build a positive outlook. It can be difficult at first, but there are always good things around you. People often see bad things in this world easily and often have negative views. Be grateful for the things that happen in this moment, such as the sun or the health that you have.
    • Write a gratitude diary. At the end of the day, write in your gratitude diary three good things that happened that day. After a while, you may find that things are not as bad as you might think.
    • Instead of just paying attention to lonely thoughts, focus on wishing for good things for others! Try smiling brightly at the people you meet on the street. Perhaps you will receive smiles in return.
  4. Write diary. Journaling is a great way to interact with your thoughts and understand their impact on your feelings and behavior. Your daily journaling period will also give you the moments it takes to slow down and reflect on your life and values. A journal is also a great place for you to set goals for the future and how to achieve them.
    • Every six months, try rereading your journal to feel your growth and change.
  5. Exercise regularly. Staying physically active can make you feel better and help you feel better about yourself. Being healthy not only improves your mood and outlook, but also gives you a more balanced body. Step outside, take a walk, or simply enjoy the sun and fresh air for a few minutes a day.
    • You can also sign up for a class at the gym or entertainment center. This way you can both beautify your body and meet new friends!
  6. Be nice to everyone. Kindness always brings lasting benefits. You may feel rejected and angry with life, but such an attitude will only push people away. Try to be understanding, kind, and tolerant with the people you meet every day. If you act kind and positive, you will have many opportunities to attract other kind people to you.
    • Smile at strangers, keep the door behind the old lady or help a baby find the lost ball.

Method 3 of 4: Seek support

  1. See a consultant. Sometimes, you need a little support to open up to new friendships. Negative thoughts and feelings can be signs of problems that require professional help. Also, if you have difficulty communicating, it could be a symptom of social anxiety, shyness, or a problem. A counselor can help you deal with problems so you can become more confident in making friends.
  2. Spend time with family. Your friends may be living with you under the same roof - they are your family members! Family can be great friends, even if you don't think so. Spend a good time with your parents and siblings or visit them whenever possible. Family is a great resource and can help you through difficult times, even if you may not think so.
    • Create a new and exciting family routine, such as spending a night at a game every week or every Friday going to the cinema and eating pizza!
  3. Pet. Although pets cannot replace humans, they have a reputation for being loyal and great friends, helping you to reduce stress and be happy. You can go to the animal shelter to adopt a dog or a cat. Furthermore, pets can help you make new friends! You will have an excuse to go outdoors and chat with other pet owners on the street or in the park. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Find friends

  1. Start talking to other people. How many people around you have the potential to be your friends, but you may not know how to reach out and connect with them. Anyway, talking can be quite scary sometimes. But don't doubt yourself - you will! Take a deep breath and ask a stranger about themselves or make a comment about their surroundings. The golden key here is that people love to talk about you and their interests, so find clues that can help you get them to talk.
    • For example, when you are waiting in line at the grocery store and you see a boy standing in front playing a game on your phone, you might say, “You sound good at playing this game. What's the goal of this game? ”
    • Try to ask open-ended questions that require the other person to provide detailed answers instead of just "yes" or "no."
    • A good open-ended question could be, “Is surfing your favorite sport? So what do you like best about this subject? "
  2. Put yourself in social situations. When you feel lonely or not confident in your friending skills, it may be a natural reaction to turn down invitations to parties or other activities. However, such events can be extremely valuable opportunities to make friends. Although it may be nervous, you can gather the courage to talk, go to a party at the company or to celebrate the coming baby of your cousin. Your adventure will be rewarded with new friends!
    • You can love people more just by seeing them around you - this psychological phenomenon is called the mere exposure effect. Look for popular places like cafes and go there often. Maybe you will be friends with the staff or patrons of the restaurant!
  3. Be optimistic when interacting with others. People are often attracted to people who emit positive energy. Tell yourself to always speak well of others. Gossip that is not so good - even if it is sometimes just for entertainment - will not make you good friends. And don't forget to smile! You will naturally appear friendlier and more likable.
    • People often like people who make them happy, so encourage them and give them sincere compliments.
    • You can say, “I admire you so much, you go to a charity house every week to volunteer. Can you tell me about that job? ”
  4. Pursue hobbies with others. You can be more cheerful and have a more positive outlook when you are around people. If you choose to play a sport or hobby, attend club events, sporting festivals and competitions. While at those events, you will meet people with the same interests as you. It's easy to initiate a conversation - just start chatting about things everyone has shared!
    • Don't be afraid to join a club that you have never tried before, such as a improvisation club or bowling club. Maybe you meet a lot of inexperienced people like you, and maybe you can bond with each other through "silly" challenges and mistakes.
    • Take it easy if you still hesitate. Just don't let your fear of rejection stop you from connecting with great friends with the same interests.
  5. Find the right people you like online. It may take a while to find friends in your area, but you can easily find lots of people online who share your thoughts, ideas and passions. Online friendships are not as close to real life as they are and often do not completely relieve loneliness. Still, it's a great way to feel connected and filled with time.
    • Just don't let your online friends stop you from making real friends, and be careful when meeting or communicating with anyone you meet online.
  6. Volunteer. Jobs that help your neighborhood, like community service projects, are a great way to meet people and repay life. Helping the less fortunate also helps you to get out of your shell and see things better. You may find yourself even more grateful for what you have.
    • You can teach adults and children to learn to read at your local library, volunteer in the charitable kitchen or clean a park near you.