How to deal with a betraying boyfriend

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Easy But Effective Steps to Overcome Betrayal Trauma in Relationship | Dating Coach | 2020
Video: 8 Easy But Effective Steps to Overcome Betrayal Trauma in Relationship | Dating Coach | 2020


Deception may destroy your relationship, or not, depending on the situation. There are many different factors that you need to consider while your emotions are breaking through. Follow these steps to determine how to resolve the issue.


Method 1 of 4: How to spot him cheating on you

  1. Investigate. Be a detective and pay attention to his suspicious behavior. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Is he less intimate with you? If you find that you are having less sex, he may be in a relationship.

    • Is he dressed better than usual? Men usually do this when they first like someone, but when things get serious, they take less of their appearance. If he suddenly started building or noticed abnormally in looks, chances are he is making beautiful for another girl.
    • Does he have to "work late" more often? If "working late" becomes more frequent, or if he is always "on business" overnight, he probably has someone else. If the work is really overwhelming, he has told you everything that stresses him. If he's always vaguely talking about late evenings and business trips, there's a high chance a third person exists.
    • Did he check his phone many times and be sneaky? Some men may be more reserved than others, but if he becomes wary when you ask about the person he is contacting, there is definitely something shady.

    • Has he increased the security of his personal accounts? More than usual? If he suddenly sets a password on his mobile phone or computer, or tries to open a bank statement to view by himself, chances are he is having an affair.
    • Has he been away from you lately? If he seems nervous around you, chances are he is having an affair. But remember, men can appear distant for many reasons, so it's not a good idea to jump to conclusions. However, if he is cheating on you, he will always seem anxious, whether it's due to guilt or paranoia.
    • Does he make fun of you in front of other people? Maybe he's trying to justify his mistake by convincing himself that you're the bad guy.

    • Is he increasing the name of a female colleague or acquaintance more and more? Maybe it's because he is infatuated with them, whether he realizes it or not. The good news is that if he mentions the other person to you, chances are he didn't do anything wrong to accommodate his feelings as he is still feeling bitter. If he did make a real mistake, he probably will never mention the other person again.
  2. Ask the woman he is having a crush on, if you know or have doubted their identity. Most women will sympathize and tell the truth. Usually this is exactly what she wants - you know the truth. She may want you to leave him to make him your own. Many people feel uncomfortable about being secret or being someone else's second choice.
  3. Ask him. Maybe he won't answer honestly, but you can still guess from his reaction.
    • If he reacts warily or nervously, and denies this pushes all accusations, he is hiding something.
    • If he "doesn't bother to answer your question," usually it's because he doesn't want to lie but doesn't want to tell the truth. If instead of answering, he asks you, "Why do you think so? Don't you believe me?", He's probably just avoiding your question.

    • If he admits all of his guilt, there is only one of two reasons. A) he wants to break up with you, or B) guilt is tormenting him. If he falls on his knees and cries, or keeps his face down when he tells you, it is because he is embarrassed and regretted his actions. Ask him what the reason is, does he want to save everything?

Method 2 of 4: Ways to face him

  1. Prepare yourself for all possibilities. "Deception" is not always as obvious as black and white. Depending on how many times he cheats on you, how long, how affectionate it is and how many third-party girls you have, you may be able to save the relationship.
    • If he only has one lover and often meets her, buys her stuff and does romantic things, then he is truly in love and your relationship is over.

    • If he made a few mistakes but with different women he doesn't care about or keep in touch, you can still change him, because that means something about you. that other people don't, so he keeps you with him. But you need to change if you want him to change, otherwise he will still get used to the old way.

    • If he betrays once, and it is against his character, then he really apologizes then you should give him a second chance.

  2. Determine where the limit is. Where will you put the limit? When you find out he has seriously betrayed you, when will you break up with him? How much do you want to forgive him and move on?
  3. Realize that you may be at fault in this too. Obviously his actions are unacceptable, but maybe it is the result of something, and you are part of it. Ask yourself if you would push him away. Maybe you get mad at him, put too much pressure on the relationship, make things move too fast or too slow. The reason may be anything, but maybe you didn't meet his needs, and if you want things to be all right again, you will have to change some points about yourself.
  4. Calmly face him. If you get angry, he will immediately take a stance and will not speak honestly and properly with you.
    • Try to understand as much as possible. Listen to him. Listening may help him relieve some of the stress that caused him to cheat.
  5. Ask specifically to what extent he cheated.
    • How many times?
    • With how many people?
    • What frequency?
    • How long did it last?
    • Has he cheated in previous relationships?
    • How serious is he for that girl (s)?
  6. Ask him what he's up to you. Does he want to stay with you? Or is cheating the fastest way for him to get out of a relationship? Is he in love with someone else?
  7. Determine if you want to get over this, or that's enough. Should you stay or leave?
    • If you feel in your heart that you cannot completely forgive him, and you feel that you will not be happy to stay, don't try to endure the pain and stay, no matter how much you want to.
    • If you believe he will be faithful from now on, give him one more chance.

Method 3 of 4: If the two of you stay together

  1. Tell him what he needs to do to regain your trust.
    • You may feel that he needs to stop going to Facebook or delete some of the girls' contacts from his phone.
    • Be careful of forbidding him from talking to anyone, as this may make him want to offend you.
    • You are completely free to ask him to remove the phone password. If you feel the need to ask him or her to release his Facebook password or e-mail, however this can also make him feel constrained and want to cheat on you again.
  2. Ask him what he needs from you. There may be something missing in your relationship that separates him from you.
  3. Communication. From now on, it is clear that you cannot let tension escalate. Trust is built on openness and honesty. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: The reason men cheat

Cheating can be completely avoided if you know the cause. Refer to the following tips:

  1. Give him some space. Don't make him feel stuffy. If you cling or become obsessed with him, he can avoid you.If he feels attached to you, then he will likely deceive you to free himself.
  2. Satisfy his sexual needs. If he is not satisfied, he will find a way to respond, and if you are not satisfied with him, he will turn to someone else.
    • Be bold in bed and be open to what he wants to do, as long as they make sense.
    • Boring or repetitive sex can cause him to find someone else to satisfy his needs.
    • The fact that you genuinely enjoy sex will make a difference. If he thinks he can't satisfy you, he might cheat and satisfy others to reinforce his ego.
  3. Beware of blaming him. Blaming and blaming him for small things will cause him to seek acceptance in others, not just sexually but emotionally.
  4. Do not participate in a power struggle. Love is not a contest, don't try to win. If you ignore what he says or act condescending, he may retaliate against you. advertisement


  • Openness, honesty, and communication are the keys to a successful relationship.
  • Always willing to listen to stories from him. The reasons for his cheating may not justify his wrongdoing, but they can explain and help you understand.
  • Believe in your intuition. If you feel you can forgive him, stay and get through together and your relationship will strengthen. But don't stay if you don't trust him deep down.
  • Willing to change for him. Deception is often the result of deep, deep relationship problems.