How to kiss someone for the first time

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Kissing someone you like for the first time can be fun, but it will also feel overwhelming. However, don't worry, if you kiss someone for the first time, all you need to do is relax, relax, and follow some basic guidelines. To prepare to kiss someone for the first time, you can consider these simple steps.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare

Make sure the person is ready; If you feel comfortable, you can also ask the person how he feels.

  1. Makes fresh breath. Having a good breath that makes someone want to kiss is an important part of having an impressive first kiss. Brush your teeth and use a mouthwash before kissing or chewing mint gum or sucking on mint. You can do this about 1 hour in advance so that the breath is not dark smell of mint or make your ex feel like you are too prepared for a kiss.
    • If you eat dinner or eat something before you kiss, avoid foods that have a strong smell of garlic, onions, or spices with a strong smell.

  2. Arouses the mood. It's important to have your first kiss in a romantic or romantic space. Your first kiss will be an unforgettable memory throughout your life, so create a special experience. You don't have to light a thousand candles or use a prelude, but you just have to choose the right time and place to kiss.
    • Kissing in the evening. Kissing while the sun goes down or when it's dark is more romantic than kissing during the day. You also feel less shy about kissing someone for the first time at night.
    • Kiss in a private place. Choose a location that is private, free of distractions or being seen, so that you can really focus on your kiss. For example, choose a secluded bench in the park, a beautiful spot near the beach or the lake, or right on your balcony.
    • Well-dressed. Dress up better than usual to prepare for a special moment. You don't want to kiss someone for the first time in a gym outfit.

  3. Make sure the person is ready. This is an important point. You can arouse the mood and prepare for a good breath, but if the person is not ready then nothing will go. Before you kiss, make sure the person shows signs of liking you too, such as the way the person shows up at a date, touches you or the person reveals how they feel.
    • If your significant other always looks you in the eye, gently touches, and smiles, this is a sign that she is ready for a kiss.

  4. Remember to avoid some kissing mistakes. Before you get ready to kiss, make sure to do it slowly and gently. If you push yourself too hard or rough, the person will misunderstand and the kiss will become reluctant. Here are a few things to avoid before your first kiss:
    • French kiss. Don't rush to put your tongue in the person's mouth and leave a wet feeling. If the person is reckless and gently touches your tongue with his tongue, you can continue the French kiss, but not in the first few seconds of the traditional kiss.
    • Bite lightly. Biting the person's lips or tongue lightly is a bold way to add more sensation to your kiss. However, if you do this on the first kiss, it will cause the person to panic and reject the kiss.
    • Hand movement. You can stroke, move your body closer together, and stroke their hair or shoulders with your hand. Friend should not Touch a sensitive area on the person's body while kissing. It was too much in one kiss and became rude, making the first kiss lose its sincerity.

Method 2 of 3: Kissing

  1. Body contact. Move closer to the person like sitting closer together, wrapping your arms around the person or stroking their hair. As you approach your ex, keep eye contact to make it clear that you intend to kiss.
    • Your first kiss will be more natural once you are comfortable with your physical touch. However, your hands should not fumble around sensitive places, please be careful.
    • Physical contact can start with gentle and delicate teasing. You can playfully hit or gently push the person to gradually move into serious action.
    • Give emotional compliments before you start kissing. For example, you might say "Your eyes make me unable to take your eyes off" or "You're so beautiful tonight".
  2. Move in close so that your faces are only a small distance apart. Once you get used to being touched, you can move closer to the person's face. You can maintain eye contact and can give a smile to show your crush.
    • Move up so that your hips are almost touching and gently stroke their cheeks, hair, or shoulders with your hands.
    • The traditional kiss pose is that the guy will put his arm around the girl's waist and the girl will put her arm on the guy's shoulder and behind the neck - similar to the "dance" pose.
  3. Kiss. Once you're in the right posture, all you need to do is kiss. Don't hesitate. If you've come to this point, you're both clearly looking forward to a kiss. Gently tilt your head and lock your lips. Remember to let things slow down. Let your lips gently touch you when you feel the person's lips. Open your lips slightly and kiss the person again for 5 or 10 seconds before stopping.
    • Keep your hands active while you kiss. Use your hands to hug the person's face, stroke his hair, or stroke his neck. However, do not let your hand move too much.Just make sure your whole body blends into the kiss for a sweet experience.
  4. Stop kissing. Slowly stop the kiss and keep the usual distance. Don't suddenly stop kissing, let go of your hands, and move away from the person. Instead, keep cuddling up when you want to stop kissing and keep eye contact with them. Gently cuddle the person so they know you feel the kiss is great.
    • Don't be in a hurry to stop stroking. If you do things too suddenly, your ex will assume you are not interested.

Method 3 of 3: Behave appropriately after a kiss

  1. Get another kiss if it feels right. When you can't stop touching or keep making eye contact, try another kiss. Gently stroke the person's hair or cheeks and move on for another kiss. However, take it slowly while you feel their kiss, but it can be more daring and reckless as the kiss goes well.
    • If you feel comfortable, you can gradually switch to French kissing. Just make sure the person is ready to use his tongue so you don't startle them.
  2. Don't be disappointed if the kiss isn't perfect. Don't worry if your first kiss doesn't go as it should. Your first kiss is often embarrassing as you are both getting to know each other and your kissing technique will improve over time. You can stop and try another time when it feels right.
    • If the kiss doesn't go well, stop skillfully and forget about it. Do not fret over what happened, but you should imagine a better kiss next time.


  • Use mints before you kiss.
  • Go as far as you can feel comfortable. Don't do anything you don't want to do.
  • Make sure you know your partner well.
  • It's okay if your teeth touch. Because when the person likes you, they'll think it's a lovely thing and you can keep kissing.
  • If you have dry lips, don't kiss. Everyone experiences dry lips at some point, so it's important to choose a good time to kiss.
  • Don't use too much lip balm / lipstick as some guys don't want to be stained. However, that is only a small number.
  • Brush your teeth and use mouthwash.
  • If your lips are dry, use sugar to gently massage your lips or use lip balm.
  • You need to make sure you like the person because this memory will follow you forever. Also, don't go too far on the first kiss.
  • If they ask you to stop or if you're not 100% sure they liked the kiss, then do stop. The best and most memorable kiss is when you both want it. No matter how enjoyable a kiss is, you can't force others to do things they don't want to.