How to pretend vomiting

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stephen & Emily Blunt Have A Fake Vomit-Off
Video: Stephen & Emily Blunt Have A Fake Vomit-Off


If you want a fake emetic mixture to pretend you're sick, you need to choose the right ingredients to look real. Learn some recipes for making fake vomit and how to act to make people think you're sick.


Part 1 of 2: Making fake vomit

  1. Use leftovers from the night before. Chew the leftovers in your mouth about 20 times and spit them into a zippered plastic bag. Remember to use a lot of leftovers, but don't take too much so that people won't wonder where the leftovers are going.
    • If there is very little leftovers from dinner, it is best not to use them, instead, fake the vomit with something else in the kitchen.
    • Pour a little water in to dilute the chewed food to make it look like real vomit. Other additives to make the mix look like salad dressing, Vaseline cream, and milk.
    • Another way is to use breakfast cereal or whatever you plan to eat in the morning. You can do a more convincing performance.

  2. Mix orange juice, milk and crackers. An easy and quick way to get the best-looking fake mix is ​​to combine these three simple ingredients and put them in a plastic zipper bag. Mix equal parts orange juice and milk, then chew on a handful of savory crackers and spit into the mixture. Knead well outside the plastic bag for a viscous consistency.
    • If you can do it without getting caught, put it in the biscuit batter. The machines often make a noise, so be careful.
    • Be careful when adding orange juice to the mixture. It can make the vomit look fake.
    • Instead of orange juice, you can use lemon juice. With an odor and a transparent yellow color, it looks more convincing.

  3. Use canned soup. If you don't have leftovers to use as a fake vomit, look in your pantry for a soup container you can use. Good candidates include clam soup, beef stew, bean soup or other thick soups that look like they've already been swallowed.
    • As with leftovers, thin the soup with a little water or milk. You probably don't need a whole can of soup, just half is enough. Place the mixture in a plastic bag or jar and hide it in the room.
    • Find soup that you don't need to use up or be easily recognized. For example, if it was only onion cream soup your aunt made for Christmas a few years ago, use it because no one will notice that the soup is gone. If you use overdue soup, it's even better because it looks more authentic.
    • If there's a chance someone notices the can of soup was used, it's best not to touch it.

  4. Use oatmeal and food coloring. Fill an empty bottle to about of the bottle with water, then add a few drops of different food colors to a brownish-colored consistency. Add a pinch of chewed leftovers to the mixture for a more realistic texture and smell.
    • The mixture should mainly contain water. If you go through a lot of oatmeal it will look like an oat dish. If your parents look closely and know that you haven't eaten oats, it will be obvious.
  5. Make vomit with yogurt. If you want to make the fake vomit really smell bad, plan ahead. Pour some milk into a bottle and hide it in the room, preferably in a corner away from the bed so that it doesn't smell. Wait a few days until the yogurt and thickens are solid. This usually takes about 3-5 days. Chocolate milk and strawberry milk are best.
    • While you wait for the yogurt, you can add some chewed food and other things to it to avoid mixing later. Surely you want as little touches as possible.

Part 2 of 2: Pretend vomiting

  1. Hide the fake vomiting mixture in the room until it works. Place the fake vomit in a plastic bag or bottle and hide it somewhere in the room. Make sure it is tightly closed. You don't want it to spill and your hands get dirty.
    • If your product is found before you are ready to "vomit" in the bathroom, pretend it's a science project, or an "experiment".
  2. First should fake sick in the morning. You should start complaining as soon as you wake up. Don't eat breakfast, or try to chew with a horrible expression as if you can't swallow. Just pretend you feel very tired. Make sure your parents feel that you are “not well”.
    • Morning is the best time to pretend vomiting. If you vomit you won't have to go to school that morning. If you act too early, like the night before or in the middle of the night, there's a greater risk of being exposed.
  3. Take the fake vomiting mixture into the bathroom. When the opportunity arises, grab a plastic bag of fake vomit and sneak into the bathroom. Remember to lock the door so that your parents will not catch you confused with this "product".
    • If the mixture dries out, sprinkle a little more water to get it wet again. Now get on your knees in front of the toilet and start whining.
  4. Make a fuss. Once in the bathroom, start moaning and making a gagging sound. While gripping, quickly pour the mixture into the toilet bowl. Throw away the plastic bag as quickly as possible. Turn your head a bit away from the toilet, moan and breathe slowly as if you have just finished vomiting.
    • Don't spill fake vomit on the floor. When it comes to the trouble of pretending to be sick, imagine how much more trouble you would be if you pretended to vomit and even made your parents have to remove all the milk and soup on the carpet!
  5. Brush your teeth right after pretending to vomit. You may be exposed immediately after spilling the fake vomit if you don't look like you've just finished vomiting. So you need to brush your teeth right after you act, just like you usually do after vomiting. Open the door and let your parents see the vomit in the toilet bowl before you push the flush. The reason to brush your teeth is because your breath often smells bad after vomiting, so your parents will likely insist on sniffing your breath. If so, say you just finished brushing your teeth.
  6. Continue "acting". In general, you don't need to do anything more after your parents see you “vomiting” the toilet bowl. You will be absent from school that day. But this doesn't mean you suddenly become fresh and happy all of a sudden. You have to act like you're pretty tired, go to bed and rest the whole day.
    • If your parents call home, fake a groan and weary voice. Say that you are still feeling uncomfortable, but it gets better in the morning.
  7. Don't overdo it. The trick to fake vomiting doesn't need to be overly exaggerated. If you want to quit school that day, you can even just say that you are vomiting and don't need to show it to everyone. Don't think too much. You don't have to prove yourself vomiting by filling that awful mixture of milk and soup in your mouth and pretending to vomit on the floor.
    • If you want to fake vomiting in front of someone just for fun, do it quickly in one move (like a muscle spasm) and lean forward. Cheeks puffed up as if about to vomit. Repeat 3 times, then pretend to swallow. Continue like that a few times, next time stronger than last time. Finally, with two more puffs, you can spray the mixture out.


  • Tell your parents (or someone else) that you weren't feeling well the day before the "show" day.
  • Don't act immediately. If you walk to school or your parents drive you to school, don't pretend to vomit as soon as you wake up. Get dressed and ready for school as usual, but take a little slower and pretend to be dizzy.If your parents ask what is the matter, say you are not well. A few minutes later, you go to the bathroom and bring your "secret weapon".
  • Know how thick and bad the mixture should be. Too thin mixture looks very fake.
  • Before acting, you should feel lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous.
  • When talking on the phone, you should lie on your back or tilt your head back. This pose will make your voice sound like a stuffy nose.
  • Don't make the mixture too strong. The mixture has a terrible smell that can make you really vomit, and then you really won't be well ...
  • Try going to the bathroom a few times, just taking out the "product" for the last time.
  • Be careful, lest your fake vomiting show get you going to the doctor.
  • Make sure not to be too obvious and not complaining too much, but still complaining.
  • You should complain of your stomach ache the night before, and go ahead and pretend to vomit the next morning. This way your parents will think you are sick and need to stay home.
  • Be sure to hide the plastic bag containing the vomit deep in the bottom of the trash can after emptying it to avoid the risk of being discovered.
  • If you are using food to fake vomit, you need to use the color of the food you ate with your parents to make it look like you actually vomited the stuff you ate.


  • Make sure you don't mind sleeping with the smell of bad food left in your room.
  • Note that you may miss out on important lessons at school and may need to borrow a friend's notebook to copy it.