How to date a woman who is older than you

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What to expect when dating an older woman | Should you date an older woman #askRenee
Video: What to expect when dating an older woman | Should you date an older woman #askRenee


If you are dating a woman who is older than you, you will have fun, adventures, and fun experiences. If you are worried about what to do, just remember that the most important thing you can do is to be confident in yourself and not take the age difference too seriously. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your relationship, just as you would if you were dating a woman of any other age.


Part 1 of 3: Attract her

  1. Show confidence. If you really want to date a woman who is older than you, you need to have confidence in yourself. If you lack confidence or feel like you can't fulfill your role in a relationship, you may have trouble dating an older person. Older women dating boys younger than they do not expect a boy or someone who needs them to take care of like a child; they need a man who knows who he is, no matter how old he is. If you lack confidence, maybe it's time to learn to love yourself while still overcoming your shortcomings.
    • Avoid being overly self-deprecating or making a habit of saying negative things about yourself. You should focus on what you love about yourself.
    • Be eager to accept new challenges, instead of justifying why you don't dare.
    • Try to show confidence in body language. Stand up straight, make eye contact, smile, and avoid fidgeting or stooping.
    • Of course, it takes time to really build your confidence, but you can do small things to acknowledge your flaws that you can spot and accept your flaws. You should create a list of all the things you like about yourself and continue to expand the list for the time being.
    • To become confident, make friends with people who make you feel good about yourself; if your friends always put you down, you won't be able to feel comfortable with yourself.

  2. Impress her with your independence. Older women don't want a thief to follow them wherever they go; they want the man to have his own friends, hobbies, and goals for him to pursue. Make sure your life has many other concerns, not just her, so you can spend time with her but you don't always want to see her 24/7. If the woman is older than you feel you have nothing but her, she will probably retreat.
    • In addition, when you have your own interests, goals, and passions is a sign of maturity and mature personality. If you have nothing else to do but play video games, perhaps the older woman will think you are immature and inactive.
    • Continue to spend time with friends when possible. You shouldn't give up on everything to always date a girlfriend who is older than you. You need to show her that friendship is important to you.
    • Not jealous. If you often ask her where she was or what she did, she may not feel mature enough to trust her.

  3. Take control when you can. While you shouldn't overwhelm your girlfriend over your age, don't become completely passive and just do whatever she says because you're younger. Although she may have many ideas for spending time together, you should also contribute to the plan; Don't let her feel like she takes a lot of work to be with you. You should also have ideas like where to eat dinner, what movie to watch, or what to do together.
    • Take turns deciding activities for your appointment. She is older than you does not mean she has to decide everything.
    • If you are kissing or having an intimate relationship, you can take the initiative if you want. Don't let her think you're too shy.
    • While taking control sometimes shows you grow up, it's okay to ask her for her opinion when you really don't know what to do. Accepting it when you don't know something is clearly a sign of maturity.

  4. Use your age to your advantage. Don't see your age as a hindrance and prevent you from enjoying a relationship with women who are older than them. Overall, there must be a reason why she prefers to date a guy younger than her? Perhaps you lack experience or knowledge, but you have enthusiasm, enthusiasm, energy, or a positive outlook on life. You should also show her how much fun it is about dating younger people.
    • Impress her with energy and the ability to try new things. Don't be afraid to try something you haven't heard before; instead, seize the opportunity when it comes.
    • Even if you haven't experienced much, you can talk about all the things you would love to try.
    • Don't say, "I'm only 18 years old, but ..." Don't let your age be a disadvantage.
  5. Don't be too important on her age. If you want to have a satisfying relationship with an older woman, you need to avoid taking too seriously the fact that she is "an older woman than me". Although some women are comfortable talking about it, others don't want to be seen as “older” and just enjoy the relationship on their own terms.
    • Don't accidentally offend a woman over the age you are dating; Unless she's actively talking about it, don't try to get her to pay too much attention by your age.

    • Being too important for her age will make her feel like you're uncomfortable dating someone more experienced than you. This will make you seem less confident.

  6. Don't change too much for her. Perhaps you feel like you need to completely change your personality to have a happy relationship with your girlfriend older than your age. However, if you change too much, she won't be able to recognize the man who attracted her in the first place. While it can be an effort to gain experience, become more mature, and fulfill a role in the relationship, you shouldn't change yourself so much that the older woman doesn't even notice. The boy confessed to her.
    • After all, you want the older woman to like you because it's you, not the well-dressed version of you. If you feel like you can't be yourself anymore, you may need to stop.
    • If you really want to have meaningful relationships with women who are older than your age, don't hide your vital body parts to make you appear older. Let her know who you really are.

Part 2 of 3: Becoming a great boyfriend

  1. Become a gentleman. If you want to successfully date a woman who is older than you, you need to be a real gentleman. Don't let her think you don't have the style or the way you treat women.Today, some women think that specific signs of a 'gentleman', such as helping to hold the door or pull out a chair, are out of fashion, so you should try to find out what she is expecting. what. However, be polite, behave well, and avoid talking about vulgar topics. If you want to be a true gentleman, the most important thing is to respect your appointment.
    • Show up for appointments on time and sometimes bring a small gift.
    • Make an effort to invest in your appearance before your appointment. Let the older woman see that she deserves to be appreciated.
    • Compliment her on how beautiful and wonderful you think she is.
    • Respect everyone around. You should be kind and polite to the staff, friends, and strangers to show that you are someone who deserves respect and that you are not alone.

  2. Do not worry when you are inexperienced. Perhaps the older girlfriend has had many life experiences and has been in contact with more people than you. That doesn't mean you have to talk about it all the time or worry you won't have enough experience to share with her. If she has more experience in sex, that's great — enjoy whatever it is as she guides you. Don't try to focus on the past and think about the experience you are enjoying with a woman older than the present moment.
    • If you want to be a good boyfriend, you don't have to say you're inexperienced. On the one hand, this will make your girlfriend older than you embarrassed about her experiences. On the other hand, it will make you seem less confident.
    • When the two of you are getting intimate, try not to worry too much if you don't have a lot of experience in the field. If you obsess about this, it will make you uncomfortable with yourself.
  3. Become assertive. Be a man who knows what you need and doesn't hesitate to ask for what you need. If you always doubt yourself, mumble, or hesitate to tell your true thoughts, your older partner will start looking for someone else who is more assertive. Feel free to tell her what you want during your date, tell her if she hurts you, and ask for what you want.
    • One factor in being assertive is when you want to say something, speak in a firm and clear voice. If you speak too softly or stutter a lot, it will be difficult to be assertive.
    • While you should not interrupt an older woman while she is speaking, feel free to organize your thoughts and speak out when appropriate.
  4. Become mature. While you may not be the most mature man in the world, you can definitely try to be more mature. Avoid impulses, anger over trivial matters, or generally seemingly ignorant of the world around you. Make an effort to not seem too naive and find out if you don't know how something works. You should learn to be polite to others and respect them, rather than just being self-centered. An older woman will need a man mature enough for her.
    • Avoid whining or nagging too much about unimportant matters. This is clearly a sign of immaturity.
    • Avoid childish habits like biting your nails, teasing others, or fighting siblings.
    • Try not to get too angry or depressed when things don't go your way.
  5. Keep everything fun and comfortable. Woman over the age you are dating may have had an unhappy experience with serious men older than you. You can prove to her that you are different from them by keeping things interesting, fun, and comfortable, letting her enjoy your time with you. You should limit serious conversations or discussions like "Where is this going to go?" if you know what's good for you. Continue enjoying your relationship right now instead of worrying about what will happen.
    • Focus on funny, happy topics and make her laugh. Show her how funny you are.
    • Of course, you can open up to her and share serious stories about yourself when you're ready. The rule, however, is to keep things fun and comfortable.
  6. Don't always talk about the age difference. If you want to have a long term relationship, don't always tell how old she is than you are. You should let her see that you love her because it is her, rather than because you think dating an older woman is attractive and interesting. If you keep talking about this topic, she will think you don't love her.
    • It's fine if she talks about the subject and laughs, if so you should join. But if she doesn't mention the age, you shouldn't.

Part 3 of 3: Maintaining a lasting relationship

  1. Show her a genuine interest in her. If you really want to have a long and happy relationship with your older girlfriend, you need to do more than just think of her as the attractive older woman dating you. Try to find out who she really is and remember that age is just a number. Let her know that you care and want to know her and that you truly appreciate your time together. Some suggestions below:
    • Take time to really listen when she talks to you. Keep your phone aside, make eye contact, and don't interrupt her.
    • Ask her about her childhood, work, friends, family, and the things she likes. Let her know that you really want to find out all about her.
    • Ask her when you are away so she knows how much you care about her day and that you miss her.
    • Give her a compliment to let her understand that she really stands out in your eyes. Don't just say she's sexy; Praise her for a sense of humor or any aspect of her personality that really matters.
  2. Give her space. If you want to be in a long-term relationship, don't be too dependent. Respect the fact that the woman older than you is an adult and that she has her own life outside of your time with you. It could be working time, hanging out with the girls, or when she does her own thing, like doing yoga, writing poetry, or cooking. Don't be too dependent on or ask her to date you all the time, and understand that she has a life of her own beyond your relationship with you.
    • Be mindful of what she does when you are apart. Ask her about your friends, work, and hobbies to show you care.
    • You can ask her if she's apart, but don't call her three times in a row while she's hanging out with your girls; Don't let her think you have nothing else to do or that you're jealous.
  3. Learn how to contribute to the conversation. If you want to stay in a relationship, you should know how to play your role when talking to your girlfriend. Don't let her feel like she's alone or you don't have an opinion of what to contribute. Be mature, mature, and expressive if you want to maintain her interest in you.
    • Study news about politics, world news, and other events going on. If she talks about a recent event, don't let yourself look completely ignorant.
    • Talk about your experiences, like childhood memories or any travel trip. Don't think your experience has no value just because you are younger than her.
    • If something funny happened at the time, feel free to share it. Being with a grown woman doesn't always have to be serious.
    • Avoid talking about topics that make you like a child. If you've had a silly quarrel with roommates or have to ask for money from your parents, it's best to avoid these topics.
  4. Keep it interesting. If you want to be in a long-term relationship, you can't just do the same thing with your girlfriend every time you date. Explore new restaurants to try, new places to explore, and new activities to experience together, like taking a Salsa cooking course to cook Italian meals. If you get too comfortable doing the same things day after day, you will become complacent, and the older woman you, the more experienced, will need more than that.
    • While having some great routines to do together, don't let yourself get bored with the same thing day in and day out. Do something new together at least once a week.
    • Write a love letter telling her that she means a lot to you, that is it. Don't think that the romance is no longer just because you two have been together for a while.
    • Create a surprise. Suggest a weekend outing the day before, or give her a surprise day to do what she has always wanted, like rock climbing.
  5. Evaluate if your relationship has a long-term future. If you've been dating a girlfriend for a while, you can start asking yourself if your relationship has a long-term future. If you feel like you've forgotten the age difference and have a meaningful, happy, and happy relationship, then congratulations. However, if you find the most interesting thing about the relationship is the age difference and this no longer appeals, it's time to move on.
    • If you think dating an older woman is just a novelty, you probably don't have a meaningful reason to continue in a relationship.
    • Be yourself. If your older girlfriend wants more than you can comfortably give her, you should probably give up.
    • However, if you are having a great time dating an older woman, continue enjoying this enjoyable relationship for as long as possible.