How to draw attention to someone you have a crush on

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Body Languages To Attract Your Crush
Video: 8 Body Languages To Attract Your Crush


It's really not easy to secretly miss someone, especially if they don't even know your existence in this world! While there isn't any secret to getting a crush's attention, you can capture the girl's or guy's feelings with certain methods. First of all, you should show your best points. That means being the most beautiful, active, positive, and confident person. Then, try to put yourself in situations where the crush is interacting so that the guy or girl sees the uniqueness and cuteness of you!


Method 1 of 3: Get attention

  1. Spend more time taking care of yourself. Take an extra 10 or 15 minutes to look your best before meeting your crush. Small changes can also make you more attractive to the person. Good looks not only bring your crush's attention, but also give you more confidence to approach others.
    • Pay attention to the hair. You just need to use a brush to make a difference. In particular, girls are often more confident with straight or curly hairstyles.
    • If you wear makeup, make sure the makeup has good adhesion and will stay on your skin all day.
    • Also, make sure to take good care of your body by getting enough sleep as well as taking care of your skin to look fresher and healthier.

  2. It looks different. Dressing up in contact with those around you is a great way to get attention. This is especially effective if you're in an environment where everyone is dressed similarly.
    • If everyone at school dresses the same or wears a uniform, wear a big necklace or cool sneakers to catch your crush's attention.
    • If you are in a professional working environment, wear appropriate but different outfits. For example, you could go for an interesting patterned collared shirt or a sparkling headband.

  3. Wearing red. If red is right for you, wear it. Studies have shown that both men and women are attractive to each other when wearing red. Opt for a red dress or red shirt from the wardrobe to grab your crush's attention. If you don't like red, choose another bright color to help you stand out from the crowd.

  4. Do not over dress. Trying to impress your crush can easily overwhelm your outfit. You want to look gorgeous, but remember to wear the right clothes for the situation.
    • For example, if your crush is in your yoga class, don't wear the exercise clothes like you're striding on a red carpet.
    • Remember, things get better only in moderation. This is quite true when using perfumes and fragrances.
  5. Make sure your crush sees you there. You should try to get in the person's sights. If you're in the same class, sit near or in front of him. If you see him at the gym, go practice nearby. Do this until you are sure the crush has seen and known your presence!
    • Do not hang around the crush too much. There's a difference between stalking for a crush and making sure the other person sees you.
  6. Join more. Wherever you see your crush coming, join in. If you went to the same school as your crush, join a sports team or an extracurricular activity. If you volunteer with your crush, take on more hours. Participating in a variety of activities will help increase your horizons and show you are a motivated and motivated person, and these are all fascinating qualities. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Communicate

  1. Meet your crush's friends. If you are too nervous to talk to your crush, try talking to his friends. If your friends know one of his friends, reach out and talk.If you don't have any connections with your crush's friends, try chatting with one or two of them using similar situations, such as in a class or a work project.
    • You can start a conversation with something as simple as: "When do I have to submit English homework?"
    • If you are able to chat with a lot of his friends, soon you will have the opportunity to meet or hang out with your crush. Becoming friends with his friends is one way to enter his world.
    • Don't mention your crush to his friends. If you start asking about your crush as soon as you meet them, your liking will be revealed. Try to be calm.
  2. Flirting non-verbal. If you feel anxious about approaching your crush, there are a few things you can do to get the other person interested and excited.
    • Make eye contact and smile. Making eye contact and smiling will show your friendliness and closeness, but don't overdo it. If the crush isn't responding at first, keep doing it.
    • If you're a girl, play with your hair, especially if you have long hair. Curl your hair around your fingers or swipe it aside. Drawing attention to your hair will help honor your inherent beauty.
  3. Start a conversation. If you have never had a crush on a crush before, this is the time to take action. Find a reason to talk to him, preferably when there are few people around so the conversation won't be interrupted. If you don't know a lot about crushes, talk about things related to the situation you two are going through.
    • For example, if you are waiting in line, ask him: "Do you think the wait is worth it?" If you are in the foyer at work, you could say, "Did you try the biscuits Sam brought in? It's delicious!"
    • Asking a question is a great way to start a conversation. For example, if you are in the same class, you could ask, "Hey, what did Mr. Nam say for his homework?"
    • You can also get help. Getting help from a crush is always a great way to talk, whether it's just opening a jar, reaching for something, carrying a heavy suitcase, or helping with homework. This will make the crush feel good about himself, and at the same time create the first positive interaction between him and you.
  4. Talk about common ground. Once you have started chatting, talk about what they have in common. People are attracted to each other by similarities, so share your passions to create a relationship.
    • For example, if you're both on the school track and field team, ask crush, "How do you feel about the upcoming match?"
  5. Ask about herself. Ask your crush questions to let her see that you care and want to learn more about her. People often love to talk about themselves, so this is also a great way to keep a conversation going.
    • For example, ask crush, "How long have you been working here ?, or" Do you have any other classes for this term? "
  6. Be one the person knows to listen. After asking about himself, you may not know what to say next, how to answer it, or what to do to fill a gap in the conversation ... listen. It can be difficult to listen to someone while you are anxious - listening attentively can help you get rid of your concerns and take control of the situation.
    • Try to respond with interesting follow-up questions or something to show your crush that you are interested and listening to him. If your crush is talking about taking diving classes, ask about his diving hobby, where he will attend, or when he will be certified.
    • Don't see gaps in the conversation as an opportunity to focus on yourself. Chats should be kept going back and forth, so you shouldn't spend total time to talk about the other person, and don't wait for him to pause so you can talk about yourself.
    • Show that you are a good listener and genuinely interested in your crush and that he is free to say things when he is with you.
    • If this doesn't worry you too much, make eye contact with him to show interest and interest. Don't stare as it may seem a bit intense, but try to make eye contact with him from time to time.
    • Show listening by nodding or responding with specific sounds (like "Mmm-hmm" or "Right").
  7. Crush praise. In general, everyone likes winged words. During the conversation, try to compliment the crush on something. A compliment is also a great way to keep the conversation going as new topics get promoted.
    • If you know your crush through a sport, you could say, "I saw you playing soccer. You're a great kicker!"
    • You could also say, "I like your shirt," or compliment her on other aspects of her appearance.
    • Control yourself when you praise your partner to avoid flattering her too much.
  8. Laugh about his jokes. You can flatter and connect with your crush by laughing at his pranks. This shows him that you also have a good sense of humor and that he is interesting in your eyes. Laughing together is a great way to connect and share moments.
    • When you smile, you can even say, "You are so funny!"
    • If you want to flirt more, gently touch his arm while you smile. This will create more bonds between the two of you and make the crush feel more intimate with you.
  9. Keep contact. Maintain meeting and crushing conversations. Say hello to each other every time you meet a crush in hall or somewhere in town. Continue the story the two of you just said earlier. If you find your crush has feelings for you, increase your flirting or even date him! advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Be yourself

  1. Shaping your personal style. You should take a look at your wardrobe. Make sure all the clothes you own are right for you, not outdated and unplayable clothes. Outfits will show you and your personality. If you define your style, your crush can recognize who you are as well as your personality, which will make the other person more likely to talk to you.
    • If you are a sports lover, wear the jersey of your favorite team. If you are the feminine type and graceful, honor yourself with outfits with soft colors and lace.
    • If you have a strong personality, wear a black shirt and jeans (jeans).
    • Don't imitate the style of the crush. Just because your crush is school-style, don't force yourself to dress like you're going to a country club if that's not your style of dress. You need to be really comfortable and confident in your outfit.
  2. Speak your mind. Speak out loud when the crush is near you. If you are in the same class as the person you have a crush on, join and answer the questions. You should express your opinion and make comments at work meetings or clubs. Even just try to chat with friends around your crush. This will help your crush get to know you better.
    • Try to stay cheerful and optimistic when the crush is with you. Cheerful and confident people often attract others, so stay positive with the other person around.
  3. Use social media. Social media is a great way to indirectly reach someone you have a crush on. Even if the crush isn't a Facebook friend or doesn't follow you on social media, he can still see your posts or pictures through mutual friends.
    • Try to take great care of your profile on social media to look as outstanding as possible.Make sure your posts and images represent you as a positive and interesting person.
    • Make sure you don't get tagged with any bad or misleading photos.
  4. Use your body language confidently. Even though your crush thrills you, try to keep your confidence. Stand up straight and smile relax. You should not cross your arms, look down, or get restless as you will look stiff and tense with these movements. Try to turn your body toward the other person. advertisement


  • Take one step at a time if you get nervous around the crush. Taking the time to correct your appearance can give you the confidence needed to take the next bold steps.
  • Don't think that you have to be someone's copy to get that person's attention. Being yourself will always be the best way.
  • Don't flirt too much. It's better to calm your voice down and talk to the other person like a friend than being too aggressive.