How to Remember Password

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways To Remember Passwords
Video: 3 Ways To Remember Passwords


Forgetting a password to log into a computer or an online account can be disastrous in this day and age. Unfortunately, that happens to most people from time to time. With so many things going on from day to day, it's often easy to forget your password, especially if you use multiple passwords for multiple accounts. There is nothing you can do to retrieve your password once you forget it; Even account providers usually don't share this kind of confidential information. Before calling it a hopelessly recallable password, take the time to think seriously about your password options so that it makes it easy to fully recall (and account access). your!).


Part 1 of 3: Remember your password

  1. Try to use your other passwords. Often people don't forget all the passwords at once, so it's a good idea to try out other personal passwords that you tend to use regularly. Although web users nowadays often use separate passwords for different accounts, some passwords are commonly used for multiple accounts.
    • If you are not sure, you may not have really forgotten the password but just forgot a certain password corresponding to an account that is in need of login.
    • Don't forget to try either the old password or the one used before, if you're trying to sign in to a pretty old account.

  2. Try entering a specific password. No password fetch without trying to use the clearest and most common passwords. This is especially true if you don't remember what the password is and you are trying to guess from scratch. Think of the clearest, most intuitive sequence of passphrases you might have chosen. Passwords like 'Passwords,', 'Cheeseburger' or your full name are easy to steal by hackers and if you think you may have defaulted one of these, you will at least set it for an easy-to-break passcode.
    • Some of the most popular passwords include '123456', 'abc123', 'qwerty' and 'iloveyou'. Birthdays are also common.
    • If you think you might have been careful enough to add a passcode to a weak password, try checking out some basic encryption. For example, if you might have used your name or year of birth in your password, try spelling them backwards.
    • Most passwords today require at least one number. The most common number of additions is adding the number '1' at the end of the password; The second most popular addition number is adding a person's birthday (example: 1992).

  3. Recall your life at the time of password creation. In a lot of cases, people will generate passwords based on their inspiration from life and their surroundings. If you have a rough idea of ​​when the account and password were created, try to recall that time and choose what important factors may affect your password choices. Did you find a mate at the time, or a pet? Taking a moment to recall the past can be helpful if you're trying to remember something specific like a password.
    • Some other examples include your hometown, your favorite sports team, or the name of your best friend.
    • Stressing yourself when trying to remember a password will get the opposite results you would like. The human brain takes a harder time recalling information in a state of impulse, so make sure you relax, breathe, and remind yourself that this is not the end of the world.
  4. Make sure you have entered each character correctly. Whenever you enter your password, make sure you are entering it correctly. Something as simple as turning on the Caps Lock key will turn an exact password false and risk you thinking that the correct answer is completely wrong! Since passwords are often displayed as an asterisks on the screen, it is important that you enter your password carefully if you are unsure of it.
    • This is especially important when you are creating your password for the first time. If you accidently confirm a typo in the password, you will have very little chance of getting it back in the future.
  5. Meditate. Although this seems to be the most difficult thing when you are stressed out of losing access to a computer or account, relaxing with meditation is an effective method for memory recovery. Sometimes, the most effective way to remember something is to try not to think about it. Take a deep breath, and gradually release the tension from your mind; Being nervous or angry isn't getting you any closer to finding your password, so focus on relaxing as much as possible instead.
    • Although real relaxation isn't possible if you just see it as a way to remember a password, you will probably remember it once you are in a clearer state of mind.
    • Jogging or exercising also helps a lot. The mind tends to function much better when the body moves!
  6. Buy and use a password cracking method. There are a number of programs available that are specifically designed to retrieve lost passwords. Although this is often related to a hacker culture, legitimate businesses recommend using these programs as a way to regain access to a computer. Download the software from another computer, put it in the CD or USB drive and plug it into the computer. Password cracking program will immediately enter your system and retrieve account data. The process is automatic and incredibly fast, so if it's the operating system password you're worried about, this solution can be a quick and relatively inexpensive one.
    • Password Cracker is only designed to crack operating system passwords, like Windows user accounts. Online accounts such as email cannot be retrieved this way.
    • While it's perfectly legal to try to crack your password with this type of software, using it to steal someone else's account will get you in serious trouble and discouraged.

Part 2 of 3: Get back your data

  1. Try using the option "Forgot my password". If you have tried and cannot remember it directly, you probably will never get it back. Fortunately, that doesn't mean you have lost the relevant account. Most websites will have a 'Forgot Password' option for this purpose. Click this button and follow the steps to reset your password.
    • If it's a non-email password (like Facebook), it's pretty easy to reset it. An automatic confirmation will be sent to your email, from where you will reset your password and begin generating a new one.
    • Some email services (like Hotmail) offer the ability to connect them to another email account to reset the password. If you have another email account and have already done so, resetting your password is as easy as with any other non-email account.
  2. Answer confidential questions about your account. If it's an email account you're trying to access, and you haven't linked it to a separate email address, the other option to reset your password is by answering your secret questions. Many email accounts will force you to answer personal questions (for example, the name of your first pet) as a last resort if you forget your password later. Click the 'Forgot my password' button and answer the questions whenever asked.
    • While this will not bring in your password, it provides an opportunity to help you get your password back.
    • Unfortunately, many people don't take secret questions seriously, and some people may forget their answers sooner than a password!
  3. Contact the service provider directly. Although contacting your account hosting company will not help you get your password back, they can help you get back in by resetting your password. While you will have to provide certain proof of your identity, some services will allow you to regain access to your account by calling or texting them.
    • Remember that the verification process can take a while even under the most favorable circumstances, so patience is a must when you choose this approach.

Part 3 of 3: Preventing future loss of passwords

  1. Try to create a password that is easy to remember. There are many reasons why you forgot your password in the first place. Perhaps you came up with the password on the spot, or you have set it so complex that you cannot remember it fully. While creating unpredictable passwords is an essential security step, what matters most is how easy it is for you to remember. Thinking up a special but easy-to-remember password can be difficult for you, as clear answers (like the name of a place or person) are too easy to guess.
    • Try incorporating a few unforgettable separate words. For example, your pet's name is a weak choice, but pairing it with something completely unrelated, like your favorite food or comic book character, is a strong password that twists the hacker. .
    • When you create your password, most websites will have an indicator that tells you how strong your password is. While these are the best virtual tools out there, you'll at least want to aim for an average password. Adding symbols and numbers to your passwords is a smart way to improve security.
    • Another common tip you can use is inventing catchy acronyms. Write the first letter of each word in a memorable sentence, creating a meaningless word. For example, the sentence "Friday is my favorite day of the week" will become the 'Tslnytcttt'. Likewise, "Free Jazz is my favorite" becomes "Jmpllnytct". This can be applied to almost any sentence you can think of, as long as it has enough words to meet the minimum number of characters in the password - usually 8 characters.
  2. Write your passwords and keep them in a sealed envelope. Even if you write your passwords down pretty well, make a note of your passwords and put them in a safe place if you think you will forget them again sometime. Seal the envelope, and don't mark it or mark it as something to distract. In this way, if someone happened to find it, they wouldn't know its importance.
    • If you are really worried that you will lose the envelope, consider giving the envelope to a trusted friend or relative. However, this is discouraged, as it means you give up sole control over your password and virtually reveal your personal information.
  3. Use a password manager app. Especially if you are using different passwords for each of your different accounts, it may be difficult to remember them all. Luckily, the built-in password manager saves the data for you. However, most password managers are expensive - usually between 500 and 700 thousand dong. However, you can assume that the added security is worth it if you're concerned about forgetting it or risking being stolen by a hacker.
    • Because password manager is basically about storing passwords for you, you can afford to have more complex passwords without having to worry about remembering them.
    • As a free alternative, you can create an encrypted file on your computer with all the passwords on it. That way, you'll only have to remember one of them.
  4. Keeping your passwords as important as information should be protected. Passwords for banking information should take precedence over passwords for jazz blogs, but as a general rule you want to make your passwords harder to crack depending on how important you are. account in your life.
    • At the same time, passwords that contain Roman symbols or numbers can make passwords harder to guess, it can also make them harder to remember. The trick is to focus on the balance between complexity and memory. Don't choose a password you don't think you will be able to remember suddenly, and if you do, be sure to keep writing it down somewhere that isn't likely to be misplaced or by someone else. see.


  • The best way to deal with password problems is to avoid forgetting them completely, so be sure to think carefully about a password that you won't have trouble remembering.
  • Having trouble remembering passwords can be a sign of a broader memory problem. In either case, you can do a lot of exercises to improve your memory in general. Practicing this part of the brain will reduce the risk of forgetting your password in the future, and you will get many other benefits from better information retrieval.
  • Always think before trying any random passwords.


  • While creating memorable passwords is key, making them impossible for hackers to decrypt is also important. This includes avoiding explicit choices like your name or even the word 'Matkhau'.