Ways to Visualize

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Visualize Effectively - A Simple Visualisation Technique
Video: How to Visualize Effectively - A Simple Visualisation Technique


Visualization is a motivating method that helps you achieve your personal goals in life. If you want something to come true, you have to force your imagination to work. Picture your accomplishments in front of your eyes, play an upcoming game in your head, or visualize yourself receiving a college diploma. Nothing can limit you but your imagination. Visualization is a useful brain skill; it can help you draw an image or a scene that doesn't really play out in front of you.


Part 1 of 2: Visualize the goals

  1. Visualize the activities, events, or outcomes that you desire. Close your eyes and draw a goal that you have in mind. Let's say you want to envision yourself getting promoted at work. Imagine the scene of a brand-new office with gilded letters on the door. Picture a black swivel chair behind a royal reddish-brown desk. Imagine a copy of the painter Renoir hanging on the wall next to your qualifications.
    • Once you've visualized the overarching scene, go into the smaller details. Visualize dust in the corners of the room and coffee residue in cups, light creeping through gaps in the window blinds and onto the carpet.

  2. Visualize with optimism and positive thinking. You will not improve if you remain pessimistic about yourself and your opportunities in life. So instead of thinking “I play basketball so badly; Maybe I can never play better, "think," Now I'm not good, but in 6 months I will improve. " Then imagine you succeed with a 3-point pitch or win the ball and score.
    • The visualization method is like hypnosis: If you don't believe in success it won't come. Thinking positively is the first step in making sure this method really works. That was the first step towards making dreams come true.
    • Remember that life is not just a journey towards your goals, it is also the destinations in your mind. The visualization method can make the process of reaching your goal more interesting, because it helps you to maintain your motivation and focus, and add a positive factor to your life.

  3. Turn visualization into reality. After spending a few days or days visualizing your goals, make some changes in your life to get closer to your goals. Just before starting an activity, task or event to achieve a goal or achieve a certain result towards your goal, focus on the action scene you are about to take. Whether it's a vague goal like "earning more money" or it can be applied in everyday life, you can use it before you go to work or before every career opportunity.
    • For example, if you are looking for a way to swing a baseball, visualize clearly, step by step, with the correct pitch and speed. Watch the ball hit the stick, fly in the air and hit the target. Visualize it with all your senses: hearing the coming ball, feel its impact and the smell of grass on the field.

  4. Think of the sequence of events that will be required to achieve your goal. Major life changes require a lot of time, concentration and involve many small steps. If you are envisioning yourself achieving a particular goal or goal, imagine how you would have achieved it. So, if you want to be president, visualize your political activities: running your campaign, campaigning for funds, meeting key politicians, and giving your first speech. friend.
    • How do you manifest in the situations you imagine?
  5. Visualize the personal qualities you need to get you to your goals. The dream of becoming a vice president of the company will not be enough. You need to reflect on qualities that can help you achieve that goal. Not only imagining the vice president, you also have to envision open communication skills, assertiveness, sharing, listening, discussion, and handling criticism skillfully and respectfully. , etc.
    • Imagine acting the way you envision it. So, if you find that a vice president needs to be confident at work, imagine yourself working with confidence in the office.
  6. Use affirmative statements to motivate yourself. Imagery works great, but words are just as beneficial. If you envision yourself in a healthy, well-proportioned, and leisurely figure walking around in the branch manager's office, tell yourself: “I have the body I used to dream of. I am healthy and I feel great ”. If you want to be better at baseball, say things like “I see the ball. I have an excellent shot. "
    • You can repeat the sentence as many times as needed. Just believe in it!
  7. Visualize times of calm, concentration, and comfort. Visualization works only when you are calm, relaxed, and ready to give yourself time to calm down and not be preoccupied with your worries. Visualization is a technique very close to meditation, except that it is more active and alive. As you visualize, you are encouraged to think positively about the possibilities. Meditation, on the other hand, requires you to focus completely on your dreams and goals and put away the extraneous elements.
    • If possible, make yourself comfortable in the visualization. The visualization process is much easier if you are less distracted. You can also think more comfortably in a quiet environment.
  8. Imagine you are overcoming obstacles. Obstacles are a natural part of life, and no one in this world has achieved success without ever facing failure. Understand that you will make mistakes, but don't forget that you can make it through. How you get up from a stumble is more important than how you made a mistake.
    • Every day, tell yourself, "What can I do today to make me better tomorrow?"
    • A great resource that can help you learn to overcome obstacles is rolling Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Thinking: The Psychology of Success, by Carol S. Dweck.

Part 2 of 2: Improving visualization techniques

  1. Take the time to get used to the visualization and wait for the results. When you first start practicing visualization, it may feel quite strange. This method seems odd and unfamiliar. You will have to back up that feeling, and then it will be over! It is natural to feel uncomfortable at first when you are immersed in the dream world, but it is only a temporary feeling. If you don't find it a little weird, then you probably haven't done it right.
    • You can only get used to it with practice, and that's all. The biggest secret here is nothing but time. Like everything else, the visualization method always requires a lot of practice. It only seems unbelievable when you are not determined. Relax, and the strange feeling will be gone! The only thing that stops you from visualizing success is yourself.
    • Over time, the visualization method can stimulate the brain the same way you are actually acting. This even your brain doesn't notice the difference! For example, if you are afraid of singing in front of a crowd, you can imagine yourself singing on stage. This visualization will deceive your brain that you already have the experience, and if the next time you get the chance, you will find it easier to get up and sing in front of people.
  2. Focus on long-term goals. If you expect rapid change, you will be disappointed. Instead, you need to plan to recognize your expectations and dreams over the long term. Imagine where you are in the next 5, 10, or 15 years and the achievements you desire. How will your circumstances change, and how will you yourself? Allow yourself to draw that life in mind.
    • For example, visualizing yourself going to bed earlier or jogging at night can help, but visualization can help you reach larger goals. You can imagine what kind of parent you want to be, what kind of wealth will you leave your children, and who you will be when they grow up.
    • Imagine what you would like to achieve in life, what would leave your friends and community behind.
  3. Create a "vision" board to remind yourself of the life you dream of. It will help you to regularly visualize your goals. You can create a vision board by pasting a set of pictures and words that describe your future goals. That way, you can look at it every day to stay motivated as you pursue the life you desire.
    • For example, if your goal is to open a restaurant, you could bring together photos of the restaurant you will model for your future restaurant and also the dishes that you will serve. You can also include pictures of people enjoying their meal happily.
  4. Think of goals with affirmation. When it comes to visualizing, or just thinking positively, you need to be assertive about what you want to achieve. Won't really help if you only aim for "not poor". So instead of not wanting to be like this, not wanting that to happen, or not wanting something, focus on what you want, who you are and what you have. For example, consider statements like "I want to be financially stable," or "I have the courage to travel across the country."
    • You also need to think positively and focus on the present. If you are picturing yourself not smoking anymore, stop reciting the mantra "I will try to quit smoking". Think more realistically, like, “Tobacco is a scary thing. I don't want to smoke. It doesn't do me any good ”.
  5. Be realistic about the goals you envision. Suppose you are a boxer and are trying to picture your upcoming match in which you have the upper hand. You won't reap much benefit imagining yourself as legendary puncher Muhammad Ali. After all, you won't reach the standards you set yourself on the ring; You will be frustrated and exhausted with yourself.
    • Instead, visualize your crossings as the most dangerous moves you have ever had. Imagine your opponent is a sandbag in the gym that you still punch every day. Imagine your coach complimenting you when you have had the best performance in your career
    • Such things can happen, and there's no reason why they don't happen.
  6. Visualize from your own perspective. This will help the images in your head appear more realistic, clear and feasible. Don't draw your goals and future successes into a movie - what you envision should be based on your perspective. You are not the audience in the scene you envision. This is your stage, this is your moment to shine.
    • For example, if you are envisioning your future career as a doctor, don't think about it from the perspective of the patient you are treating or the co-worker in your room. Instead, picture yourself examining a patient: imagine a stethoscope in your hand and all that.
    • This experience is called full visualization. It is as if it were happening in front of your eyes. It is not an out-of-body experience; it is your future.


  • Help others visualize. One of the most precious gifts you can give others is hope, and visualization is part of hoping for better. Instruct others to visualize when you are confident and ready to share your hope.
  • The visualization method requires practice. If you are a skeptic, you might think this is just a waste of time. However, do not give up, as everyone, including skeptics, can benefit from the visualization method.
  • When reading a book with no pictures, pick a few words and visualize them. Gradually, you will be able to visualize everything that you are reading.