How to lose 12 kg in two months

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
MY Weight Loss Transformation Journey : How I lost 12KG in 2 Month | NO GYM NO DIETING
Video: MY Weight Loss Transformation Journey : How I lost 12KG in 2 Month | NO GYM NO DIETING


Many weight loss regimens promise to help you lose weight quickly, but actually studies have shown that up to 95% of diet programs fail, and people often gain weight back in just one year. Such diets can also be very harsh, causing the body to become fatigued and exhausted. If you want to lose weight and keep results, you need to make lifestyle adjustments accordingly.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare to lose 12 kg

  1. Talk to your doctor. Losing 12 kg in two months is an ambitious goal. In terms of the diet and exercise plan this weight loss goal entails, it would be wise to consult with your doctor before starting a weight loss plan.
    • A low-calorie diet coupled with plenty of exercise is usually safe for most people; But you should still talk to your doctor about the specific types of diets and exercises you are planning to do. Your doctor can tell you if they are safe for your current condition or not.
    • Talk to a nutritionist. A registered dietitian can teach you the right eating and drinking habits to achieve your goals. They can also help you plan your meals, foods to include and what to avoid.
    • Discuss with your doctor to determine if this is a truly viable goal. A person who has a surplus of 24 kg can lose 12 kg in two months, but a person who is over 9 kg cannot lose. For most people who are overweight (BMI above 24 but below 29), a goal of losing 12 kg in two months is unrealistic.
    • Also, if you are obese (BMI above 30), incorporating the exercises needed for such a diet will be very difficult. Fast running, slow running, aerobic activities and strenuous exercises can be extremely hard for an obese person.
    • Also, discuss the risk of yo-yo effects on diets. Rapid weight loss will only lead to rebound and pose a number of serious health risks; This is considered really dangerous. You could put yourself at risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes; artery damage; reduced energy; loss of muscle mass and increase in body fat.

  2. Logging. The diary will be an effective tool for diet and exercise program. You can journal with pen or paper or use the smartphone app to record factors that help you track your progress as you lose weight.
    • Keep a diary of everything you eat. This will keep you accountable and provide useful information in case you don't get the results you want as you can read it again to see where you can lose extra calories.
    • You should also consider recording your exercise. As above, this can help you track and calculate the number of calories you are burning.
    • Finally, record your progress. It could be the weight or measurements you lost. If you don't see any results, review and analyze your food intake and exercise history in your journal.

  3. Create a support group. Losing 12 kg in two months is not easy. You will need to make many changes in your diet and lifestyle. A support group can help you stay motivated over the span of two months.
    • Find a friend, relative, or co-worker as a resource. Choose people who will get you on the right track. Some people may not be willing to motivate you through difficult times and should not be included in a support group.
    • Try asking if anyone would like to join you in this new plan. Losing weight and getting in shape is a very popular goal, and finding a partner will make your journey even more exciting.
    • You can also find support groups or online forums for people trying to lose weight. This way, you can connect with others at any time.

  4. Write down your diet and exercise plan. To stay organized and on track, take the time to write down a plan for your diet and exercise plan. This plan will answer any questions about your 12 kg goal in two months.
    • Start with the diet program. To lose 12 pounds, you will need to make large changes to your diet. You will also have to stick to your diet very strictly. Diet has the greatest impact on weight loss.
    • Write down how many calories you consume each day, then create a menu that matches your calorie level, including each meal, snack, and beverage you plan to consume for the day.
    • Write down the types of exercises you plan to work on, your goals for each week, and how you will distribute them over the seven days.

Part 2 of 3: Control your diet

  1. Cut calories. In order to lose weight, you will have to adjust your diet by cutting down on your overall daily calorie intake. To lose 12 pounds in two months, you will need to cut out quite a few calories each day.
    • Overall, safe weight loss is considered to lose 0.5-1 kg per week. To lose 12 kg in two months, you will have to lose about 1.5 kg per week. Although this is technically out of the "safe weight loss" limit, it is still practical for those who stick to a strict diet for two months.
    • You will need to cut back at least 750 calories per day. 1 pound (0.45 kg) equals 3,500 calories, so you'll need to lose 87,500 (3,500 x 25) calories in 60 days. To achieve this goal, you will have to lose 1,458 calories per day.
    • Although you will need to reduce a significant amount of calories each day, health professionals generally do not recommend eating less than 1,200 calories per day. If your calorie intake is lower than this, you may not get enough of the essential nutrients your body needs to function normally every day.
    • In addition, continually adhering to the too-low calorie limit can lead to the loss of lean muscle mass instead of fat mass. This can slow down metabolism and cause fat retention instead of being eliminated by the body entering a "starvation mode."
  2. Skip carbs. Many studies show that one of the fastest weight loss diets is a low-carb diet. Not only does this diet help you lose weight faster, but it also often loses more fat than you lose lean muscle mass.
    • To go on a low-carb diet, you'll need to focus on limiting your carbohydrate intake.
    • Starches are found in many foods, including: starchy vegetables (like potatoes and beans), legumes (beans and lentils), fruits, dairy products and whole grains.
    • Since starches are present in so many food groups, it would be impractical and impractical to cut each of these food groups.Focus on limiting the most starchy foods like whole grains, vegetables, and some starchy fruits.
    • Many nutrients found in foods such as starchy grains or vegetables can be easily found through other food groups, and limiting these foods for as short as two months does not. considered unhealthy.
    • Even though fruit is a starchy food, you shouldn't avoid eating all kinds of fruits. Eat a small amount of fruit every week. You should also choose low-sugar fruits like: cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
    • Maintain the serving of fruit at 1/2 cup chopped fruit or a small piece.
  3. Eat lean protein and non-starchy vegetables. If you are on a low-carb diet, then there are two food groups that are considered low-carb. Protein and non-starchy vegetables are low-carb, low-calorie and high-nutrient foods that make a great pairing for quick weight loss.
    • Aim to eat 1-2 servings of lean protein at every meal or snack. One serving is about 85 g - 114 g or about the size of a deck of cards.
    • Eat non-starchy vegetables as you like. A common recommendation is that the amount of vegetables should be 1/2 of the plate.
    • In general, you may notice that half of the plate is lean protein and half is non-starchy vegetables, sometimes a piece of fruit.
  4. Cut back on junk food and stick to low-calorie snacks. When you are cutting down on large calories from your daily diet and engaging in intense physical activity, it is likely that you will feel hungry or need to stay energized throughout the day. Preparing healthy and appropriate snacks for weight loss is essential.
    • If you are pursuing a quick weight loss plan, you need to make sure that the snacks are consistent with your daily calorie goals. Typically, a 100-150 calorie snack will fit your plan.
    • Try to have only one snack a day. Snacking on two or more meals a day may prevent you from reaching your calorie reduction goal.
    • For a low-carb and high-protein diet, choose snacks that are high in protein.
    • Some examples of low-calorie and low-carb snacks include: 1/4 cup almonds, 1/2 cup low-fat Greek yogurt, 85 g of dried beef, or a hard-boiled egg.
    • In addition, you should only snack when you feel really hungry or need the energy to exercise. Unnecessary snacking can lead to slow or steady weight loss.
  5. Drink enough fluids. Drinking enough fluids every day is essential for overall health; and even more important when you are on a plan to lose weight fast and have high levels of physical activity.
    • When you're losing weight, especially with high-volume or high-intensity cardio exercises, make sure to drink enough water to replenish your post-workout hydration and stay hydrated throughout the day. .
    • Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water or 2 liters of water per day; if you are more physically active, you may need to drink up to 13 cups per day. The amount of water you drink depends on your activity level, gender and age.
    • Choose low-calorie or calorie-free fluids to meet your daily calorie goal. Drinks such as water, flavored water, decaffeinated coffee and tea are the best options.

Part 3 of 3: Increase physical activity

  1. Do enough cardio exercises. While exercise isn't primarily responsible for your weight loss goals, when you have a fairly high weight loss goal, you'll need to increase your daily volume of cardio exercises.
    • Cardio or aerobic activity is a form of exercise responsible for burning more calories than strength training.
    • Most health experts recommend at least 150 minutes of cardio exercise per week; however, since losing 12 kg in two months is considered rapid weight loss, you will need to increase your activity to help reach your goals.
    • Consider doing at least 300 minutes of cardio per week. Such exercise volume is great, but it will help you burn more calories, thereby also losing weight faster.
    • Choose exercises like: jogging / sprinting, swimming, elliptical, aerobic classes, cycling or indoor cycling classes.
  2. Incorporate regular strength training exercises. Strength or resistance training doesn't burn a lot of calories per session but is also an important part of the overall workout regimen.
    • Strength training exercises help build and maintain lean muscle mass during weight loss. Additionally, the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn during rest, meaning you are burning more calories.
    • Most health experts recommend incorporating a minimum of 2-3 days of strength training per week. Work out each of the major muscle groups in your body for each day of strength training exercises.
    • If your 150 to 300 minute weekly cardio goal is difficult to achieve, cut down on strength training time. In the short two months period, high volume cardio exercise will be more beneficial to you.
  3. Increase basic activities. Basic activities are the types of exercises you do in your daily life. These types of activities don't burn a lot of calories by themselves, but combined at the end of the day, they also have a significant effect on overall calorie burn.
    • Daily activities include things like: housework, gardening, walking to the car or car to destination, day walking activities and stair climbing.
    • When planning exercise for weight loss, you should also find ways to get more active throughout the day.
    • For example, can you park your car further away when you go to work or shop in stores? Is there a way for you to take the stairs instead of taking the elevator? Can you stand up or get more exercise while watching TV?
  4. Consider practicing HIIT. A newer trendy type of exercise is called HIIT exercise or high intensity interval training. This type of exercise burns more calories in the short term and can help you reach your weight loss goals.
    • HIIT is a form of exercise that combines very high intensity sessions of cardio with more moderate intensity short bursts. HIIT workouts are typically shorter than regular cardio exercises (like 45-minute jogging).
    • Despite the shorter training times, HIIT training sessions burn more calories than regular cardio exercises. What's more, studies have shown that they help maintain an elevated metabolic state (the body's burning of calories) long after the workout is complete.
    • In addition to regular cardio and strength training, you should consider adding 1 or 2 additional HIIT sessions per week. These extra calories burned can help you reach your goal of losing 12 pounds in two months.


  • Always consult your doctor before starting any weight loss or exercise plan.
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is also the easiest way you can put into a daily routine.
  • Do not eat foods that are harmful to health.
  • If you start to feel like giving up, talk to someone who can support you and / or imagine you have a firmer body.
  • Instead of making extreme changes that are difficult to maintain (even for two months, let alone longer), make gradual changes to your lifestyle and diet to lose weight at a safe pace. This will help you maintain weight loss results without gaining weight again.


  • Rapid weight loss leads to rapid weight gain in the majority of cases. In order to maintain a state of weight loss, one must maintain the eating and exercise strategies that resulted in initial weight loss. That's why fast weight loss is not recommended - it's not suitable for long-term purposes.