How to train an adult dog

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
The First Steps For Training Your Rescue/Rehomed/Adult Dog!
Video: The First Steps For Training Your Rescue/Rehomed/Adult Dog!


Puppy training is either adult, young or old, all equally important. In addition to building manners, training your dog can also help improve the relationship between the owner and the pet. Furthermore, you can keep your pet safe through training about what to do and what to do, as well as always responding to the owner's commands. For example, the dog can save you from a car accident if it gets out or gets lost.


Method 1 of 4: Prepare to train your dog

  1. Prepare a treat your puppy likes. You should divide foods into small portions to reward them without having to worry about your pet gaining weight. Some breeds of dogs, especially the Labrado (retriever) and Beagle (hunting dogs), are extremely fond of food, and you can put a daily serving of pellets in a small bag and reward them with.

  2. Choose a less distracting environment, such as in your backyard. Make sure your dog hears you, instead of watching other dogs playing in the park. During early training, if you are unsure about your dog's reaction, leash it. This will allow you to control the dog if it begins to show signs of distraction from other sounds around you. Instead, just gently wrap the leash around the dog's neck.
    • After your dog has learned the basic commands, you can continue with a lesson that includes distractions. This is beneficial because the dog will learn that you want them to respond in all situations, rather than just in the yard.

  3. Start a short training session. The typical training program consists of two sessions per day of 10 to 20 minutes each. Alternatively, you can reinforce commands by asking your dog to "sit" before eating, or "stay" when you want to go first.
    • Each dog breed has a different degree of concentration, (just as human personalities are not entirely the same). However, some breeds are easier to train, meaning they have a high concentration of concentration. These breeds include German shepherd, Border collie, Labrado and those with predatory instinct.

  4. Set the actual training speed. You can teach an adult dog new tricks, but it will take a lot of time. You should not expect them to pick up objects as quickly as they did when they were a child during adaptive practice. However, you should also be optimistic when the coaching process takes a long time, just persevere and you will see success. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Determine the type of training to put in place

  1. Use reward-based coaching. Several training methods favors radical pet domination. While you still have to play a leading role, you should encourage them rather than make strict adjustments. Considering the puppy to be a small member of the family, it is important to follow the house rules to ensure the benefit of everyone.
    • Reward training uses the principle of rewarding good behavior so the dog repeats the action for a reward, while the bad behavior will not be rewarded, so the dog will stop doing it.
  2. Learn how to train the use of switches, as this is a highly effective dog training method. The content of the training is described in detail in the article How to Train a Dog with a Switch. The principle of that training is to teach your dog to associate the click with a treat or food. Then, you can come up with a cue word and use a switch to mark the exact moment the desired behavior is needed, and then reward the dog.
    • The benefit of using that switch is reward-based, so you can accurately highlight the desired behavior that other measures cannot.
  3. Never use a chain link. This is a cruel act that not only dislikes you, but also causes permanent damage to the dog's neck. In fact, the dog died from wearing a leash.
    • Chain rings, pitch rings, or power rings are for use only during idle or poor training. These rings work based on the fear of pain to subdue the dog and scare the dog, instead of encouraging the correct behavior required.
  4. Learn about dog training. Borrow or buy books about dog training at your local library and bookstore. Read books and articles about dog training, behavior, and psychology so you can understand what your pet thinks in order to apply the training method more effectively.
  5. Do not scold or beat your pet. Realize that scolding your dog doesn't work well during training. Dogs are real creatures and if you are yelled at, they will form bad bonds with their owners, and become more cautious, rather than learning, affecting their relationships. . When you are present and want to correct behavior, such as the dog on the sofa, use a disapproving facial expression and tone to show your pet that you are unhappy, but the punishment is equal. Screaming or physical violence will only damage your relationship with your dog.
    • Aggression often frightens the dog, not the correct training response. If you hit your dog too much or too hard, it will feel tense when you bring your hand closer. So when a child comes close to petting him, the dog will assume that this is the hand that beat him. They will feel scared and think, "Will this person beat me today?" So the dog will bite to relieve this fear.

Method 3 of 4: Basic command training

  1. Start training the dog to "sit down.Giving a steady "sit down" command to give you complete control of the situation, for example, if your dog hears the doorbell and barks, you can discourage this behavior by asking them to sit down, Then enjoy the food and take the dog to another room to stop barking.
    • To teach your dog to sit down, show him a treat in hand. Hold the treat across the puppy's nose, then bring it to the nose. Say "sit down." The dog's head will be in the direction of the reward, causing the dog to raise his head and lower his body. As soon as the puppy sits down, flip the switch and reward it.
    • When your dog starts to act regularly, stop giving it a treat. This keeps your pet from predicting whether he will be rewarded and will no longer take it lightly. Then the dog will work harder. After a while, reward them only for the fourth or fifth command.
    • Once your dog has begun to sit down frequently on command, you can ask him to do the same while walking outside, before placing the food, and at the curb before walking across the street.
  2. Teach your dog to stay on command. You can train this command to be similar to "sit down". Ask your puppy to sit down, then step back. Say "stay there", and when the dog is not moving, turn on the switch and reward the puppy, with praise. Gradually increase the distance, until you are able to leave the room with the pet in the same position.
  3. Train running. To teach this command, start in a small area so the distance between you and the dog is not too far. When they turn around and step towards you, give the cue "here". As your dog continues to move toward the click, and comes closer, praise and reward it. Repeat this step until the dog understands what you want. Call your pet close every time you feed or under any circumstances.
    • Help your puppy connect getting closer to its owner with something nice. Be excited, and enjoy your food often. Start with a small 'close' and release them to get back into the activities going on.
    • Recall is a common cause of confusion among dogs and humans. The problem here is that we often reprimand our pets when they return after 30 minutes. This makes your dog think that the act of getting closer is annoying, so he won't come back. Scolding only deflects the pet's action. Instead, no matter how long it takes, be happy to see your pet return and give them lots of compliments.
    • Once your dog has mastered the command in the small room, you can start using it in the yard. Unless you are absolutely certain that the dog will run home, do not let go of the leash while it is in the park. Bring leashes to your pet so you can control them if they don't obey.
  4. Train your dog to go to the bathroom outside. If your dog has not been properly trained, go back to basics and retrain like a puppy. Get your dog to be more active, and then put him in a small room or crate (teach your pet to adapt to the crate. Take the dog out every hour, and when he goes to the bathroom), use a cue "Go to the toilet." Once your puppy has resolved its sadness, you can reward him with a lot of food. In addition, you should do this training in the morning after waking up and in the evening before. Go to bed After a while, the dog will understand that as long as he goes to the toilet in a fixed place he will be rewarded.
    • If your dog walks indoors, do not scold him. Instead, use an enzyme cleaner to get rid of the smell that prevents them from going bad again. Do not use household cleaners, especially those that contain bleach, because the ammonia-like ingredient in urine causes a stronger odor.
  5. Train your dog not to disrupt furniture. To teach your dog to give up this habit, choose an item that he likes but not a toy. Allow your dog to chew on the item, then offer an enticing reward. The dog has to drop the object down to get the reward, so it will "release". Press the switch as soon as they drop the item and reward the food. Repeat as many times as other commands.
    • After training, if you encounter something you don't want your dog to chew on and can be quite attractive, you can ask the dog not to touch the item. Praise your dog when it turns its attention to its owner.
    • When training your dog, keep everything that seems attractive to your dog. However, if your dog gnawed on something that could hurt it if swallowed, press the sides close to the inside of the jawbone and praise them for dropping the object down. As noted above, do not use force to force your dog to open his mouth to release an object unless it is a dangerous item, such as medicine or sharp object.
  6. Train your dog to stay away from furniture. If your dog climbs or jumps on furniture without permission, ask him or her to come down sternly and praise him for doing what you say. If necessary, push the dog down. If they continue to jump without consent, give a disapproving sound and hold your knees forward to push the dog down. You can put leashes on your dog when you are indoors to avoid pushing him down, but getting snapped when he jumps out of furniture. Minimize verbal interactions until your dog is lying down.
  7. Train dogs to stay away from people, even if they feel excited when meeting someone. To teach your dog to lie down, you can use rewards and commands, such as "lie down". If this doesn't work, you can place a can of compressed air with a motion latch in front of the item so your dog can receive a remote punishment for jumping. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Note special conditions

  1. Remember that you are training an adult dog that has had life experience. Training is a long process and should always take place no matter what age the dog is. However, if you save an adult dog, or find that your dog has bad habits, you need to know how to best train your adult dog.
    • For example, if you need to teach your dog to walk when chained, teach in a quiet place like the backyard. Other places have so many distractions that the dog cannot concentrate on its way of walking while leashed.
  2. Note your physical condition. You should take the dog to see the vet. This helps you to be aware of their limitations, as well as find the health problems that cause disobedience.
    • For example, if the dog refuses to sit down, the dog may have hip pain, making it difficult to sit down. The solution is to give the dog painkillers and change other commands such as "get up."
    • Also, if the adult puppy is deliberately disobedient, it is likely that he is deaf, so he will not be able to hear your commands. Once you've identified the problem, switch to a hand signal, instead of a verbal command so the dog can respond.
  3. Take the time to get to know your dog and realize what is upsetting him. For example, if the dog has a hostile attitude towards a strange dog, is this due to fear or desire to protect the territory? Knowing this key element will help you to train your dog more effectively, by building confidence in other dogs or cleaning up toys they are determined to protect.
    • If your dog runs out a lot and has not been spayed yet, you can castrate it to fix the problem.
    • Find out what training your dog has not learned well to focus on that content. Does your dog have a bad habit that needs adjustment, or does training need to be sharpened?
    • If your dog responds well, you might consider training some tricks. Training is an effective way to bond with your dog and help him understand that you are in charge. Furthermore, training a grieving puppy can help ease his concentration and ease his grief, since he can then enjoy private time with the owner and feel reassured that you are who protects them.


  • Practice whispering with your pet. This will help the dog focus on listening more. They will soon recognize sounds relevant to them without you having to say the entire phrase. In addition, this method can be applied indoors to reduce noise to avoid disturbing others.
  • If your dog is deaf, use simple hand signals. Point your palms up and raise your hands up. You can still give the command "sit down", as some dogs are capable of reading lip movements.
  • Find out what your dog likes. If you train your dog in a safe area with no fences, throw their favorite toy and ask to be picked up as a reward. In case he can play fetch but prefers tug of war, you can change the reward with this game.
  • Each dog has a different taste, so try a variety of foods to see what they like best. Your dog may love the sausage cut into small pieces!
  • If you don't have a lot of time, ask your dog to sit and lie down or do some quick action to enjoy the meal.