How to Cut Watermelon

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Cut a Watermelon
Video: How to Cut a Watermelon


  • Split a watermelon. Stand the watermelon upright before cutting it down the middle.
    • Note that if you cut along the dark stripe lines on the peel, the seeds will lie outside of the slices, and it will be easier to remove the seeds.
  • Cut the melon halves into pieces. You can cut two halves of a melon into two, three, or four parts, depending on whether you want to cut it into large or small pieces.

  • Cut the watermelon from top to bottom. You will slice the melon slices evenly about 5-7.5 cm thick. Cut the remaining pieces in the same way. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 5: Cut round pieces

    1. Cut the watermelon into horizontal slices. You can cut a watermelon into circles by slicing the watermelon into slices about 2.5 cm thick.
    2. Cut off the peel. Carefully put the blade along the outer edge of the melon to cut off the peel. You can now remove the seeds, if desired.

    3. Cut the melon into small pieces. You can cut round pieces of watermelon into small sticks or triangles, and even use a cookie cutter to cut the melons into funny shapes like stars. advertisement

    Method 3 of 5: Cut triangle pieces

    1. Cut the watermelon in half. Place half of the melon on the cutting board so that the top peel, the flesh of the melon face down, then cut the melon halves in half.
    2. Cut the watermelon into triangles. Take a quarter of the melon and cut into triangles about 1.3 cm thick. Cut in the same way until the melon is finished. advertisement

    Method 4 of 5: Cut small pieces

    1. Cut the melon into four parts. Carefully cut the watermelon in half, then put the bowels in half and cut in half.
    2. Cut the watermelon into triangle slices. Cut each slice of watermelon about 2.5 - 5 cm thick, just cut close to the melon peel, not cut off the peel.
    3. Cut the watermelon lengthwise into slices. Start on one side of the watermelon, about 2.5 cm below the top. Cut the watermelon into slices lengthwise so that the tip runs along the rind.
    4. Continue to slice the melon. Cut a vertical line about 2.5-5 cm below the first cut. Do not cut off the shell. Turn the melon around and cut similarly on the other side.
    5. Cut the flesh of the melon off the skin. Use a knife to cut along the melon underneath in a "sweep" fashion. You can then pour the pieces of watermelon into a bowl or plate. advertisement

    Method 5 of 5: Use a spoon to create fruit pills

    1. Cut the watermelon into four parts. Find the center point of the watermelon and cut it vertically down to separate the melon in half, then place the half of the melon on a cutting board so that the top of the watermelon is face down. Cut the melon in two halves either vertically or horizontally.
    2. Use a spoon to scoop the watermelon. Use a spoon to create a fruit ball or scoop of ice cream to scoop out the flesh of the watermelon. Drop the round watermelon balls into a bowl or box of Tupperware.
      • This method for seedless watermelon is the most suitable, as this will leave the melon balls without any seeds. However, you can also remove the seeds while you scoop the melon.
    3. Serve cold. The cold watermelon balls are a great sobering treat that your whole family will definitely enjoy. advertisement


    • Watermelon, with its sweet taste, can be used as a flavoring in meals.
    • Grind watermelon with a blender or food processor (remove the seeds and rinds) for a great summer drink!
    • Many people like to squeeze a little lemon over pieces of watermelon for a refreshing snack!
    • Buy small watermelon to cut and control portion sizes easier.
    • Watermelon rind can be used in cooking, for example as a jam or as a pickle.
    • Watermelons come in seedless and seedless varieties. You should choose carefully to make sure you buy the right melon you want.


    • You will have to use more force and also slip easier when cutting with a blunt knife, so it is safer to use a sharp knife.