How to lose weight safely

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight
Video: The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight


The market is now flooded with foods that support rapid weight loss. Many stores sell foods to create anorexia and lose weight, such as shakes, snacks and even weight loss pills. Many people find ways to lose weight but often forget that losing weight is only good for the body when done safely and healthy. Here are some tips on how to safely lose weight through long-term lifestyle changes.


Method 1 of 5: Evaluate Eating Habits and Lifestyle

  1. Diet log to keep track of your diet. When starting a new diet or diet, keep a diary of your current diet and lifestyle habits so you can see where you need to change. Note what foods and drinks you are consuming, and when you eat them.
    • Buy a food diary or download it to your phone. You should keep track of your diet for as long as possible, and watch both day of the week and weekends because usually weekend diets will be slightly different from weekdays.
    • Keep a detailed record of what you eat. Take note of the number of meals you eat and what problems arise. For example, would you like to drop by a fast restaurant for dinner instead of going home to cook late at work?
    • Also make a note of what you think you could improve or more options. For example, are you choosing the most nutritious option for your meal or snack? Do you eat a lot of frozen, processed or mostly homemade foods?

  2. Calculate the serving size. Overeating and overeating (even healthy foods) can lead to excess calories and weight gain. Keep track of the portion sizes of both the main meal and the snack that are right for you, and if it is right, keep the portion size, otherwise you can reduce the portion size to less.
    • Reducing portions can be a simple way to reduce your daily calorie intake and help reduce your weight gradually.
    • Compare serving sizes throughout the day to find your benchmark. For example, a serving of fruit is 1/2 cup or a small cup of whole fruit, a serving of vegetables is one cup, for a cereal 28 grams or ½ cup, lean protein is 84 grams and low-fat milk. one cup (milk and yogurt) or 56g cheese.
    • Many grocery stores have portioned foods available to make them easier to use.
    • Buy cups to measure food or buy food scales to measure portion accuracy.
    • You may want to make sure you add portion items to your food log.

  3. Calories calculation. Tracking your total daily calories can also help you eat better. Calculate the average number of calories consumed per day, and based on this count the number of calories to cut off to be able to lose weight.
    • To lose weight safely means losing about 0.5 -1 kg / week, you must lose about 500 calories / day.
    • If you lose more than 500 calories / day or eat less than 1,200 calories / day, it is not safe or healthy and may not even help you lose weight in the long term.
    • While cutting down and burning additional calories can help you lose weight faster, in the long run it has negative health effects and even has the opposite effect, causing you to gain weight.
    • Although it is important to lose weight and eat healthily is to reduce calorie intake, make sure you are getting enough calories for your body and daily activities.
    • Burning additional calories through exercise is a very helpful way to lose weight, but make sure you don't overeat when exercising.
    • Don't get too stressed out in calorie counting. Not all products are calorie equal, and a product's caloric intake is usually indicated on the food packaging. Hard work to count excess calories also increases the hormone cortisol, which can lead to cravings and weight gain.

  4. Keep a diary of your cravings or the triggers you want to eat. About 75% of overeating is due to the emotional stimulation of the appetite. It's important to be aware of which emotions trigger your appetite and how it affects your eating habits and lifestyle.
    • Write down the relationship between your moods and foods. For example, you can note that when you are stressed, you tend to prefer a snack that is more fat and savory. Try a 1 to 10 level self-assessment of your mood each time you start a food journal.
    • Also, pay attention to times when you find it most difficult to control your cravings during the day or night. Do you have cravings while watching movies? Or while driving? Knowing your weaknesses will help you make a plan for the most suitable eating habits.
  5. Choose a balanced eating plan. There are a number of diets that have been referred to as safe and healthy weight loss. Diet is also helpful due to its very detailed planning, recipes and counseling support.
    • Choose a diet plan that doesn't focus on skipping meals or completely fasting.
    • Find a weight loss program that focuses on reducing portion sizes, following a balanced diet and incorporating regular physical activity.
    • For example, a program with safe weight loss methods such as: diet based on the Mediterranean (Mediterranean) style; the DASH diet (great for people with high blood pressure); a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet; or a diet that focuses on balanced meals and portion sizes.
  6. Consult with your doctor or registered dietitian. Consult with your doctor or dietitian before starting any new diet. Your doctor or dietitian will advise or recommend an alternative that is more suitable for your health.
    • Talk to your primary care physician. Your doctor can refer you to your local dietitian to assist you.
    • A dietitian is an expert who can give advice on a more effective diet for weight loss. Experts can also help in planning your meals with your lifestyle to help you lose weight. You should also see a registered dietitian regularly to help you check your weight loss progress.
    • If in the US, you can go to the EatRight website and click on the orange "Find an Expert" button at the top right to find a nutritionist in your area.

Method 2 of 5: Meal Plan for Weight Loss

  1. Make a meal plan. To be able to lose weight, you should develop yourself a balanced eating plan that controls calories and portion sizes. Consult your doctor or dietitian, or look for a book or eating plan online and stick with it.
    • Set aside an hour or two each week to brainstorm meal plans for both meals and snacks. This way, you don't have to think about what to eat every day and also gives you a healthy eating framework to follow.
    • When planning your meals, make sure your daily diet includes each of the food groups and make sure you follow the right portion sizes.
    • Calculate the number of quick meals needed for the whole week. The plan is designed to incorporate a healthy and healthy snack or snack. By planning ahead, you can avoid buying low-nutritious foods.
    • Have some healthy snacks on hand, so you'll always have healthy food. You may not know when you need to get out of the house, so it's better to have your food ready.
    • Incorporate frozen foods into your meal plan. Double the amount of normal food by doubling the ingredients in recipes. Freeze meals in half or split them into portions to use for lunch.
  2. Have healthy foods available. Eating healthy and making healthy dishes can be done easily when you have food ready. Take time to buy food each week and stock a variety of nutritious foods.
    • Keeping enough food in your cupboard for food is an integral part of a healthy eating plan. Most food stored should have a stable shelf life and be easily stored for long periods of time. Try to stock up on some foods to prepare a healthy, quick meal: canned beans, unsalted canned vegetables, canned tuna or chicken, 100% whole grains (like quinoa, pasta tubes made of 100% whole grains, brown rice), pea butter, and low-calorie and sodium soups.
    • Another very useful place to store food is the freezer. The freezer compartment will help you preserve the food for longer. You can store certain foods like: frozen vegetables (without dipping or seasoning), frozen fruits, frozen pre-cooked grains (like brown rice or quinoa), frozen dinners are low in calories (for busy nights), and frozen protein foods (fish or chicken).
    • Store fresh fruits, vegetables, milk (low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese), and lean protein (like chicken, fish, pork, lean beef) in the refrigerator weekly.
    • If you are too busy, don't have time or don't like to cook, you can buy cooked or pre-cooked foods to cut down on cooking time. Stock up on some foods for faster meal preparation such as: pre-washed / pre-cut vegetables (such as packaged lettuce or beans in a bag in steam), sliced ​​apples, grilled chicken breasts or hard-boiled eggs .
  3. Prepare new recipes. If you are completely new to healthy cooking methods or you need to change to new cooking methods, then you must find and try some new healthy recipes. Keep up to date with new recipes, otherwise you may be outdated and boring.
    • Try to prepare 1-2 new recipes every week. You don't have to change your entire cooking habits; just trying to learn a few new techniques each week can help you to have new interesting new ideas.
    • Buy cookbooks to show how to eat healthy, lose weight or eat low calories.
    • Look up easy-to-modify recipes to help improve your Internet diet. There are a lot of different websites out there that provide information on healthy recipes and low calorie foods.
  4. Eat healthy snacks. Eating healthy snacks is an effective way to keep your body hydrated throughout the day and is very helpful during weight loss. When you're hungry, instead of eating a cookie or a slice of french fries, eat healthy foods like nuts or small oranges.
    • Snacking can be a gray area of ​​weight loss. Before you eat, make sure that junk food is really necessary. Low-calorie junk foods may be the best option before or after work or when you feel very hungry but must be more than two hours away from your main meal. To keep your metabolism working properly and keep you full, you should eat once every 3-4 hours. This means that in between two main meals you must eat several small meals or three snacks.
    • In general, the best snacks should only contain around 100-200 calories (depending on your activity level). You can eat some snacks like fruits, vegetables and lean protein that are calorie-controlled but still nutritious.
    • Some nutritious snacks like: carrot and hummus sauce, celery and peanut butter, apple, Greek yogurt with fruit.
    • If you eat while watching TV or something distracts you, prepare yourself a snack, more or less depending on how hungry you are. That way, you can enjoy the show without having to worry about accidentally overeating when distracted.
  5. Eat snacks as much as you want, but in moderation. You can also enjoy some snacks from time to time, even if you are losing weight, but make sure you eat only once in a while.
    • Slowly cut back on your favorite foods. If you used to eat regularly, now try it only once a week or 1-2 times / month.
    • If you want to let yourself eat as much as you want for once, make sure you control your portion sizes. This will help limit calories.
    • If you consume high-calorie foods by mistake, you can save it by exercising for a longer period of time. Exercise may not help you burn all calories, but it can help you keep your weight loss plan on track.

Method 3 of 5: Combining Physical Activity for Weight Loss

  1. Get regular aerobic exercise. Aim for 150 minutes or two hours of moderate intensity exercise each week. Incorporate aerobic exercise into your daily routine to aid weight loss.
    • You can do some aerobic exercises like: walking, jogging, swimming, biking or hiking.
    • Exercise is a great aid to weight loss, but it's only part of the weight loss process. Just exercising doesn't always help you lose weight. Instead, exercise is the best method to help you maintain weight loss in the long run.
    • If you use a cardio machine (like a treadmill or an elliptical), be wary of the "calorie burn" feature as this is inaccurate. Keep in mind that exercise can help with weight loss, not weight loss.
  2. Incorporate weekly muscle strengthening exercises. Lifting weights or building muscle is an important part of your exercise routine. Every week should have 2 days of muscle-strengthening exercise.
    • Some muscle-strengthening exercises include: weights, Pilates or isometric exercises like push ups or crunches.
  3. Find a practice partner. Exercising can be a little tricky at the beginning - especially when you're alone. Having friends practicing, will help you get more motivated to keep up with your plan and help you get through sweaty training sessions.
    • Ask a friend, family member, or co-worker to join you in the exercise.
    • Ask a colleague to go for a walk during lunch break.
    • Have an exercise "appointment" every week. Plan a walk or exercise in a place where you can talk and exercise.
  4. Try different exercises. To make your workout more enjoyable and fun by participating in a variety of different exercises. This will also help you avoid overtraining or overusing certain muscle groups.
    • If you don't feel like practicing in the gym, you can try joining a dance class or sports team. Such a class or sports team would be more interesting.
    • Try incorporating some outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking or cycling.
    • Note, it is not difficult to exercise rigorous exercise. Any movement like, walking or cycling, is beneficial in helping with body weight control and necessary for muscle retention.

Method 4 of 5: Track Weight Loss Progress

  1. Weigh yourself weekly. You should weigh your body weight weekly to keep track of your weight when implementing any diet or weight loss plan. Check your weight regularly to observe your progress and can help increase your enthusiasm. This way, you can also know if your lifestyle change plan is working or not.
    • You should weigh it once or twice a week. If you weigh it daily, you won't see much change. Your daily weight fluctuations are completely normal and may not be accurate compared with weekly weight comparisons.
    • Buy a scale so you can weigh yourself and track your weight at home.
    • Regularly weighing your body weight can also help you detect if you're gaining weight.
    • It should be weighed at the same time each week and in the same (or naked) outfit.
    • Note that weight measurements will not fully represent weight loss results. Because weight cannot distinguish between fat and muscle, it also cannot represent your heart's health or your stamina.If fat is burned through muscle gain, then your weight may not change. Instead, instead of giving up, consider goals that are unrelated to your weight, such as how many laps you can swim in a turn.
  2. Write down your goals. Writing down all of your goals can be helpful with any changes, but especially helpful for weight loss. Identifying long-term goals can help keep you active and motivated to accomplish your goals.
    • Make a specific goal. Be sure to give appropriate, specific and realistic time. Remember, losing too much weight is unrealistic and may be unsafe or unhealthy.
    • Before setting long-term goals, you must set smaller goals in shorter time frame. For example, if you want to lose 12 kg in five months, then you should aim to lose 2 kg in the first month.
    • Set goals beyond weight loss results. You can set goals for what you will be able to do or stop working on while losing weight. For example, you can walk a 5km without stopping.
  3. Re-evaluate your weight loss progress. It is better to check and reevaluate your progress in weight loss to continue with your weight loss plan. You can check monthly or twice a month so you can promptly change your diet, exercise or make appropriate adjustments.
    • If your weight loss slows down or you no longer lose weight, reassess your lifestyle. You can keep a food diary for a few days or track how often you exercise. If you find a mistake or lax in the implementation, try to correct it.

Method 5 of 5: Avoid Unsafe and Unhealthy Foods

  1. Make a question. When you are researching various dietary plans, foods, or even talking to your doctor about your diet, ask as many questions as possible. Having enough information will help you choose the best and safest diet. You can consult reputable programs and their staff will be able to answer safety, efficiency and cost related questions for you. Here are some questions to ask:
    • Do I have to buy special foods or supplements?
    • Does the employee or founder / author have a weight loss certificate or experience?
    • How much weight will be lost on average?
    • Will the program help me maintain my weight loss?
    • Can you show me any long term efficacy studies?
  2. Avoid using shakes, weight loss pills, or other dietary aids. Because these can temporarily help you lose weight, your goal is to start making lifestyle changes along with eating healthy to lose weight.
    • There are many weight loss pills and others that are sold without the Food and Drug Administration's approval. Always consult your doctor before taking any medications or supplements.
    • Remember, diet can only help you lose weight when you stick to your eating plan. When you stop doing that plan, your weight will likely return. This is why you should focus on making healthy lifestyle changes in the long term.
  3. Stay away from cleansing or cleansing programs. Your body doesn't need to be "cleaned" or "purified" - this is the function of your kidneys and liver.
    • Avoid diets that require you to drink lots of "purified water" quickly. Your body needs a certain amount of energy to function. Healthy food is energy.
    • Avoid losing weight by starving. Because hunger is your body's way of showing that your body needs something.


  • Do not give up. Just think you can do it, you are already halfway through the battle, and you just have to perform the remaining half battle with actual action.
  • Don't go shopping when you're hungry. You can eat a snack and drink a glass of water before going to the grocery store.
  • Find healthy snacks that you enjoy, like fresh fruit, raw vegetables, low-fat yogurt or cheese, and keep a few healthy snacks on hand.
  • Take body measurements in both kilograms and centimeters once a month to assess the extent of weight loss.
  • Do more muscle strengthening exercises to build muscle. While aerobic exercise (like walking) helps burn calories, anaerobic exercise (or muscle-strengthening exercise) can help boost your metabolism.
  • Try taking a daily walk. It is a great exercise for weight loss. You don't have to go at any speed. Walking with a friend will help you feel better and can support each other.
  • Drink plenty of water: about 2 liters / day. About 20 minutes before dinner, you should drink a glass of water to help you feel fuller.
  • Avoid processed foods. Any processed food is usually high in fat, sugar and salt. You should check the food carefully before eating.
  • Add a vegetable or two to dinner. Try new recipes with familiar ingredients to make your eating plan more interesting and engaging.
  • Eliminate all leftovers before eating to avoid getting more servings.
  • Put down the knife and fork instead of keeping in hand while chewing. Eat more slowly so your brain catches up with your body's signals of fullness, so you will "feel" full and not overeat.
  • Inform your family and friends that you are trying to lose weight, but they can support and encourage you.


  • There is no way to both lose weight quickly and safely (ie lose more than 0.5-1 kg / week). You should change your lifestyle to a better diet and do some more exercise that suits your body according to your doctor's opinion.
  • Always consult with your doctor before implementing any weight loss plan to make sure your plan is safe and appropriate for you and the effects of dietary changes on your body.