How to get rid of rats quickly

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Rats look cute, too, but not when they get into your house awkwardly eating. When you see rats roam around your home, you can quickly get rid of them with traps and precautions. Once you get rid of the rats, you can stop them forever!


Method 1 of 3: Set traps

  1. Trap and release the mouse if you want to use the most humane method. Place the bait sold with the trap in the inner compartment. Open the front trap door so that the mouse can enter. Once the hamster has entered the trap, its weight will cause the trap door to close and keep the hamster inside until you have moved it away from home to release it.
    • You can buy a "catch and release" mousetrap in the store or online.
    • If you have a lot of mice in your home to handle, you should buy a trap designed to catch more than one mouse.
    • Read the instructions on the trap carefully, as each trap can be set up differently.

  2. Buy electric traps to effectively kill rats. Insert the battery into the trap to generate electric current. Place the bait near the openings so that the rat can smell the smell from the outside. Place the trap near the area where you've seen rats. When rats enter the trap, they will be electrocuted and die on the spot.
    • Place the trap so that the door is close to the wall, as mice often run back and forth near corners.

  3. Place “No touch, no-see” clip traps in areas where mice are present for easy access. A new version of the classic clamp trap, the "no touch, no see" trap is designed as the name suggests to keep you from having to touch the dead mouse. Press down on the lever and put some bait inside the mousetrap. When activated by the mouse, the lever will turn on. You just need to press down on the lever again to drop the dead mouse body in the trash.
    • Unlike classic clamp traps, “no touch, no-see” mole traps are safe in the home with children and pets.

  4. Use a bucket of water as a mousetrap if you are not in the vicinity. Fill a 20 liter bucket with water so that the water level is about 8-10 cm high. Put one end of the wooden stick on the top of the bucket, the other end propped on the ground. Attach an empty soda can to a wooden or metal stick on top of the bucket and spread a thin layer of peanut butter on the surface of the can. The mice will climb onto the slopes to eat the peanut butter, but they will fall and fall into the bucket of water.
    • Fill the bottom of the bucket with antifreeze if you don't want your home to smell, but be sure to keep it out of the reach of children and pets, as antifreeze is toxic.
  5. Rotate the trap position every 2-3 days. Check the trap 2 times a day for any mice in it. If not, move the trap somewhere around the house that you see or think rats often pass by. Mouse has a habit of returning to the old way.
    • Night-time mice usually only move 6-9 meters away from their nest.
  6. Experiment with a variety of primers. While cheese is a classic bait for mice, you can try other foods like peanut butter or nuts. There are mice that even eat sweet treats like marshmallows. See which bait works best for the mice living in your home and try a new one if the one you are using is not working.
    • Try using jellies, jams or other fruit products as a sweet treat for the mice.
  7. Use mouse bait if there is no other way. Buy rat bait from the store and place it in the rats' favorite places. When the rats eat the poison bait, they will die slowly and no longer cause any trouble for you.
    • Place rat bait out of the reach of children and pets, as bait can be harmful to children and pets.
    • Some rat baits are also traps to catch rats, preventing them from moving to other parts of the house.

Method 2 of 3: Get rid of mice from the house

  1. Spread peppermint oil soaked cotton balls in areas where mice are infested. Add at least 5 drops of peppermint oil to each cotton ball. Spread cotton pads around the kitchen or near entrances. After a few days, add a few drops of peppermint oil to the cotton pads, as the oil will gradually evaporate.
    • Try different essential oils that have a strong smell to see if they will repel mice.
  2. Use an ultrasound to repel pests to prevent mice from entering your home. Place the device near entrances or areas where the mouse is frequented. This device will make a sound that you cannot hear but scare the rats away. Make sure nothing is blocking the device; otherwise, the ultrasonic waves will lose their effectiveness.
    • Ultrasound generators can be found in major stores or online.
    • The mouse may get used to the sound of the device, so the repellent only works for a while.
  3. Get a cat to chase away mice. Rats can detect a cat's smell in the home and will stay away when they smell a cat nearby. If the rats do not dare to show up, the cat will hunt them down and quickly kill them.
    • Be sure to remove any poison or mousetrap around the house when you bring your cat back.
  4. Make a rat spray solution with minced garlic and water. Mince 1-2 garlic bulbs and mix with 1 cup (240 ml) of warm water. Shake the mixture well in a spray bottle and spray it near areas where mice are frequented. Reapply every few days to keep the rat from coming.
    • Try other herbs and spices with strong scents such as onions or cayenne.
    • Alternatively, you can spread the cloves of garlic where mice have entered your home.
  5. Hire an extermination service if all of the above solutions are ineffective. Call an extermination service to ask for a price. After coming to your home to survey, they will try to seal the rat entrances and get rid of the rats that have entered the house.
    • Check online reviews of the pest company you plan to call to see if they are doing well.

Method 3 of 3: Prevent rats from entering the house

  1. Find and seal common mouse entrances. Look for any cracks or holes in the wall or near the floor. Try to permanently seal the openings with plaster or concrete mortar. If necessary, you can use steel bill temporarily stuffed into the holes, because this is also a material that mice cannot easily puncture.
    • Trim tall grass around your home to make it easier to find rat entrances.
    • Clean up all the clutter to get rid of the places where the mice can hide.

    Hussam Bin Break

    Pest Control Specialist, Diagno Pest Control Hussam Bin Break is an insecticide application specialist and CEO of Diagno Pest Control. Hussam and his brother own and operate Diagno Pest Control in the Greater Philadelphia Area.

    Hussam Bin Break
    Pest Control Specialist, Diagno Pest Control

    Inspect your home thoroughly for possible access areas. "The way to treat each house is different," said Hussam Bin Break, who works at the Center for pest control Diagno. Therefore, you will need to hire a construction contractor for repairs. In other cases, the mouse may get in through household appliances, such as dishwashers. "

  2. Keep your home clean so the mice cannot find food. After you cook or eat, you need to wipe away any food crumbs and water spills. Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight, as the rats may go looking for food crumbs. While rats cannot be completely eliminated, keeping the house clean will also keep them from coming.
    • Sweep the floor after each cooking to remove food crumbs.
  3. Do not leave food on the kitchen table. Store the food in the kitchen cabinet or refrigerator so that it is not easily accessible by the mouse. If you keep all the food, the mice in the house will go looking for bait and fall into the trap that you have set in the house.
    • If it is necessary to leave the food outside, cover it or cover it.
  4. Store food in a tightly closed container. Rats have a very strong sense of smell, so if they do not smell food, they will have no reason to stay. You should wrap or store food in a plastic or glass container with a tight lid.
    • Empty cans of cereal or junk food into sealed containers if you find the food has been touched by the mouse.


  • Keep rat bait out of the reach of children and pets, as bait can cause severe poisoning if swallowed.
  • When you see a mouse in your house there are usually more. Purchase additional traps if necessary.