Ways to deal with disrespectful people

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Respond To Rude People - 8 Powerful Comebacks
Video: How To Respond To Rude People - 8 Powerful Comebacks


Clashing with people who behave disrespectfully can be stressful and frustrating. If someone is disrespectful to you, you will probably ask yourself how you can respond to them - or is it necessary to respond to them. Take a moment to assess the situation and see if the person is intentionally disrespecting you. If you find it necessary to focus on their behavior, calm yourself down first and think about how you should react. There must be sympathy but at the same time also have to stand up for myself.


Part 1 of 2: Reassessment of the Situation

  1. Determine the intentions of those who are disrespectful to you. Disrespectful behavior is obviously annoying, but it's not always intentional. Temporarily assume they are just being too honest, and do not rush to accuse them of intentionally hurting you. Investigate whether it is behavior they often repeat or just happened to you, and whether it is face-to-face for you.
    • For example, if they call your name directly or intentionally push you out of the way, that's a clear sign they disrespect you.
    • On the other hand, if someone emailed a group about an upcoming group study plan without you in it, they might just have forgotten it.
    • Likewise, if someone makes a bad comment in front of you, they probably just don't know they're dealing with a sensitive topic.

  2. Ask for clarification if necessary. Human words and actions are sometimes very misleading. If you are not sure that the other person is intentionally rude, it's better to ask directly. Try to stay calm and in a neutral tone, don't confront.
    • For example, when someone says something you think is disrespectful, you might ask again, "What do you mean by that?"

  3. Try to empathize with the other person as much as possible. Even if their behavior is clearly thoughtless, try not to feel assaulted. Think about whether the person has experienced such an act of indecency or if there is any underlying reason.
    • For example, there are many people who will become irritable around when stressed.
    • If they are tired or distracted, they may also forget some social behaviors like keeping the door open or greeting people when entering the room.
    • Empathy doesn't mean you have to justify the disrespectful behavior, but it will help you get to know the person better and respond appropriately.

  4. Examine your reactions to the other's words or actions. Sometimes your actions reflect your emotional state more than the opponent's rebellious behavior. So take a minute to consider why their words and actions upset you, will their reaction pay off?
    • For example, you can say “I'm upset Mrs. Sa for not calling me back, but maybe it's because my ex is always letting me climb a tree and ignoring the call makes me obsess. Maybe Sa is just busy, I will wait for her a little more.

    Tips: Think about whether you are inference or responding emotionally due to past experiences.


Part 2 of 2: Confronting that person

  1. Please stop for a minute Calm when feeling frustrated. Dealing with disrespectful behavior can be unpleasant, but responding aggressively or out loud in your head will only escalate stress and lead to unnecessary conflict. If you're upset, stop and breathe to take control back. If necessary, make an excuse and go out for a few minutes.
    • You could try counting to 10 or other relaxing exercises, like looking around and counting objects in blue.
  2. Determine whether it is necessary to respond to them. If the disrespectful behavior is not extreme or has just happened once, it is best to ignore it and ignore it. Dealing with the person doesn't help but can make the situation more stressful. However, if the behavior tends to be repetitive and affect work and day-to-day activities, come face to face with them.
    • For example, your partner or spouse is often rude and despises your feelings, talk to them about it.
    • On the other hand, if a stranger gets in the way when checking out, you shouldn't spend energy and time quarreling with them.
  3. Rebound with kindness. If someone is rude or rude to you, a kind response will surprise them and encourage them to think about their actions. Instead of getting frustrated and retaliated, ease the situation with a smile and a few kind words.
    • For example, a colleague grumpily asks you to get out of the way, you can stand aside, smile and say, "Sorry, do you need a hand?"

    Note: If their behavior is somewhat repetitive and lengthy, it's time to choose a more assertive approach.

  4. Talk to the person face to face if you plan to confront them. If you feel disrespected, it is best to have a one-on-one conversation with the person. For example, if the colleague is rude, talk to them before submitting to the boss. Fighting back will only make them hate you more and worse. If it's just a slight misunderstanding from the root of the problem, you can end up hurting them or getting into unnecessary trouble.
    • In serious cases, it is even more necessary to ignore them. For example, when you are being bullied at school or work, don't hesitate to report it to an authority.
  5. Bend your tongue 7 times before speaking. Maybe you can't wait to retaliate with that rude person. But that doesn't help either. Instead, plan what you want to say, so that it is true, useful and to the point.
    • Insulting the other person or making unfair accusations does not cause them to rethink their behavior, but also causes unnecessary harm.
    • Talking calmly and patiently is the best way to cool them down and stop repetitive rude behavior.
  6. Straightforward but still polite. When dealing with rude people, be clear and realistic about the problem. Calmly explain the problem and how their behavior affects you. Don't be afraid to be tough and politely ask them to explain the behavior.
    • Emphasize yourself so that the other person doesn't feel accused, eg “I feel offended when you speak in that tone”.
    • Try saying something like “I find jokes like this very annoying. Please don't joke around like that in front of me anymore. ”
  7. Give them a chance to respond. Being turned back on by others is not a pleasant experience. So the other person may want to respond and explain the story in their direction, especially if they feel you have misunderstood your words and actions. Give them an opportunity to explain without being interrupted, letting them know that you are willing to listen and respect what they say.
    • Repeat what they said to make sure you understand what they say. For example "You said you weren't purposely ignoring me this morning, you were just distracting, right?"

    Tips: Show that you are actively listening by nodding, making eye contact, and using statements like "Yes", "I hear you."

  8. Set clear limits if disrespectful behavior is a habit. The right limit is important for a healthy relationship. Setting a clear line to follow is especially important for those who often lack respect for you.Let them know you will not tolerate it and they will pay the consequences for breaking your boundaries.
    • For example you could say "If you keep playing on the phone and leave me alone when we go out, I won't be able to spend time with you anymore."
    • If the person continues to violate your limit, you may need to limit their time with them as much as possible or even cut off the relationship.