How to get rid of ants with borax

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


There are ants in your house, but you don't have money to buy harmful chemicals and pesticides? Fortunately, you can kill ants with borax and sugar. This article shows you how to kill ants and their lair.


Method 1 of 2: Kill ants with borax and sugar

  1. Preparing instruments. You'll make a solution with borax, sugar, and water, and then dip a cotton ball in the solution. You need to prepare the following ingredients:
    • ½ cup (100 grams) of sugar
    • 1 ½ teaspoon borax
    • 1 ½ cup (350 ml) of warm water
    • Jar
    • Cotton
    • Empty plate, small box, or lid (optional)

  2. Pour sugar and borax into the jar. Borax is a substance that kills ants, and sugar is used to draw them closer to borax. Ants don't consider borax as a food source, so they won't get close, so sugar is an effective lure.
  3. Cover the jar and shake well. This is to mix borax and sugar together.

  4. Open the bottle and add water. You can use cold water, but warm water helps to dissolve the sugar and borax. The water will turn borax and sugar into a solution, making it easy to soak the cotton.
  5. Mix well with a spoon, fork or chopstick. Continue stirring until the sugar and borax dissolve or moisten the two ingredients.

  6. Dip a cotton ball in the solution. The amount of cotton balls will correspond to the number of ants in the house. If there is excess solution, you can store it by covering the bottle and storing it in a cool, dry place.
  7. Arrange cotton soaked in solution. Focus on the ant's path; you should put cotton right on their path. If you can find the starting point of the ant colony, you can place a cotton ball nearby. This will make them approach the poison more quickly.
    • If you don't want the floor or window edge to become dirty and sticky, you can place the cotton ball in a small box, then place the box in a specified location. Alternatively you can use an empty dish or bottle cap. Regardless of what you choose, you should not use them as food containers again. Korea is very toxic to humans and pets.
  8. Consider stopping the ant's nest. If you find a nest of ants, you can seal it with sticky plastic or sticky powder. This way prevents the ants from coming back. Do this after you've eliminated all the ant colonies. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Kill the ant nests

  1. Prepare the ingredients. You only need two simple ingredients: borax and sugar. The adult ants do not eat the snake poison, but they will bring back the nest to feed the larvae.
  2. Mix three parts sugar and one part borax. Place borax and sugar in a container and stir well with a spoon or fork. The amount of borax and sugar used depends on the number of ants. You need to follow the ratio of one part borax and three parts sugar.
    • Do not reuse borax-mixed dishes or dishes for cooking or storing food.
  3. Sprinkle the powder along the ant's path. If ants crawl into your home through windows and doors, sprinkle powder along the aisle and on the window edge. Ants will bring the flour to the nest for the larvae to eat. The borax in the powder has the effect of killing the larvae.
  4. Sprinkle dough around any entrance to your home that ants might enter. In addition to dealing with ants, you should block all entrances they can use, such as doors and windows. This will help prevent the ants from looking elsewhere to crawl into your home while you're trying to get rid of them.
  5. Consider blocking the ant's nest. If you find an ant nest, you can use sticky plastic or other sticky substance to seal the hole. This will prevent the ants from returning. Do this after you've eliminated all the ant colonies.
  6. Store antimicrobials properly. If you have leftover antibiotic left over, put it in a sealed jar and label it. Keep the jars out of the reach of children and pets. Borax is extremely toxic even to humans and animals. advertisement


  • Consider using diatom soil spread near doors and windows. Soil is effective to kill ants crawling into the house. Diatom soil also works to kill fleas and other insects. However, you should use processed diatom soil that has been made to be safe for food, rather than the one used in swimming pools.
  • Place the poison near the ant's nest if possible.


  • Korea is very good even for humans and animals. You should keep it away from children, pets, and food.

What you need

Things you need to make conventional ant killers

  • Part of borax
  • Three-part sugar

The things you need to kill the ant's nest

  • ½ cup of sugar (100 grams)
  • 1 ½ teaspoon borax
  • 1 ½ cup (350 ml) of warm water
  • Jar
  • borax
  • Empty plate, small box, or lid