How to Kiss your Girlfriend for the First Time

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Easiest Way to Kiss a Girl for the First Time
Video: Easiest Way to Kiss a Girl for the First Time


She's so sweet and pretty and you really fell in love with her, but is it time for a kiss? If you've never kissed her before (or never kissed a girl), this might sound scary. But don't worry, with a little preparation and a little practice, you will be a kiss "expert" at any time! Don't panic: when you are in the right mood, what are you waiting for without kissing her!


Part 1 of 3: Preparing for Success

  1. Practice! The best way for you to kiss well is to practice first. It sounds like an obvious thing to do, but the practice is actually very beneficial to you. You can practice kissing on your hand, kissing something, or kissing someone.
    • Keep in mind that you want to spend this first kiss with the person you love so if you kiss someone else first your partner may be upset if she finds out.

  2. The breath must be so sweet! Your lover will not like kissing the smell of garlic or any unpleasant smell. Before your appointment or before you meet her, brush your teeth and tongue and use mouthwash as well. To keep your breath fresh, you should maintain regular drinking water throughout your appointment instead of drinking soft drinks. In the middle of a meeting you can also suck on mint or chew gum for a few minutes.
    • If you go to eat in a restaurant, you can bring a mouth spray bottle. After dinner is finished, you can go to the bathroom to rinse your mouth. To test the smell of your breath, bring one hand in front of your face, breathe in and smell it.

  3. Flirt with her a bit! This will help you both get in the right mood to kiss. Let's say the clothes she chose to wear today were beautiful and she will definitely be touched by this compliment. If she falls in love with you or teases you back then she wants you to hug her. Take this opportunity and hold her hand in a way that you would like to show her something; She'll be grateful for you when you change scenes instead of just sitting there looking at each other and blushing.
    • If you have the courage, you can put your arm around her waist while you are both laughing and saying things like "You're cute!"
    • Offer to slap her on your back, or tickle her if she likes it. Don't overdo it. And if you decide to act like this, then you should do it in a respectful manner. Don't take the opportunity to touch her breasts or butt.
    • Flirting will help her relax in kissing you. Think of kissing like climbing to the top of a mountain. You have to climb for a while before you reach the top.

  4. The time has come! The ripening moment will make it easier for you to kiss her. The best time to kiss is at the end of the date, when you both say goodbye, when you're both for a walk, or when you've just finished watching a movie. At these times, the two of you are able to spend a lot of time together. And the private moment is the right time to give her your first kiss.
    • Should keep kissing a secret. Don't tell other people that you kissed her because it's rude to do this.
  5. Ask her first! It sounds funny because we are used to seeing the two of us kissing naturally on television, but actually asking her if you can kiss her is a way of showing respect. Your respect and your care for her and she will surely appreciate it.
    • You can start with questions like, "I really want to kiss you right now, is it okay?" or "Do you want me to kiss you?"

Part 2 of 3: Skills to Kiss

  1. Slowly bring your face towards her. This is a sign that you are about to kiss her. This allows her to decline the kiss if she feels uncomfortable and will help prevent you from slapping. Only close your eyes when you are close to kissing her.
  2. Try a simple light kiss. Don't use your tongue when you are just kissing your girlfriend for the first time.
  3. Head tilt. Tilt your head slightly to the side. If you are about the same height and you don't tilt your head when you kiss, your nose will touch hers instead of your lips touching hers.
  4. Move slowly and follow her lead. If she kisses you passionately, she will lock your lips with hers so you don't need to move your lips much.
  5. Use your hands. If you want, gently hold her face with your hand and gently stroke her cheeks with your thumb. Be sure to have the other hand hug her waist or her hips.
  6. Be gentle and cuddly. Kissing is a verbal communication, so show yourself as a kind, gentle, forgiving person, and this will allow your partner to bond with you!
  7. Breath. You will be surprised to learn that for people who are not used to kissing, they often forget to breathe while kissing! If you want to continue kissing her but you can't find any space to breathe, switch from kissing her lips to kissing her cheek and forehead.
  8. Stop kissing when you think that's enough. Slowly move away after a few seconds (or minutes!) And open your eyes. Congratulation! Each later kiss will be "much easier" than the first kiss. You have climbed to the top of the mountain! advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Becoming a Professional

  1. Learn how to French kiss. This is the biggest turning point in kissing, it takes you to learn. Actually it's not that difficult, and with a little more practice, it will become an effective weapon for you.
  2. Learn to kiss with your tongue and "move hands and feet" a little. It sounds difficult, especially when you're both shy, but slowly it becomes easy. Remember not to go overboard and keep everything on fire.
  3. Learn to kiss passionately. Once you have mastered all the kissing skills, you can only become a good kisser if you know how to kiss passionately. This way of kissing is very easy, just relax and let your emotions surge.
  4. Learn to kiss in the presence of many people. When you have known each other for a long time, you may have to kiss her in front of someone one day (such as on a couple date or a group trip). This is normal, but be sure to kiss politely.
  5. Learn to kiss when you have to wear braces. If this is your first kiss and you are wearing braces then don't worry too much. Although kissing while wearing braces is often made jokes in dramas, the truth is not as difficult as it is in movies. advertisement


  • Don't let your lips dry out, rub your lips with sugar to remove dead skin.
  • Just before you both lock your lips, be sure to swallow first and lick your lips gently so that your lips are moist. Don't make it too obvious or she will feel disgusting.
  • Don't force it. If she wants to stop but you want to keep kissing her, respect her and stop, you can try again on another occasion.
  • She might not want to kiss, so accept it calmly. But if she wants, what are you waiting for!
  • Kisses will reveal a lot about your feelings, so be careful. Don't give someone a random kiss if you really don't want to be with them.
  • Don't be confident if she doesn't want to kiss you - she must be under a lot of pressure and not ready to kiss.
  • For a more passionate kiss place your hand behind her neck, or on her waist, or on her cheeks. Once you are in position, gently pull her closer.


  • Don't be too sad if she doesn't want to kiss, there's still a lot ahead!