Ways to Foke Sick to Leave School

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
FAKE SICK to SKIP SCHOOL || Crazy Tricks And Cheats to Survive School
Video: FAKE SICK to SKIP SCHOOL || Crazy Tricks And Cheats to Survive School


You want to take a day off school? Haven't you done your homework the night before? Do you have exercise today? Or are you just feeling lazy? Maybe you don't want to go back to school after a short break? Here are some ways to fake sickness so you can get a day off school!


Part 1 of 5: Starting to feel sick the night before

  1. Start showing mild symptoms the night before. If you plan to stay home the next day, tell your parents that you haven't been feeling well since the night before.
    • Don't talk too early the day before, as some illnesses like stomach ache go away overnight. You should start to have symptoms after 6:30 pm or after dinner.
    • If you have been sick before with a virus or insect, repeat the symptoms; This will make you look more authentic. But remember that you cannot get sick from the same insect twice! If you recently visited someone who has a cold or the like, repeat the symptoms to show that you have caught them.
    • Clap your hands on the cheeks. When you start to catch a cold or have a fever, your cheeks will turn red. You can imitate by repeatedly clapping your hands on your face when your parents aren't looking. But don't overdo it, you don't have to hurt yourself! Or you can also use blush powder.
    • Fumbling around will make you look sick or tired.

  2. Don't do what you want to do. Your parents will trust you more if you make sacrifices for things you want to do and things you don't want to do (like going to school).
    • Don't eat half of your favorite food for dinner. When your parents ask you what's wrong, say you have a stomach ache. Surely you have hidden snacks in your room, then you can quit eating so your parents think you are sick because you "don't feel well".
    • If you have plans with friends, cancel your appointment.
    • Sorry your parents can't spend time with your family or watch your favorite TV shows.

  3. Start studying, but don't complete the homework. That action implies the fact that you are trying not to go to school, while still giving you a reason to stay home the next day.
    • If you do normal homework at night, just start doing it, but keep your head down every now and then so that your parents notice you are not feeling well and it is affecting your study.
    • If you usually do your homework on time, continue to show that you're still going to school, but complain midway through to your parents feeling tired.
    • When you don't finish your homework, your parents have a reason to forgive you if you miss school.
    • This is especially helpful if your parents are score-conscious.

  4. Go to bed early. Going to bed early is a red flag, especially if you try to stay up late than the time allows.
    • Don't say anything or just say you feel tired and want to rest.
    • Instead, try to get your parents' attention by walking past your parents or out of your room and straight to your bed.
    • If you feel really sick, but just being mild is not enough for your parents to notice, exaggerate your symptoms. (For example nausea become I am going to vomit all intestinesSome studies show that you will feel exactly the way you are thinking, so this will be a great plan that parents cannot stop! Remember: this loop is only really effective if you do are really sick, so don't try this if you're not really sick. This will be more convincing evidence for your words the next morning!
    • Don't brush your teeth. If they notice, they might come in and remind you. Once this is reached, your parents will wonder what is going on, and you can say that you are not feeling well.
    • Shows that he is impatient, may even be a little irritable, and wishes to go to bed soon. Though don't Acting too irritating, you want your parents to sympathize with you because you are sick, not you want to be punished for being disrespectful!
  5. Waking up in the middle of the night. Wake yourself and your mom and dad at around 1 a.m. and tell them you're not feeling well.
    • If you pretend you have a stomach problem, tell your parents that you just vomited (and remember to leave some evidence of vomiting in the toilet).
    • Squeeze yourself into tears (if you can) to add the fact that you're sick. Let's try and act well! Think about the death of your pet or something sad that caused you to cry.
    • For symptoms like a cold or sore throat, cough or clear your throat loud enough for your parents to hear from the bedroom. Scrub your face vigorously right before your parents enter the room so your face turns red and looks convincingly ill.
  6. Stay up all night. You will have puffiness in your eyes and have good reason to miss school. Dark or purple circles around the eyes also make them look like puffiness.
    • Go to bed an hour or two later than you normally would. This will give your eyes a small puffiness and will look slightly puffed up.
    • Try to get at least four hours of sleep if you don't want to be sleep deprived on your sick day.

Part 2 of 5: Show sick symptoms the next morning

  1. Get up in front of your parents and pretend you have vomit. Go to the bathroom and pretend to be vomiting. If your parents still don't wake up, go tell them what "happened".
  2. Do not hesitate to wear clothes. Do not volunteer, you are ready to go to school. Instead, act as if this is a difficult task you cannot do.
    • Dress slowly, but don't be too slow. Skip a button, don't brush your hair too closely, and don't tie the correct shoelaces (or even without laces).
    • Eyes droopy. Think sad and make your eyes watery, sullen. You can also rub your eyes to look a little red.
  3. Fake puffiness under the eyes. Even if you got enough sleep the night before and you don't have natural puffiness, there is an easy way to fake it.
    • Brush your or mother's purple or blue eyeshadow.
    • Apply more water to fade the color to a more natural color.
    • Rub it evenly, but still enough for others to notice.
    • You can also apply more wax and rub it under the eyes.
  4. Show off a lack of breakfast. Lack of interest in eating is a characteristic symptom of not feeling well. Your parents will be especially interested in whether you like breakfast or if they make breakfast you love.
  5. Oppose if your parents suggest you stay home. When your parents decide to let you stay home, don't just shrug and agree.
    • Oppose your parents' decisions (but only if you don't have to first convince them). Your parents will be more convinced that you are sick.
    • Say, "But Mom, I have a lot to finish!" or "But I got a math test today!" If your parents know you're not interested in the tests, say, "But I have practice with the band, or I have an art class" or something like that they know you love.
    • Don't overdo it. Don't just happen to say that you want to take a test that your parents know you don't care about. It will have the opposite effect, unless you have to be very careful.
    • Don't earnestly begged to stay at home, otherwise your parents will know you are pretending to be sick.

Part 3 of 5: Pretend to be specific

  1. Pretend to have a rash. If the rash is caused by an allergy or another type of infection, you'll be sure to stay home.
    • First, scratch your chest until the slight redness begins.
    • Try to make a circular stain for a more realistic look.
    • Finally try to manifest symptoms that are accompanied by a "rash" such as runny nose or headache.
  2. Pretend a fever. If you are faking sick well, your parents may want to take your temperature. Be prepared to respond quickly, though, and pretend you have a fever.
    • Tell your parents that you want to go to the bathroom before taking the temperature.
    • You need to bring a cup. Fill with warm water to drink and rinse your mouth, especially under the tongue. The temperature in your mouth will rise.
    • Make sure you flush the toilet before you turn on the faucet, your parents so won't be too suspicious!
    • Attention: obviously this only works if your parents check the temperature under your tongue. If you are using an in-ear thermometer, try to grab a thermometer first and warm it tightly, like a reactor or electric light bulb.
    • If your parents are just touching your forehead to check the temperature, keep rubbing your forehead when they're not looking, or take the dryer and dry it on your face and say you feel your forehead is hot.
    • Place warm water under your armpits, forehead, and cheeks. Hot water will heat your body and look like you are sweating.
    • You should keep your temperature around 37 degrees Celsius but below 39.4 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is below 37 degrees it does not count as a fever, but if you have a fever of up to 39.4 degrees you will be taken to your doctor immediately. ie.
  3. Pretend to have a migraine. Pretending a migraine is easy because there's no way to check whether you're telling the truth or not. Just pretend the symptoms of the disease, your parents will believe you.
    • You should be uncomfortable with light and most types of sound. Pretend they annoy you.
    • Say you only feel pain in a specific area of ​​your head, say your eyebrows, for example. If you want to pretend you have a migraine this is very important.
    • Occasionally touch his forehead and frown.
    • Say you feel dizzy and can't see clearly. While walking slowly, stop suddenly, close your eyes, and "get your balance" by grabbing at something or someone.
    • Have your parents lower your voice a bit.
    • If it's the day before you want to leave school, go to bed for a while and turn off all the lights, or if you catch a cold at home, turn off all the lights closest to you and grab onto the couch or chair based closest.
    • Ask for the medicine to take as an analgesic, but not really take it.
  4. Pretend to be gone. This is especially effective after breakfast.
    • Suddenly ran into the bathroom.
    • For a while in the bathroom, rinse the water and spray with deodorant to remove the fake odor.
    • You can also try to fake a pass.
  5. Pretend to have red eye pain. Red-eye pain is a common and extremely contagious disease! You will definitely be at home if anyone suspects you have red eye pain.
    • Take the red lipstick (which is very common in your mother's wallet) and the wax and apply it to the puffiness of one eye.
    • Make sure to apply it to only one eye, as red-eye pain is less common in both eyes.
  6. Pretend stomach pain, nausea, or cramps. More than any other words, only the actual symptom of vomiting allows you to pretend at ease.
    • After eating starts complaining that you feel sick.
    • If your parents don't look, hook your hand in your throat, but don't get too deep, and you'll start gagging, not vomiting. When you feel as though you are about to vomit, quickly reach out your hand. Even so, do it very gently, you shouldn't hurt yourself.
    • Be ready to pretend to vomit to complete the effect. Run the oatmeal and water into the bathroom and put both the flour and water in your mouth, then throw up in the tub for your parents to see.
    • You can also pretend you're vomiting by pouring fake vomit on the floor (or in bed if you want to be more trustworthy). In the morning say you don't remember anything and show your apology to whoever had to clean up. Be careful who has to clean up the vomit for you, as if they look closely they will find out it is not a real vomit.
    • If you are a girl and start your period, tell your parents that you have cramps or you are coming months. Your dad won't even want to talk about it and your mom will understand for you. Neither of the parents will be able to refute.
  7. Pretend to have a cold or flu. There are many types of colds that can be easily imitated. There are also many contagious conditions, so parents probably won't want you to go to school and infect other friends.
    • Blow your nose on a tissue and throw it on the floor or the nightstand / bed. Your parents will think you have a runny nose and won't force you to go to school if you seem to have caught a cold.
    • Breathe through your mouth as if your nose is blocked.
    • If you and your parents don't share a room, when they ask you something, gently hold your nose as you speak.
    • Wear layers of clothes. You will look like you're shivering.
    • Sneeze loudly, then blow your nose in front of parents. Do the same when your parents are not in the same room as you but can still hear you.
    • Stretch your lips to make them look chapped, and twist your nose to make your nose red.
    • Say you have "bone pain" or pain all over your body.
  8. Pretend to have a sore throat. Be careful though to avoid being identified as having strep cough, as you may be taken to the doctor.
    • Open your mouth while walking to allow your throat to dry again.
    • Avoid eating and drinking.
    • Suck up red cough water to make your throat look red.
    • Wincing while chewing. Speak in a low and husky voice, continuously sip small water.
    • Say you feel a little itchy in your throat, or say you feel like you are munching on grass.

Part 4 of 5: Continue symptom maintenance throughout the day

  1. Recognize your parents' thoughts. Your parents will ask you about you throughout the day at home to make sure you are not pretending or to see if you get better.
    • If your parent is at home with you, just pretend to sleep and be sure to act sensibly when they check on you.
    • If parents work, please call to update the situation. This shows that you are a responsible person and not that you are just joking.
    • If your parent calls from work to check on you, wait for the phone to ring three or a half times before answering, trying to sound as tired as possible.
  2. Show signs of illness has improved. If you stay home, pretend to sleep a lot and gradually start to "feel better".
    • In the middle of the day, ease a symptom or two of the illness.
    • If you don't show any improvement at the end of the day, your parents will probably take you to the doctor and the doctor will find out that you are okay.
    • If you think your parents will take you to the doctor, try to stop pretending to be sick and admit it.
  3. Always show that you are not well. Everyone thinks you're sick, remember ?!
    • Don't go out or get caught out of the house. If your neighbor or friends see you, they can talk.
    • Make sure you don't touch any games before your parents go home. If they see that you are having fun, they will suspect that you have been pretending all along.
    • Erase all internet history so that your parents won't know you played on the internet all day.
    • Especially do not forget to delete all the search history.

Part 5 of 5: Fooling teachers and nurses at school

  1. Please allow me to see the nurse. Depending on the school, you will need the teacher's permission to go to the nurse's office. Nurses can be very difficult to love and are often very good at spotting pretend cases because they've been seen basically every day. Even so, you can still easily deceive them if you plan on seeing them twice at two different times of the day.
    • Wait an hour or two after class begins, then ask the teacher to go to the bathroom.
    • After going longer than usual, return to class and tell the teacher that you just vomited and need to see the nurse.
  2. Ask the nurse if you can just "rest". Starting with such simple requests rather than suddenly saying "I want to go home".
    • When you first see a nurse, tell them that you are not feeling well, dizzy and feel like sleep.
    • Ask if you could take a break before returning to class. It's like you don't need to go home and get through the school day, not pretending.
  3. Pretend to be sleeping. Your story will be more real and make you look really unwell.
    • Don't overdo it, though, like pretending to snore, just simply cover your face with a pillow or blanket.
    • Show that you are photosensitive (migraine symptoms), and that you are really trying to sleep.
  4. Pass any form of medical examination. The nurse may want to perform tests to validate your story.
    • If the nurse wants to measure your blood pressure, hold your breath as they take it. This will lower your blood pressure and make you seem really sick.
    • Tell the nurse that you have vomited; most of them won't question it.
    • Most nurses will want to take your temperature. Be prepared to take a thermometer in your mouth by rinsing your mouth with hot water before you go to the nurse, or maybe run for a bit to get your body temperature higher and you look sick.
  5. Second visit to the nurse. If the nurse takes you back to class, don't worry! That means you'll see them again, you'll have to leave the classroom again and this time you'll be sure to go home too.
    • Tell the nurse that you have tried but are still not feeling well and that you are "too sick to concentrate". These are very weighty words.
    • Say you are starting to feel some flu symptoms, a runny nose, etc.
    • Be simple. Don't overstate the symptom or over-list it. Just say you feel "bad", "headache" and "unable to concentrate in class because of those feelings".
    • You usually ask them to call your parents, but not to do so!. This is a red flag that shows them that you are trying to get home, not really feeling sick.


  • If you have makeup, use a pale gray foundation and brush your eyes a bit black. Pink color can also make you look like eye pain.
  • If your parents put a hand on your arm and ask how you feel, say their hand is cold, NOT warm.
  • With a last-ditch effort, mainly to those who are about to pretend to be sick a little older: do you drink coffee every day? If you really, really want to pretend to be sick, then don't drink any coffee the day before you will pretend to be sick or that morning. If you are dependent on coffee, nausea headaches can occur. Good point: you are free to do nothing, and have great reasons to stay at home. Point disadvantage that you cannot do anything. So if you plan to do something during your break it won't be possible, but plan carefully if you don't want to go to school or take a test.
  • Read about how parents find out that their children pretend, you will know how to pre-process their methods. Remember, this article includes links to articles on this subject, so parents can find out how their kids pretend!
  • Don't insist too much to stay at home, otherwise your parents will know you're pretending.
  • If your parents aren't convinced by any of your efforts above, call them while you're at school. It gets more convincing if you actually go to school and then tell you you can't pass the whole day at school (ideally if you want to not have to take the test, for example).
  • If you pretend to have a cold, say that you need to use cough oil. The smell of the oil will naturally evoke sick thoughts and you will be more trustworthy. Rub the oil into your nose to let your runny nose run out to look like you're really sick.
  • Don't save bookmarks or downloads on your computer; Parents will find out what you did during your "sick day".
  • If your parents find out, make sure you have a touching story, like stress at school, having a problem with someone. Your parents will be less angry if they know you are having a problem.
  • Don't tell anyone about you pretending to be sick because they can tell your parents or their parents will tell them if your friends come back to them.


  • Don't pretend to be sick for more than 3 days. Parents can take you to the doctor and you might be found out.
  • Pretending to be sick too often can cause your parents to lose trust in you. So when you really need a day off at home, your parents won't trust you. Even if you only pretend once, and are found out, you will lose trust in your parents, and they will no longer trust you even if you are sick (think about the story of a blanket boy lamb).
  • Don't suddenly get well again; people will be extremely suspicious. Gradually alleviate the 2 symptoms each time.
  • If your parent gives you painkillers or oral medications, don't take them - even if they look at you. Let's say you are fine without taking the medicine because the medicine can make you sick even if you don't really get sick. You can pretend to take the pill, and if you do finally do take it, be sure to vomit out. It is useful to keep in mind that if you are really sick then taking cough medicine should be fine, but nevertheless don't take more than 10 times a day.
  • Don't drop out of school all week. It will ruin the joy of a day off and if you are greedy to take more off, then you will fall behind in class and have to do more homework. It's best to take a break on Friday (as you can comfortably play on both Saturday and Sunday) or Monday. (Monday is often considered the worst day).
  • Don't take the same excuse to get sick too many times, and don't pretend to be too sick together. Your parents will never believe you again.
  • Viruses usually only last 24 hours or equivalent. Don't pretend to have a viral stomach ache this time.
  • Under no circumstances should you ever take a pill or force yourself to induce vomiting. There is no safe drug. Every medicine has side effects, and even over-the-counter pills can harm you if you don't get really sick. Throw up all the medicine you have taken. Make yourself vomiting is very dangerous. It can damage the stomach, esophagus, and gums.
  • If you ignore it to avoid problems, it may appear later. Take a deep breath, prepare yourself, and remember that everything will end when the school bell rings. Get through and leave all the worries behind you by stepping over that feeling and going to school.