How to impress a girl in class without talking

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Attract A Girl WITHOUT Talking To Her (ANYONE Could Do It!)
Video: How To Attract A Girl WITHOUT Talking To Her (ANYONE Could Do It!)


Sometimes approaching and talking to a girl is scary, right? Maybe you don't know what to say or how to say it, so you get even more nervous. No problem! There are a few simple tips for you to impress a girl in class without having to talk to her. You need to have a good attitude in learning and communication, express your interest in non-verbal language, and show your best image inside and out. If you do all that, chances are you will catch her eye without having to say a word.


Part 1 of 3: Having a good attitude

  1. Be the focus of attention. Attracting a girl and impressing her is much easier if you are surrounded by people. Then she may be curious about why you are such a magnet to attract people. Try hanging out with your friends and getting along with those around you to get her interested in you.
    • Meet friends before and after class. Be sure to choose somewhere in class to let her see how well you get along with your friends.
    • Try going to class with a bunch of friends one day while telling a good story.

  2. Dear everyone. It's always a good idea to be kind to the people around you if you want to make a good impression. When a girl notices you, chances are she will observe how you treat people and figure out how you treat her. Try to show your personality by helping your classmates.
    • Compliment the good ideas of classmates.
    • Avoid saying anything that is meant to disparage or sarcasm others.
    • Don't forget to thank your classmates for help.
    • Always say supportive and kind words to everyone around you to make a good impression.

  3. Be active in class. If you want the girl to notice you, you need to stand out during class. You won't get noticed by anyone just sitting quietly and taking notes. Interact with your teacher, answer or ask questions to make a mark in class.
    • Don't be too showy in class. If you win every question, it can have the opposite effect.
    • Make sure your questions really delve into the topic.
    • Don't make bullshit jokes during class.

  4. Set up your own space. Girls are often attracted to guys who show superiority and confidence. To show your confidence, you can set up your own space whenever the girl you like is present. By simply taking up the necessary space, you can get her to notice you.
    • When you sit down, feel free to relax and take up the space you like.
    • For example, you can put your arm on the empty chair next to you.
    • It is also a good idea to stretch your arms up high.
    • Try not to be aggressive or obnoxious. You can find comfort in yourself, but don't upset others.
  5. Have fun. A person who is always cheerful, jovial and joking has an unmatched appeal. With her and other friends around, feel free to show off how happy you are. Humans have a natural nature to like to share joy with others. Having fun is also a simple and easy way to impress.
    • Talk about an exciting idea or project you're working on with a friend. Be passionate about getting her to notice.
    • Make a joke with your friends before starting class. Be sure to say it aloud so she can hear it.
    • Tell your friends about something interesting about you, like a concert or a trip.
  6. Find out what she likes. Even if you've never talked to that cute girl, you can still find out some things she likes. If you know what she likes, you can steer your story and actions in a direction that will impress her.
    • Let's say you see her reading a book about an artist. Then ask questions about that artist during art class to show that you care.
    • Maybe she's carrying a school backpack with the picture of her favorite band on it. If so, you can ask questions about the band's genre during music history class.
    • Try chatting with your classmates about something you know she likes.

Part 2 of 3: Show your interest

  1. Make eye contact. Making eye contact is a great way to show your interest and gauge the interest of "the other." Whenever there is a convenient opportunity, find a way to meet the eyes of the two of you in an instant. Be sure not to stare for too long as this can be annoying. Try to make eye contact for as long as you need to get her attention.
    • Don't forget to show a friendly facial expression and smile.
    • Try not to glance away, as this may make you seem less confident or anxious.
  2. Attract her with a fun gesture. If you meet her gaze for a few seconds, make a fun gesture. Simply put, you can make a clown face or stick out your tongue. These humorous poses will show confidence and care for her.
  3. Smile. It is crucial that you have a friendly, open and approachable look. You need to convey the message that you are confident, comfortable, and have a good personality. Smile to clear the gap and leave a good impression on the girl you like.
    • Don't try to smile awkwardly. Let your joy flow naturally.
    • Don't grin or smile for too long. That way you don't look too sincere and silly.

Part 3 of 3: Show who you are the best

  1. Dress well. Your appearance always leaves an impression on the people you meet, and of course, girls are not excluded. You don't have to wear a suit to impress, but your outfit should be clean and consistent. Consider what the clothes you are wearing say about you to see if you are making a good impression.
    • Make sure the clothes are clean when you put them on.
    • Check to see if your clothes fit. A suit that is baggy or cramped can give you a quirky look.
    • Make sure your clothes are in harmony or show an image you think is appropriate.
  2. Good hygiene. If you want to impress your girl, good hygiene is a very important part. If you do not know how to keep your personal hygiene, you may give the cute girl the wrong impression of you. You should keep the following tips in mind if you want to leave a good impression:
    • Take a shower every day.
    • Use a deodorant.
    • Brush your teeth at least once a day.
    • Clean nails.
  3. Pay attention to body language. Body language conveys a lot even if you don't say a word. Pay attention to body language when a girl you like is nearby. Keep the following tips in mind when you're trying to express yourself in body language:
    • Do not slouch or bend forward. You need to naturally hold your shoulders back.
    • Always stand upright, head held high.
    • Avoid sagging while sitting.
  4. Keep your posture open. If you feel nervous or hesitant around a girl you're noticing, your body language may "denounce" that. Any self-contained gestures will prevent people from getting close to you. Stay open and relaxed when standing or sitting to show your confidence and convey the message that you are open to interacting with her. Keep the following tips in mind when trying to maintain open body language.
    • Stand facing her.
    • The arms are on the side.
    • Avoid crossing your arms across your chest; This pose may prevent others from getting close.


  • Avoid any closed body language.
  • Smile and make eye contact to let her know that you care about her.
  • Show off your personality by grabbing people's attention.
  • Pay attention to personal hygiene and dress well.
  • Be happy. Who likes communicating with someone who is always defensive or scowling?
  • Be strong, engaging, and friendly.