How to lose weight quickly

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3-Day Military Diet To Lose Weight As Fast As Possible
Video: 3-Day Military Diet To Lose Weight As Fast As Possible


Most health experts recommend that we lose weight slowly and slowly. A rate of weight loss of 0.5 - 1 kg per week is considered safer and easier to maintain in the long term. However, maybe you want to attend an upcoming event or special occasion and want to lose weight a little faster. To lose weight quickly, you'll have to make big changes in both your diet and exercise regimen. Note the risks of losing weight fast and talk to your doctor before starting any changes. Depending on the situation, it might be safer and more effective to apply tips to help you appear thinner without actually losing weight.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing for success

  1. Fabricate targets Specifically. Losing quickly is not an easy thing to achieve. Setting specific and timed goals can help you achieve your desired weight.
    • Consider how you will achieve your goal. Make the calculations as specific as possible to know which one really works for you.
    • For example, your goal is to lose 2.5 kg. Think about how you do it and with what diet.
    • A good goal might be: "My goal is to lose 2.5 pounds in 2 weeks by following a 1,200-calorie diet and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day."

  2. Set a daily calorie limit. If you want to lose 2.5 pounds, you will need to significantly cut back on your daily calorie intake.
    • To lose one pound-1 kilogram per week, you will need to burn 500-1,000 calories per day. This can be done through cutting calories and increasing exercise.
    • When reducing calories, take extreme care to ensure that you are still getting enough nutrients and vitamins from your diet. You can talk to a registered dietitian to make sure you get enough nutrition while you are on your diet.
    • Lower calorie intake leads to more weight loss. Experts do not recommend consuming less than 1,200 calories per day, unless you are on a weight loss program under medical supervision.

  3. Stay motivated. Perhaps the hardest part is sticking to the target. This is even more challenging if you set strict limits on yourself. That is why the important thing here is not just the effort to reach the goal but also the effort to pursue the goal to the end.
    • Keep a food diary. Keep a record of everything you eat and drink and how much you exercise for the day. Your weaknesses will show up and you will know where to improve to get the best results.
    • Ask a friend for help. Another person's opinion will make you feel more confident. It's easier to stay in the right direction if someone helps follow you (and your diary). They will give you more motivation when you start to get discouraged.
    • Think about the reward. Reward you when you hit a milestone on your journey towards your goal. The reward can be anything - a short vacation, a comfortable shopping session or a movie session, as long as it's not food.

  4. Be aware of the risks. Rapid weight loss is mainly about short-term weight loss. It is very rare for people to keep the weight loss (especially when they cut carbs for a while, then put them back in the diet) - often people quickly gain weight again. This is called the "yo-yo effect". This can lead to coronary heart disease and sudden cardiovascular death in postmenopausal women.
    • If you want to stay healthy and maintain the weight you've lost, you should go through long-term weight loss and through lifestyle changes.

Part 2 of 4: Changing your diet

  1. Eat more lean protein. Many studies have shown that if you want to lose weight fast or lose weight fast, you should focus on eating lean protein as a main ingredient in meals and snacks.
    • Lean protein fuels your metabolism and keeps you full throughout the day.
    • Eat at least 1-2 servings of lean protein at each meal. Estimate 85 g - 113 g of protein per serving, roughly about the size of a deck of cards or the size of an adult's palm.
    • Lean proteins to include in your diet include: poultry, eggs, lean beef, seafood, legumes and tofu.
  2. Store plenty of fruits and vegetables. In addition to lean protein, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is an easy way to maintain low calorie levels and support rapid weight loss.
    • Both fruits and vegetables are low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. They can add weight to meals and help you feel fuller with lower calories.
    • Focus mainly on non-starchy vegetables (such as lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts or beans). Starchy vegetables (such as carrots, beans or potatoes) and fruits contain more calories and carbohydrates, which may slow (though not prevent) rapid weight loss.
  3. Limit grains. If you want to lose weight fast, you will need to significantly reduce some of the ingredients in your diet. Cutting back on whole grains can help you lose weight fast, but there are some serious risks. Instead of eliminating them completely, avoid white or refined grains and stick to whole grains.
    • Studies have shown that the low-carb diets lead to the fastest weight loss; however, if you return to eating carbs after the end of the diet, the chances of gaining weight again are extremely high, leading to a dangerous yo-yo effect. You should mainly focus on lean protein and low-carb vegetables.
    • Whole grains, especially whole grains, can act as part of a healthy diet and a primary source of energy for most people. If you eat whole grains, choose whole grains, as they are rich in fiber and other essential nutrients.
  4. Increase drinking water. Drinking adequate amounts of fluids is essential for overall health, but increasing your water intake also aids in rapid weight loss.
    • Drink 2 glasses of water before each meal to reduce appetite. When your stomach is filled with water, you will not eat too much and will be full even if you eat less.
    • Also, when you become dehydrated, you may feel hungry when you are actually only thirsty.
    • Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, but some experts recommend up to 13 cups per day, depending on body size and activity level.
  5. Stay away from processed foods. Many processed foods contain many sweeteners, salts, artificial flavors, fats and additives. They usually contain more calories and lower nutritional content. Stop eating these foods if you want to lose weight fast.
    • In addition, processed foods often lose nutrients such as fiber, antioxidants and "good" fats.
    • Processed foods generally include: frozen foods, cookies, chips, sugary drinks, cold cuts and canned foods.
    • Cook at home more often rather than relying on restaurant or processed foods. This way, you will be in control of everything in your meal.
    • Abstain from alcohol. If you want to lose weight faster, stop drinking alcohol and other alcoholic beverages. Alcohol contains calories that you don't need.
  6. Skip fad diets or crash diets. There are many diets on the market that promise quick weight loss in a very short time. These diets may not be safe or suitable for you.
    • Some examples of temporary diets include: purification, detox with fruit juice, weight loss pills, plant extracts or injections. Many programs promise to lose weight fast without much effort from users.
    • Most health experts advise against using these weight loss programs. They are generally not considered safe due to their too low nutritional content (which can lead to nutritional deficiencies over time). Weight loss usually does not last long.
    • If you are interested in one of the above weight loss programs, consult your doctor first.

Part 3 of 4: Changing some lifestyle habits

  1. Do regular cardio exercises. Cardio exercise is one of the most effective ways to burn extra calories and support your weight loss goal.
    • As a minimum, you should set aside at least 150 minutes per week for moderate intensity cardio exercises.
    • Increasing the intensity or exercising time by more than 150 minutes per week can help you burn even more calories.
    • Try activities like: jogging, cycling, swimming, boxing, or sports.
    • Note: Be careful if you cut calories deeply. Excessive exercise can exhaust the body. Check with your doctor before making any major changes to your routine.
  2. Add weight training. Do more weight training for a toned body. The combination of cardio exercises and fitness workouts brings great results.
    • Set aside at least 2 days of weight training each week. You should try to practice each of the main muscle groups for a comprehensive exercise regime.
    • Regular strength training exercises can help maintain lean muscle mass, especially when you're on a diet.
  3. Do more exercise throughout the day. Increasing your baseline daily activity is also a great way to burn extra calories throughout the day. Walk and exercise as much as possible.
    • Basic activities are activities that you do during a typical day. For example, walking to the car park, taking the stairs or doing odd jobs is counted toward the daily activities.
    • Think of ways to walk or be more active. You can park your car far away from your destination, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do a pillow lift when the TV plays a commercial.

Part 4 of 4: Look thinner without losing weight

  1. Limit food that produces steam. Some foods, especially vegetables, tend to produce a lot of gas in the digestive system. It can cause bloating and make your stomach appear enlarged.
    • Limit foods like beans, salads, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts to reduce steam.
    • Limit these foods for a few days before the event you want to attend. This way, you will not feel full and fit in your lovely pants or dress.
    • In addition, you can take over-the-counter medications to help prevent gas or treat gas.
  2. Buy shaping underwear. There are many types of underwear that are very popular for both men and women. The shaping undergarments will help you look slim and slim right away without losing weight.
    • Shaping underwear not only helps you look thinner, but also enhances your curves. It also helps you to hide lower belly fat.
    • You can use underwear for small parts of the body or larger parts. For example, you can use bras, breasts, buttocks, and thighs.
  3. Wear a black outfit. Black clothes, even one-color outfits, will help you lose weight immediately. This is one of the most classic "fashion tricks" in books and very effective.
    • It's not just black that makes you look cleaner. All dark colors (like dark navy blue jeans) also give you a slimmer, slimmer look.
    • Try to avoid wearing pale colors like white - especially pants or skirts.


  • Talk to your doctor before changing your diet and exercise regimen. Your doctor can tell you if weight loss is safe and right for you.
  • Do 30-40 minutes of cardio or aerobic exercise to increase your heart rate.


  • Losing weight and then gaining weight again, the yo-yo effect, can cause serious health problems and can hinder long-term weight loss goals.