Ways to Pretend Happiness

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Pretend To Be Happy (You NEED to know this!)
Video: How To Pretend To Be Happy (You NEED to know this!)


Sometimes the "pretend to reach your goal" tactic can motivate you to move in a more positive direction. While it's never a good idea to pretend or put on a fake face, sometimes you need to focus your energies and get over the situation. Maybe you've messed up the presentation or hated going to the obligatory holiday parties. You may need a little courage to get through it until the situation is over.


Part 1 of 2: Looking happy

  1. Laugh. One easy way to show happiness is to smile. But did you know that smiling can really improve your mood? Laughing can bring happiness like when happiness creates a smile.
    • Try smiling with your whole face, not just your lips. Enjoy how your cheeks and eyes change as you smile loudly. This kind of laughter is accompanied by positive emotions.
    • If you feel sad or upset, repel the feeling with a smile. Try connecting feelings of a smile and begin to feel happy.

  2. Pretend capable. Getting through an unpleasant situation but still showing no anxiety on facial expressions requires skill, and it can be largely a matter of confidence. If you have to give a presentation and feel scared, use your innate confidence, even if public speaking is enough to make you run away. Tell yourself you can. When you exude confidence (whether imperative or unnatural at first), others will believe you have the power.
    • Speak loudly, loudly and act as if you have complete confidence in your abilities.
    • The opposite is also true. If you walk into a presentation in fear, many things will bring fear into you, such as trembling voices, lack of eye contact, acting awkwardly, etc.

  3. Adjust body language. If you close your eyes, face down, or cross your arms / legs, the other person will assume you are difficult to approach. The person with the right gestures is said to be in a higher level of positivity and confidence than someone with a clumsy appearance. Changing your body language can help you believe that you are confident.
    • Practice with your shoulders straight (as a way to look / feel bigger) or keep your hands on your hips.
    • Practice winning poses, like punching your hands in the air before entering a stressful situation.

  4. Relax. Relaxation can ease any anxiety, and make you feel more comfortable. If you're feeling stressed, nervous or unhappy, try some relaxation techniques to feel more balanced. This is especially helpful before an important presentation or other worries.
    • Slow down and start counting your breaths, inhale for 4 seconds, then exhale for 4 seconds. Once this becomes easy, extend the breath for 6 seconds on the second, paying attention when it comes out and into your body.
    • Do a muscle relaxation to soften tense muscles. You can increase muscle relaxation by focusing on different parts of your body to release any stress you are under. Start with your toes, then work on muscle groups from the legs, hips, abdomen, chest, arms, shoulders, and neck.

Part 2 of 2: Cheerful manners

  1. Use perspective. In some cases you have to get through and behave naturally, even when you feel awkward. How you think about what you look like affects your future. If you are about to meet your partner's parents for the first time and are not feeling well, then this is a great opportunity to show your point of view and create sympathy. However, you should know that it is not always important that you look and behave perfectly in all situations. Know when you should get out of the situation or if you have to get through it because of the circumstances.
    • If you just broke your leg, you don't have to pretend to be happy. Because then you are in pain! This is also true if you have just had a hard time, like losing a sibling or grandparent. Feeling sad is obvious.
  2. Change your attitude. Changing your attitude can be especially important in the face of something bad. Take a few seconds to find new ways to reflect on negative thoughts, and try to find the positive sides to ponder. You may get stuck in negative thinking and need an overhaul to feel more optimistic. Think about the attitude you show in a situation and whether it is your favorite thing or not. Changing your attitude can make you feel happy enough to get through a difficult situation.
    • If you have to attend an event you don't like, adjust your attitude. Remember that these events don't happen very often, and you can overcome them, even if you know in advance it won't be pleasant. You might meet interesting people, enjoy some delicious food, or be amazed by what you learn.
    • Acknowledge the potential positives that might come from the event, and less speculate about potential negatives.
    • For more information, read How to Change a Negative Attitude.
  3. Talk to yourself. If you're struggling to look or feel happy, you may be experiencing negative thoughts. Talking to yourself will help you move from negative or unhelpful thoughts to calming yourself so you can feel more at ease. This can make it easier to get through an unpleasant situation and look happier, even when you feel distressed. Some examples of self-talk:
    • "I don't feel well, but I can still do well."
    • "This is annoying, but I know I can go home as soon as it's settled."
    • "I'm here to have some fun."
  4. Cultivate gratitude. If you're trying to pretend to be happy, find things that make you grateful in life. Grateful people have higher levels of health and happiness, such as better sleep, increased empathy, and improved self-esteem. Find something to look forward to and be grateful for: a home, a good day, a good friend, or whatever! Not only are you acting happier, but you are also starting to feel happier.
    • Make a list of 5 things that bring you joy or satisfaction. It could be as simple as waking up with no dishes in the sink. Next, think about making you sad or disappointed, and write it down. Then, think of three things that will help you appreciate a difficult situation. Maybe you're late for work because you have to refuel, but get the chance to buy yourself your favorite coffee. Or, your workplace understands why you are late sometimes. Think about whether you remember this for a week, or two weeks, or five weeks.
  5. Allow others to help you. Strengthen friendships and exercise with your social skills. Don't isolate yourself when you need help! Talking every day, as well as interacting with other people will help you feel better. Even when it's pressed, open up to the person you care about, and remember that they care about you as well. It can be much easier to behave happily when we are around with friends.
    • If you have a tendency to isolate, then you should know this can lead to feelings of depression.Social communication is an important part of life.
    • Especially if you're struggling, make sure you have someone to lean on and chat with when the opportunity arises.
  6. Seek help. If you find yourself trying to look and behave happily when you're unhappy, seek help from your doctor. Trying to look and act happy doesn't mean anything when you're not feeling happy from yourself.
    • If you feel sad all the time, you may have depression. For more information, read our articles on how to recognize depression and How to Treat depression.
    • If you need to find a specialist, see our article on choosing a specialist.


  • Remember that your feelings are for you and not for anyone else. Don't try to act cheerful just because you think other people want you to; chances are that other people are very interested in connecting with you honestly.
  • Try to feel positive instead of negative and grumpy. If you act like you're happy, you will probably feel better. Pretend until masterful!


  • There are some serious problems that cannot be pushed back. Dealing with the things that bother you and overcoming them is quite important.