How to feel good about yourself and your life

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark
Video: How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark


A flurry of disappointment easily leaves people feeling bad. However, keep in mind that you have control over your choices and want to honor the person you strive for, your personality, and the life you live in. Sometimes, reorganizing your perspective is all you need to feel better about yourself and your life.


Method 1 of 3: Treat Yourself and People Kindly

  1. Reinforce the qualities you like about yourself. We all need to be reminded of the positive parts of ourselves, which often make it easy to forget or not acknowledge the things we deserve. Are you an optimist? Are you a caring person? Do you love your family? You can write everything in your journal.

  2. Treat yourself well. Life satisfaction begins with self-satisfaction, but we often focus on our negative rather than positive aspects. Take 24 hours to do a test of how you treat yourself. Write down the number of times you lower yourself during the day. At the end of the day, review all the negative statements about yourself. Create another list that reorganizes negative claims in a positive and honest way.
    • For example, this morning you forgot your key and automatically thought of yourself as an idiot. In the rearranged list, you can change your mind to: “I'm not stupid. I'm just the one who made a mistake. ”

  3. Reward yourself. Make sure you take time to nurture yourself. Life is full of challenges and nurturing yourself that will motivate you to treat everyone around you better. How you treat yourself will reflect the way you treat others. Start with yourself, practice being kind to yourself every day, then naturally you will be kind to others.
    • Try to go out to eat at your favorite restaurant and enjoy your favorite dessert. Or it could be something as simple as a haircut or massage.

  4. Take good care of the body. Taking care of your body with respect and concern makes it easier for you to be kind to others. Set some basic goals for taking care of your body. Not only does this change your whole life, but it also changes more, so step by step prove your body and yourself that you care about yourself.
    • If you don't exercise regularly, aim to walk for at least 10 minutes a day.
    • Revisit your menu and health, think about making simple changes to nurture yourself. For example, if you eat fast food more than 3 times a week. You can set a goal only once a week.
  5. Make a list of kindness goals. Imagine it like a kindness hunt. When marking your hunt goals, you need to be aware of how you feel at the end of the day. Do you feel comfortable being nice to others? Does it make you feel good about yourself?
    • For example, you can set a goal to smile at strangers at least twice a day.
    • Another goal might be finding someone who needs help moving or painting and offering to help them or comfort someone through a difficult time.
  6. Join the community. A great way to feel good about yourself and your life is to contribute and get involved in your community. There are many people in the world who need help. There is nothing better than helping someone else in trouble. Try spending time volunteering in the community. You can get in touch with storage stations, animal rescue, youth organizations, or cooperatives. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Developing Your Reality Perception

  1. Establish realistic expectations for yourself. Realistic expectations are one factor that contributes to a good sense of self and life. Challenges help you to understand who you are and to perceive good qualities. Everyone faces challenges, makes mistakes, and sometimes has to deal with disappointment. Accepting who you are will help you feel better about yourself and your life.
  2. Make a list of your unique qualities. You have no control over what physical traits you have, so the best way to start feeling good about yourself is to free yourself from unrealistic standards. Try seeing yourself as a unique person. Journal about your physical uniqueness and how it makes you yourself.
    • You can collage a celebrity or someone you admire, who used their uniqueness to their advantage.
  3. Try journaling about your passions. What you do in your profession affects how you feel about yourself and your life. Start journaling about your passions. The more balance you have between responsibilities and what you truly love, the more comfortable you will feel about your life.
    • For example, you love making movies. Organize a movie show for your friends and share your work on youtube.
    • Maybe your passion is motorbike. If you can't work full-time at a motorbike repair shop, turn it into a hobby and indulge your own taste.
  4. Do your best and accept it. Always do your best in all situations, but remember that you don't do your best to produce perfect results. Sometimes things don't have to be perfect to be great. This is a great way to feel good about yourself. As long as you know you've done your best, you can rest easy.
    • Say you have a presentation at work but you wake up and catch a cold. Maybe the presentation is not as good as you want it to be because you are not well. Instead of feeling pessimistic, ask yourself honestly: in a situation of a stuffy nose and a lack of mindfulness, have you tried your best? If the answer is yes then forget everything and release the expectation of a perfect speech. Maybe the speech is still great, especially given the situation above.
    • Accepting and forgetting is easier said than done. The most important step in letting go of frustration and boredom is to give an honest explanation of the situation. You find yourself nervous about not getting promoted because you didn't have the perfect presentation. An honest analysis of this situation would be that promotion not only evaluates each of these presentations but relates to your overall performance. Or you can tell yourself that the participants in the presentation know you are sick and will mock you.
  5. Learn from disappointment. Always keep yourself happy. Instead of dipping into disappointment, consider what you have learned from them and how you can apply them in the future.
    • For example, you like someone. Eventually you can muster all the courage to invite the person out, but they refuse. It's natural to feel frustrated, but forget about the expectation that just because you wanted the date you had to get it. Instead, focus on your courage as you speak and see this as your practice to do better next time.
    • As another example, you do a job interview. You thought the interview went well, but you didn't get it. Unleash your expectation of getting that job, and treat it as interviewing skills for the next time instead.
    • Keep a diary of things that did not go as expected so you can assess why it didn't work, what you can change in the future to make things go better. For example, you might drop out of a job for low wages and don't realize it's an opportunity to practice skills. Instead of regretting your past actions, focus on cooperating, sticking with, and appreciating the skills you are learning.
  6. Show gratitude. Being grateful for everything in life, including the challenges, is a way to maintain a flexible, positive attitude. You can make a daily list of 10 things that you are grateful for. If you feel unmotivated, remind yourself of 10 things you are grateful for right away. Keep this list with you so that you can remind yourself when you get stuck in negative thoughts. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Build Self-esteem

  1. Aim for progress instead of perfection. To feel good about yourself and your life, it is important to remember that you and your life are improving. As long as you progress or strive, you are doing the right thing for yourself and your life. The more motivated you are to strive, the more you convince yourself that you deserve to be happy.
    • Remind yourself with the mantra "progress is not perfect" a few times a day if you find it effective.
  2. Make a list of the type of person you want to be. Write in your journal qualities and traits you think are valuable. Do your best every day to try and achieve the values ​​you want to see in yourself and in life. Knowing exactly what type of person you want to be and the value progressing beyond perfection, you can build value and satisfaction while you realize your goals.
  3. Avoid pessimists. Avoid complex relationships and determine if they help or hurt your happiness. To build your self-esteem, you need to be around people who trust you, make you feel worthy, and lift you up. If you find yourself around pessimists, decide if they really are right for you. Discuss with them how they are treating you and how you feel. It's up to you to decide who you want to be with and building a strong support system from positive, supportive people is a great way to build self-esteem and feel good about life.
  4. Praise yourself. Encourage yourself and recognize the healthy qualities you have. If your goal is to smile at 2 strangers a day and you've accomplished it, praise yourself for spreading optimism. You never know someone who will need that smile that day. Help strengthen yourself in a realistic and flexible way by making sure you understand the value you bring to the world. advertisement


  • You can't please everyone all day long. Remember realistic expectations of yourself and understand you've done your best.
  • Laugh often and laugh out loud.


  • If you still feel frustrated despite your best efforts, you should see a counselor or professional, especially if you have thoughts that are hurting yourself.