How to Sing better if you think you're bad at singing

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
If you can’t do can’t sing
Video: If you can’t do can’t sing


If you think you have a bad voice, don't worry, there's still hope. In fact, you can sing better than you think! You should believe in yourself and don't just notice weak points in your voice. Instead, think about the highlights in your voice. With the singing practices and some tips below, you can improve your voice, improve your acoustics, and build confidence in yourself.


Method 1 of 3: Develop basic skills

  1. Maintain correct posture. To sing properly, make sure you have good posture. You should stand or sit up straight. Your body should not tilt to one side or the other. Make sure your head is not tilted forward or backward.
    • To learn how to hold the correct posture, try singing while lying on your back, or leaning against the wall so that the shoulders and the back of your head touch the wall.

  2. Learn to breathe with your diaphragm. Proper breathing is one of the most important things about singing. When taking breath, you must use your diaphragm instead of your chest to inhale the air. This means that when you inhale, your abdomen will expand in place of your chest. When singing, the diaphragm will press down on the high scale and loosen as you lower the scale. Using your diaphragm for breath is the key to good singing.
    • To practice, put one hand on your stomach and inhale through your nose. Your abdomen will expand and swell as you inhale. Don't let your chest move up and down. As you exhale, push the breath and contract your abdominal muscles. This action is similar to a stomach crunch. Repeat until you feel fluent in your singing.
    • Alternatively, you can exercise by lying on the floor and placing a book on your stomach. Make sure the book is raised as you inhale and lowered as you exhale.

  3. Open the vowels. A quick way to improve your singing is opening vowels. This is called a nasopharyngeal technique. To achieve this technique, proceed to say the words "a" or "uu". Extend your mouth, but don't open it. You have to separate your tongue from the soft dome and keep them from touching your teeth while singing. The tip of the tongue should touch the lower jaw. This will yield a higher effect.
    • Try to say the vowels a-e-i-o-u. You should not close your jaw. If you can't hold your lower jaw, use your fingers to pull it down. Keep repeating the vowels until you can say them with your mouth open.
    • Practice singing with vowels. Keep your jaw open while singing, as you speak. Then sing a piece of music and open your jaw as you sing each vowel.
    • Mastering practice can take a long time, but your voice will improve a lot.
    • This way you can begin to develop your voice.

  4. Keep your chin parallel to the floor. When you are working on high notes and trying to get more strength, do not raise or lower your chin. Your head tends to go up when singing high notes, which can cause vocal problems. Keeping your chin parallel to the floor while singing will give your voice more power and control.
  5. Expand your sound range. First, you must determine your vocal range. You can then proceed to increase the width of the interval. To do this, you need the right method. Before trying to expand the range, your voice needs to have dumb vowels and the right resonance.
    • To expand your vocal range, practice a half step or full step at the same time. You should practice with short intervals until you feel comfortable singing the correct new note before trying to push your voice higher or lower.
    • Practicing following a vocal coach's instruction is the safest, most effective way to improve your range.
  6. Switch voices between different tones. Your voice is made up of 3 different zones. Shifting between these zones can change the reverberation of the vocals. Learning how to control these changes will help improve your voice.
    • The male voice has two tones: chest sound area and false voice zone. The notes in the falsetto are usually quite high, while the thoracic notes are usually lower.
    • The female voice has three different tones: chest, first and mid. Corresponding to each of these zones are the vocal transitions.
    • The first voice has a higher pitch. When you sing high notes, the sound vibrates in the beginning. You can place your hand on the top of your head while singing high notes to feel the vibrations. The chest voice has a lower pitch. When you sing low notes, they vibrate in the chest. Mixed voice - is the intermediate voice between the chest voice and the first voice. The pitch of your voice will gradually shift from chest to head in order to sing the correct notes.
    • When moving from high notes to low notes, you need to switch from head to chest voice. As you sing, you will feel the sound move up your head or down your chest. You should not sing notes with the same interval as your voice rises or falls. This will limit the quality of your voice.
  7. Drink water. Water helps to lubricate and moisturize the vocal cords so they can easily open and close. Unsweetened, caffeinated, and alcohol-free beverages have the same effect. Try to drink at least 2 cups (470 ml) of water per day.
    • Warm water is best for the throat. Drink warm drinks like warm water or warm tea mixed with honey. Try to avoid cold drinks, like ice cream or cold carbonated drinks, as they can cause your muscles to strain.

Method 2 of 3: Practice vocals

  1. Practice voice every day. If you want to sing better, you have to practice your voice. This requires perseverance. Doing vocal exercises a few times a week or a month won't make a big difference. You should practice your voice every day. Voice training and muscle expansion will help you to improve your voice.
    • Remember to warm up before practicing the vocal.
    • You can use tools to aid your training, such as the Vanido app.
  2. Practice mercury. Make the sound "hhm?" or "hmm" as if you weren't trusting someone. Both the high and low pitch should be changed. When exercising on the scales, you need to feel the resonance move around your nose, eyes, and head, or down your chest.
    • Do the do-mi-son on an ascending scale and then back to mi-do. While you are singing, continue with the high low intensity exercise correctly.
  3. Practice vibration. To vibrate your lips, blow air through your lips, this will cause your lips to bump and vibrate. Sound like sound br, emitted when you get cold. If your lips are in tension when you exhale, they won't vibrate. So try to relax your lips, and if that doesn't work, push the corner of your mouth towards your nose when exercising.
    • Try shaking your tongue. With this method, your jaw muscles are relaxed and you can keep your jaw muscles relaxed while singing.
  4. Keep the larynx steady. Instead of moving your larynx when trying to sing high notes, you need to keep your larynx steady. This gives you better vocal control and helps avoid stress. To keep the larynx steady, repeat the word "mum" over and over again. Practice until you feel comfortable saying the word.
    • Gently place your thumb under your chin. Then swallow the saliva. You should feel your jaw muscles and throat muscles connect. When you sing, you need to keep these muscles relaxed. Close your mouth and make a "mmm" sound while singing. Your throat muscles are still relaxed.
    • You could end up holding the sound on the upper part of the face with a funny expression. The facial transformation and sound if you need to do it is perfectly normal. It is important to practice relaxation of your jaw muscles as you go through the scales.

Method 3 of 3: Build confidence

  1. Build confidence when you're alone. Practicing at home is a way to help you break your anxiety state. You need even more exercise than you usually do every day. For example, you can sing louder and louder, try different moves, or perform a divine act. Have confidence in yourself before trying to gain public confidence.
    • Find a space that is comfortable for you to exercise. You can sing out loud and make a funny face or sound without feeling awkward.
    • When you practice in the mirror or on video, learn to show your emotions and passion on stage. At first, you may feel uncomfortable about the authenticity and excitement of standing on stage, but professional singers are confident to sing honestly and inspirationally.
  2. Step out of your comfort zone. One of the ways to build your confidence is to continue stepping out of your comfort zone. This can include many things. You can try singing in front of an audience. At the same time, you can also learn to expand your musical field, or even sing into a different genre. Improving your voice, trying new things and learning everything will help you become more confident.
  3. Sing in front of friends and family. After practicing and learning new singing skills, you need to start singing in front of everyone. First, sing in front of your close friends and family members. Start with one person, then gradually bring everyone together. This can help you get used to singing in public.
    • Ask them to comment when you sing. This way, you will improve if you make a mistake.
  4. Perform in your neighborhood. Another way to build confidence is to sing in your neighborhood. This is not as difficult or stressful as in a concert or a formal event. You can look for participation opportunities at nursing homes or children's hospitals.
    • Try auditioning at the local theater or take acting classes. This can help you gain more confidence when standing on stage in front of a crowd without having to sing. Then, you can apply the above to singing.
  5. Sing karaoke. Although not a formal concert, singing karaoke with friends in this environment can help build your confidence. Your vocal technique will not improve much, but the fear of singing in front of a crowd will be somewhat relieved.
  6. Sing a familiar song. You should sing a familiar song if it is your first or second time standing onstage. This gives you confidence from the start. Choose a song that is suitable for the field of music to enhance your voice. Instead of trying to make strange songs, you should sing along to the original. The main purpose is to make you feel comfortable on stage when singing in front of a crowd.
    • As you build confidence, you can create your own song, fit your own style, and be ready to change it.
  7. Move your body to hide your anxiety. If you are losing your temper, move around to ease your anxiety. To regain your confidence and get rid of your fear, you can hit your hips or take small steps.
    • Try looking at a point above the audience if you're really nervous. You should not look at the audience. Find a spot on the wall to focus on when you ignore the audience.


  • If your voice shows signs of hurt, stop singing for an hour, drink some warm water, and try again.
  • Record your voice and you will see progress
  • If you can't sing the notes correctly, try singing low notes and gradually lift up the sound. You can use the Sing-True app if you need assistance.
  • Joining a choir, school choir, or musical groups will help you reach out to singers and learn a lot.
  • Try to sing along to a song you love, and keep practicing until you master it.
  • If you feel short of breath, exercise with your diaphragm and lungs. This will keep the upper parts healthy, giving your voice a boost without having to take a breath.
  • If you feel nervous, close your eyes and imagine singing to yourself and singing as if no one is around.
  • Try to adjust the pitch of the sound when out of tune. Occasionally you can sing a song with a completely off-range sound pitch and you won't even notice it until you try a different tone.
  • If you want to get a wide range of sound, sing the scale solos (dollar, rê, mi, phase, son, la, si, and trivia), starting at low pitch and gradually increasing the pitch. higher. Or you can start at high pitch and gradually lower (practicing the tones in the opposite direction is also a good idea). Be sure to drink water before exercising, breathe properly, and have a good singing pose!
  • Practice singing the low notes and high notes until you sing the notes correctly.
  • Practice with the piano to master timing and notes. Besides, you should do your best to let the intensity of the sound harmonize with the piano's melody. You will quickly notice the improvement in your voice.


  • Avoid drinking water that is too hot, as this will damage the vocal cords.
  • Don't try to shout out loud often.