How to get rid of your emotions

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to master your emotions | emotional intelligence
Video: how to master your emotions | emotional intelligence


Emotions play a very important role in our lives. These are the feelings in each person's soul, and they are as powerful as the physical sensations. Emotions tell you what you like and dislike, what you want and don't want, and since they convey such important messages, you need to be aware of and accept your feelings. However, when you are controlled by emotions, they will have a powerful effect on your ability to perform and think clearly in critical moments. When you have to be at your best, there are a few strategies you can use to prevent emotional manipulation.


Part 1 of 4: Be calm in each situation

  1. Get rid of self-destructive thoughts. Don't torture yourself with dull complaints and resentment in your heart. The full media images of a perfect figure, a perfect lifestyle, a perfect job or the like are meant to make us feel "inferior." But the right to choose whether or not to feed those thoughts is up to you.
    • Stop comparing yourself to others. The moment you compare yourself to others is also the moment you lower your own worth. You have talents, with your own strengths and weaknesses. Accept them, and highlight or fade those traits as needed. The comparison is only for price, not for people.
    • Stop thinking that you are incapable of handling a situation or that things will turn out badly. That way of thinking will undermine your energy. Replace those thoughts with logical judgment and try to find a solution to your situation.

  2. Do not predict the future. That's because your conclusions may be wrong! When you start to think, "Oh my gosh, maybe this or that would happen if I did that," it is easy to panic. If you don't worry about the consequences, there won't be any more fear or anxiety. Act according to your intuition. You cannot predict the future, so why not dare to try?
    • If you are certain right imagine the future, imagine yourself in the next 5 minutes, a person completely out of control. Do you want to be like that? Probably not! Use negative images to identify who you are do not want become.

  3. Separate yourself from your situation. Visualize your life and its surroundings like a movie. Go beyond what's happening and play the role of someone watching yourself. This act of dissociation allows you to objectively interpret the situation without letting your emotions get in the way.
    • Imagine that you are looking at the scene from the outside without knowing anything about what's going on, and let go of any emotions. When separating yourself from the situation, you don't allow yourself to be subjective; instead, it is an objective way of seeing as the doctor is examining the patient. In thinking language programming, this therapy is called "cognitive reformulation."
    • Be wary of dissociation, as it always comes with inherent risks. Applying this method too often can lead to unhealthy consequences in your mind and personality if you are not careful. Just go into dissociation in each situation, not apply this as the basic response in all difficult times. Sometimes you need to deal with specific things instead of separating yourself from reality.

  4. Think logically. Instead of making assumptions based on fear, anger, or similar emotional responses, rely on facts to analyze. Logical thinking often prevents emotions from going out of control and allows you to see reality in any situation. After all, the reality lies outside your brain - not your interpretation of it.
    • If you are afraid that you may not be performing well during the job interview, remind yourself of facts. First, you will not be invited to an interview if you are not eligible. Second, if you don't get that job, it's probably just because you don't fit the company's criteria, but that doesn't mean you're not a good candidate.
    • Maintaining logical thinking during an emotional crisis will allow us to use established “shortcuts” in the brain quickly and accurately instead of overthinking. If you are used to reacting emotionally in difficult situations, you will have to retrain your brain to think logically.
  5. Know that emotions have their place. They will appear at one time or another. Emotions come to us on purpose - if in vain we wouldn't let them go. In fact, studies have shown that sometimes we do make decisions better when you listen to emotional commands (often when you're tired). So if you have any feelings, determine if it is valid. If so, follow it.
    • If that feeling isn't based on any grounds, get rid of it. If it's just paranoia, confusion, anxiety, fear, or disgust, put it aside. It's just the instigating voice inside that makes our minds go wild.
    • If it is a valid feeling (such as suffering is a valid feeling) acknowledge it. You can't dispel that feeling without admitting it. Accept that you have the thought and let it pass. It will be promptly replaced by another thought.

Part 2 of 4: Stay calm and collected

  1. Deep breath. Taking deep breaths will help you stay calm in tough situations and can significantly contribute to your overall health. Here are some ways to use your breath to stabilize your emotions:
    • Inhale through your nose for 2 seconds. Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds. Repeat this movement until the emotions have subsided.
    • Sit comfortably in a recliner and be aware of your breathing, whether it's shallow or deep. Don't try to change; clasp both hands, pressing thumb firmly against the index finger. Relax, then clasp your fists again and hold still. You will find that your breathing will deepen and slow down with each fist, and you can feel relaxed and relieved.
  2. Get calm by distracting yourself. Instead of being overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, get up and do something else. Thoughts come and go - you can dispel bad thoughts by directing your mind to new thoughts. Soon you will think, "Oh, did I get distracted by that earlier?"
    • Choose something positive that makes you happy. If you are sad, anxious and can't stop thinking, take your dog outside to play, go to the gym, or grab your camera and go out to capture natural scenery. Do anything that keeps your mind active and forces you to move away from your emotional thoughts.
    • Choose an activity that requires high concentration. Try knitting, sewing, or repetitive activities that require concentration.
  3. Don't overdo alcohol and drugs as a way to bury your emotions. This can work for a while, but you'll double up with regret when you wake up tomorrow morning. It was a very short-term immediate solution, and the problem was still there.
    • In addition, avoid overeating or refusing to eat or drink to cope with overwhelming emotions.You will only put more pressure on your body (and your mind) if you don't provide it with the nutrients it needs.
  4. Write diary. Keep a diary of your feelings. It will help you understand yourself better and also be a place for you to relieve yourself. The next time your emotions flow (if it's a particularly strong emotion, better), quickly go to your journal and write.
    • What sparked emotions in you? Do you feel it coming? It has feeling how? How is it present in your body? How did you dispel it, or did it go away on its own?
  5. Ending relationships with bad friends. If you feel constantly exhausted and stagnant, it is unlikely that you are. Maybe it's just because you're in a toxic environment. Most of us have relationships with people who, out of awe or awe, don't definitely cut off. We need to stop this! They can arouse emotions we don't need. Starting today, remove the first name that comes to mind. You don't need those nonsense.
    • Unfortunately, outsiders have a big impact on our emotions. Yes, they don't really has that influence, but it is we who empower them. Human life is like a fishing ball through the window, don't waste your time on those who just bother us, let them out of our lives. They can go find other people and stick to them!

Part 3 of 4: Develop habits for controlling emotions

  1. Practice meditation. Meditation is one of the best ways to master your emotions. Through meditation and mindfulness practice, you will learn to recognize emotions, accept them, and let them pass. Although some people try to release their emotions on command, this is usually only achieved after a long period of meditation and daily maintenance.
    • Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and sit in a comfortable position to take deep breaths. You can practice simple meditation exercises by focusing on your breath. Inhale through the nose and into the abdomen; exhale from the abdomen through the nose. When you breathe, you need to focus on the breath as it travels through the entire body.
    • Examine your body from the top of your head to your heels. Focus only on your senses. Feeling hot or cold? Can you feel the seat / floor below? Just notice.
  2. Use your imagination while meditate. Visualize something you associate with a sense of tranquility and focus on that image in your mind. Every time your mind wanders, acknowledge, accept and let them go through. Go back to your imagination.
    • If a thought or feeling comes to you, just acknowledge it. Don't try to change or fix: just accept. Then let those thoughts or feelings pass and continue to breathe deeply.
    • A good meditation session can take 5-30 minutes or more if desired. Once you get to your "place", you will notice a change in your mood, thoughts, and behavior. Once mastered, you can use this method instantly in situations that challenge your emotional stability, and you'll be able to quickly regain peace.
  3. Admit when you're wrong. Many problems in life cannot have a one-way simple and pure answer; you also cannot think in black and white. When you make a mistake, make up for it or apologize to avoid feeling guilty or regretful. Life should have no room for negative emotions. They do not do you any good!
    • Just like when you meditate, admit that you were wrong, then let it go. That was in the past. Now you know better! You will never make the same mistake again, so thinking about it is not going to help. Truly mature people are people who dare admit they were wrong - they are even more respectable than those who acted right in the first place.
  4. Avoid self-destructive behaviors. Whether you're angry, frustrated, or anxious, don't act on those feelings until you have time to consider the situation carefully. Put yourself in a situation to think clearly and see the consequences of your actions. If there is even the slightest possibility that you can act differently when you have time to think about it, do so.
    • Think before you speak. Emotions often cause us to react to reactions that don't reflect us properly. Take it easy and use your judgment. If you are tempted to say something before you think it through, remember the proverb "A wise man talks halfway, let the fool half rejoice."
      • If a co-worker is critical of your work, don't email her in a gruff voice while you're angry. Instead, take a moment to reflect on whether her comments are valid, whether you can improve performance with that suggestion, or if you should ask for it. She changed the way she gave criticism to be more professional.
  5. Know yourself. If you find that a situation might make you angry, try to be as much in control as you can. Leaving the place, ignoring it somehow or stepping in the other direction. Only you will know what works for you. But in order to do this, you need to know yourself, know what triggers you and what response is best for you. So, find out the only thing you always have on hand at any time. That is yourself.
    • This will only be easy if you strive to help yourself! So instead of facing a situation and wondering why you can't control this feeling, take action. Breath. Distract yourself. Read this article again. Ask people how they can be so calm. Habit needs to be trained, it's not a miracle. Practice the habit of being calm, and sooner or later you will achieve it; You may not realize it until someone tells you!

Part 4 of 4: Brain training

  1. Accept life as it is. Life is not unfair, not bad, nor wonderful or sparkling with rainbow colors; life is what it is. Nothing can change the reality of life; And there's nothing you can do to change it. You exist means it exists. Life is not colorful, poetic, and terrible. This is a philosophy you need to accept. Once nothing is big, once nothing is important, feelings slowly drift away.
    • Indeed, is it worth expressing emotions? Love? Just ephemeral. It's everywhere and nothing special. And often, love is just a cover over selfish ends or sexual motives. Children? Perhaps it is best for the kids not to know it. Convince yourself that nothing matters, life is like that - and it will be easier.
  2. Think community, don't just worry about yourself. It is more difficult to be dominated by your emotions when you think about other people. In individual communities, egos are often exalted and traded for a sense of connection with others. This can lead us to focus solely on our own emotions, because the ego is all we pay attention to.
    • Connecting with people brings the good and the thrill of each of our lives. By helping people, volunteering, spending time teaching or guiding others, and giving back to the community, you will find that your feelings are no longer important. again.
    • When you focus on others, you don't have much space and time for your inner emotions to turn into overwhelming inertia or overwhelming suffering. When others rely on you, you will have more courage to cope and stop dwelling on your emotions.
  3. Create new mind maps. According to David Rock, an expert in neurological leadership, it is difficult to rearrange the path of the nerves. Instead, it is much easier to create completely new roads.The good news is that new mind maps are, in other words, new ways of thinking, often stronger, because they are fresh and highly focused.
    • Instead of spending too much time trying to overcome ingrained views like depression, hopelessness and confusion, create a new mind map for yourself as inspiration. , purposeful and full of enthusiasm.
    • Spend all your energy on creating a new mind map through the actions of objectively asserting that you are who you are. With practice, you will build up this new neural circuit and simply ignore the old ones that are exhausting you.
  4. Keep track of positive emotions. We're talking about letting go of emotions here, but unfortunately that includes the positives. When your mom buys you tickets to the concert you're eager to see, when your best friend walks into the room, take note of that person or their goodwill and stop there. Smile and thank you, but that's all.
    • If you really want to be calm, you won't be enthusiastic or excited about anything. Fortunately, if nothing makes you happy, nothing will upset you. You have only one standard neutral attitude toward all matters.
  5. Ignore all the facts that you cannot change. People often get angry when they feel the force of helplessness, but you need to acknowledge and release that anger. Focus on changing things at your fingertips, so your mind focuses on the positive direction instead of being bogged down in suffering.
    • Positive thoughts create a foundation for your emotions. Although this is also an option, you can consider and choose to be completely thoughtless. Getting out is something the human brain can do. So, if you are looking for a way to let go of all your emotions, don't think positively good negative. Try to separate yourself completely.


  • Don't be mindful of your critics. Just give them a bored look to let them know you don't care.
  • Many people feel a lot more relieved after crying, as it is the body's mechanism to deal with emotions. However, when you are dealing with an emotional situation at work, you often cannot cry in front of people. Try pinching the skin between your thumb and index finger hard. You will be amazed at how well this can help you with tears.
  • To learn more about how to use logical thinking to reconfigure your perception of how you respond to emotions, look for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Physicians, scientists and therapists have recognized CBT as an effective tool for changing the way of thinking.
  • If someone tries to mess with you or provoke you with words, keep your voice and expression calm and say, "You say that provocative ..."
  • A good way to calm down is to count even numbers (2,4,6,8,10,12, etc.). This is an easy way to turn your mind the other way as your emotions rise.


  • Cutting yourself off or hurting yourself (like cutting your wrists or poking yourself) is not a way to release your inner feelings. Not only is this harmful and can permanently scarring, it can also make you feel worse and slide into darker deep holes.
  • If you find yourself emotionally dependent and unable to prevent it, you may have anxiety, depression or other disorders. Don't hesitate to seek the help of a mental health professional. The earlier you get help, the sooner you will become aware of therapies that will help you manage your emotions throughout your life.