How to Cut Pineapple

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
HOW TO CUT A PINEAPPLE | Clean & Delicious
Video: HOW TO CUT A PINEAPPLE | Clean & Delicious


  • Look at the pineapple. Some green patches on the outside are fine, but even a green pineapple is not. A delicious pineapple is usually yellow from the bottom. Avoid fruit with bruises.
  • Click on the pineapple. The pineapple should not be too stiff, but be firm. If the pineapple is too soft or fluffy, it is overcooked. The pineapple should be of a reasonable weight for its size.

  • Place the pineapple on a flat surface. Use a cutting board or other surface.
  • Cut off the top and stem of the pineapple. Use a sharp knife to cut the base and tops about 1-2 cm.
  • Raise the pineapple. Thinly peel the crust from top to bottom. Cut as thin as possible. Leave a lot of meat on the pineapple; The sweetest part is the one close to the shell.
    • Curve the outside of the fruit to avoid losing too much pineapple meat in the large bulges between the fruit.
    • Don't rush to cut the eyes (brown spots) while peeling, or you'll waste a lot of the pineapple meat.

  • Cut the pineapple eyes. To cut the pineapple's eye, you can start at the center of the pineapple, identify the pineapple eyes that are diagonally aligned, and then cut a V-shape to remove each eye row. The rest of the pineapple is ready for use.
    • You will lose a little more pineapple meat if you cut your eyes this way, but it saves more time than removing the eyes one by one.
  • Part 3 of 3: Cut the pineapple

    1. Cut into slices. Place the pineapple horizontally and cut into slices about 2 cm thick. You will have large round pineapples. You can use a fork to pin the thick core to hold the slice of pineapple.
      • The core is hard but edible and very nutritious.
      • You can turn the pineapple slices into circles by cutting off the core. You can use a dough knife or cookie mold to cut them out easily.

    2. Cut the pineapple into pieces. Raise the pineapple and cut it lengthwise. Cut off the core of each piece, then cut each piece vertically again. Lay each piece down and cut into small slices.
      • One pineapple can be cut into 4 full cups.
    3. Add pineapple to your recipes or meals. You can eat pineapples on its own or add it to yogurt, ice cream, crushed seeds, etc., or use it to make pineapple cakes, to complement meat dishes or to decorate on top of desserts. advertisement


    • Pineapples are low in fat and cholesterol free. It contains vitamin C and a handful of essential nutrients. Pineapples are also excellent in fiber.
    • Pineapple contains bromelain; This is an enzyme that breaks down proteins. That is why pineapple juice is very good for tenderizing meat; But you shouldn't marinate too long if you don't want the meat to be soft. Bromelain also prevents gelatin deposition, so if you want to make gelatin desserts with pineapple, cook it first, or use canned pineapple, both of these processes destroy the bromelain.
    • The white fiber in the core of a pineapple has a bitter taste but some people like this flavor. The pineapple core is edible and healthy (contains antioxidants), but may not be for your preference because it is quite hard, despite the taste being quite aromatic and nutty.


    • Be careful when using a knife. Make sure the pineapple surface is flat before starting to peel.

    What you need

    • Chopping board
    • Sharp knife
    • Dough knife / cake mold if you want to cut the circle in the pineapple slice