Ways to kill rats

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
MAGIC COLGATE  || How To Kill Rats Within 10 minutes || Home Remedy || Magic Ingredient | Mr. Maker
Video: MAGIC COLGATE || How To Kill Rats Within 10 minutes || Home Remedy || Magic Ingredient | Mr. Maker


Rats are small, hot-blooded rodents that appear almost anywhere in the world. The large incisors help them chew everything, and this species can be dangerous indoors because they carry diseases and parasites on their bodies. Most rats often hide in attics, basements, porches, under concrete and behind walls and are able to reproduce very quickly. You can get rid of this rodent by calling a rat exterminator or by yourself setting up traps and prevention.


Method 1 of 4: Killing rats

  1. Get a cat. This is an excellent predator and a natural enemy for mice. You will still eradicate them indirectly, but without much pain. This is just a way to start the natural cycle. A skilled cat will clear away the rodents in just a few weeks. Keep in mind, however, that cats cannot catch rats in the attic or behind walls.

  2. Determine where the mouse resides. You will know where they are when you see rat droppings or rodent holes in the walls, food boxes, insulation and other parts of your home. This is where you will set the trap.
  3. Place rat bait or trap traps commonly used in rat habitats. You can buy them at home and other stores if you decide you want to get rid of rats. Note that rat baits do not kill them instantly and can last up to a week. The rat will be in excruciating pain during that week, so keep this in mind.
    • Read instructions and warnings carefully. Most rat bait contains warfarin, which causes internal bleeding along with other drugs that kill rats, but can also be harmful to pets and humans.
    • Check the trap regularly. The rat carcass will smell bad if you don't clean it up immediately. Trap types are often more humane than rat baits because the traps can kill rats instantly. However, in some cases traps only seriously injure the mouse, and you have to deal with them at the root.

  4. Use sticky boards to kill rats. These are flat wooden boards that trap rats until you can kill them. As noted above, you need to make sure that you only use sticky boards if you intend to kill rats. They cannot survive and have no way of removing them from the adhesive board. Some will chew their feet to escape the trap and others will stick their heads on the glue and suffocate. This is not the most humane way to get rid of rats, but it will be effective. If you find the rats are stuck in the trap but are not dead yet, you must wear stomping boots to kill them. Alternatively you can use a hard object such as a stick to hit the mouse head. Do whatever you can tolerate and then throw the body in the trash outside. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Prevent rats from entering the home

  1. Cover trash and clean up every time food is thrown. Do not create conditions for mice to stick indoors. You should use trash, and do not let the bag hang from hanging. When disposing of garbage bags, you should put them in a waste container or a closed garbage can for disposal. If you leave trash around the house, rats will easily get in.
  2. Cover food in the house and store in sealed containers. If you leave the food out, you will attract rats and other pests. Should clean the house and absolutely pay attention to where food is stored. If you live in an area that is susceptible to rodents, such as in a city, be extra careful.
  3. Prevent any possibility of rats entering your home by sealing holes in walls, doors, and curtains. Check car garage doors, chimneys, dryers and air-conditioning vents, as well as crawl spaces to make sure the holes are properly sealed on the outside. If the rats find a place to enter the house, they will line up and begin to breed. The best thing you can do is prevent this from happening.
  4. Seal the area around pipes or small holes leading into your home with copper or steel wool. This will prevent the hamster from entering the house easily through the hole. You can also completely seal the hose if the pipe or the inlet is not used.
  5. Never mind products being advertised as "chasing mice"."These products are often ineffective, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has also warned against a claimed useless sound generator that can exclude rats and rodents.

Method 3 of 4: Humane repelling the mouse

  1. Determine where the mouse resides. Be careful to look for these areas by observing the location where rat droppings were found or where rodents are being eaten. If the rats have been in it, they will come back again. If the rats are in the attic, find an access they use and set the trap there.
  2. Use a non-lethal rope cage to trap and release rats if you don't want to get rid of them. Experts see this as a humane deterrent. Prepare the cage and put some food inside. The hatch will lock up the rats as soon as they have entered the cage. Then you will have to take the cage away and release the mouse somewhere else.
  3. Release the mouse away from the house. Take them into the woods away from the house. You don't want to worry about them finding their way home. Rats will find a new home in another location, hopefully not inhabited by humans. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Get rid of mice professionally

  1. Contact your local rat exterminator to talk. You can look to reputable companies online, in the phone book, or inquire with friends and neighbors.
  2. Describe the problem with this species to the rat exterminator. They will recommend remedial measures including the use of bait or mouse traps. You should state the extent of the problem in order to get exact advice.
  3. Think carefully about the poison or chemicals the employee might want to use. Some types can harm pets and others in the home, especially young children. If a child or pet comes into contact with rat bait, they can become seriously ill and die.
  4. Have the rat exterminator remove mice that have died in your home from bait. They can cause unpleasant odors in your home if they are left in the walls or attic. Most rat killers will do it for free, but if you don't want to see the carcasses, ask them to help. Hopefully the staff will complete the whole process from start to finish.
  5. Compare the price list and method of 2 or 3 extermination companies. Choose a company you feel suitable for. Each company has different prices, so you should find a good price and suitable staff. This will make the process easier.
  6. Learn about warranties and warranties. You don't want to have to call the exterminator again within a month or two if the rats come back, or the rats don't get rid of. Choose a company that offers a satisfaction guarantee so you can get your money back if the problem is not fully resolved. At the very least, the exterminator should come back and get the job done for no extra charge. advertisement


  • Clear out rats quickly if you choose to destroy them
  • Always keep pets and children away from rat poison
  • Try to prevent the problem in the first place instead of dealing with mice in the house or apartment.