Ways to Improve Attitude

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
15 Ways To Improve Your Attitude
Video: 15 Ways To Improve Your Attitude


Attitude is an assessment based on a judgment of a person, thing, or event. Attitude often stems from someone's past experiences, beliefs, or feelings. For example, you don't like pizza because you have food poisoning in the past after eating pizza. Changing your attitude will include changing your assessment of the world around you. In order to change or improve your attitude, you need to assess what influenced your judgment. Then, seek information that can transform it, and from there, form a more useful perspective.


Method 1 of 3: Attitude adjustment

  1. Identify the attitudes you need to change. You have to understand what you need to change. Goal setting is the key to all success. You need to judge yourself honestly and deeply. This method will help you identify the trait that needs improvement or change.

  2. Evaluate why you want to improve your attitude. Your motivation has a direct impact on your ability to change. So you need to really want it to improve your attitude and be prepared to take an active role in this process.
    • Ask yourself why you want to improve your attitude toward individuals, things, or events. Was your decision influenced by outside factors? For example, did your boss ask you to change your attitude? Or did a friend say that your attitude is upsetting them? Therefore, it's important to have the motivation to improve attitudes. Utilizing internal motivation will produce more excitement and creativity, resulting in better results.

  3. Try journaling to facilitate self-reflection. When trying to improve your attitude toward a person, thing, situation, or event, you need to consider what influences your attitude. What factors are your assessment criteria based on? What do you hope to achieve through this process of attitude adjustment. Journaling is very important for self-reflection. It will help you understand yourself, make stronger and more conservative decisions, and help you take care of your self-care process. It is deeply related to improving mental health as well as mood. Here are a few questions to ask yourself in the self-reflection process:
    • Does improving my attitude make me feel better about the person or event? Does it help reduce unpleasant emotions?
    • Does improving attitudes ensure better communication with others? Or will others see me in a better way? Does it allow me to function more effectively with this group of people or with this person?
    • Will improving my attitude help me achieve my goal or change something about the event?
    • What factors influence my ability to judge this person, event, or thing?
    • Have I experienced a similar thing in the past? What is it? What about negative experiences?
    • What emotions are surrounding my judgment? Am I angry, angry, jealous, etc? What causes me to have these feelings?
    • Is some particular belief affecting my attitude (judgment)? What are they? How does this belief associate our attitudes with that particular person, event, or thing? Are my beliefs full of challenges? Will it open up the evaluation or development process?

  4. Visualize how your improved attitude can affect your life. Visualization is a way to imagine or discern a goal. It will help support your commitment to these goals. Sports athletes, such as Usain Bolt, top businessman, and career instructors have confirmed the benefits of this technique. It activates your creative subconscious. This will assist you in developing your strategy to achieve your goal. It also maintains attention, motivation, and programmed your brain to perceive the source that you will need to succeed. So if you want to improve your attitude, think about the future when you are successful. What if you start to have a positive attitude toward someone? Or when you appreciate your work more?
    • To do this, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Then, imagine what you would like to see when you succeed in the change of attitude in as much detail as possible (like a living dream). Imagine that you see the results with your own eyes.
    • Perhaps while doing this technique, you will find yourself becoming friendly and even having lunch with someone you used to have a negative attitude. Or maybe you see yourself getting a promotion once you start thinking more positively about your job and looking for ways to be more productive.
    • You can also add a few positive statements to support the visualization. This quote will evoke the experience when you've got what you want, but in the present. For example, "I wake up and look forward to work time. I'm excited about the new project I have worked on with my boss's help." Repeat these statements a few times a day and you will feel more goal-oriented and motivated.
  5. Collect information. To improve your attitude, you must challenge your current judgment of an individual, event, or object. To do this, you will need more information. Improving attitudes requires that you seek alternative information that is capable of effectively influencing your judgment. The information you collect may include chatting with other people, looking back at something you already know in more detail, or doing more research.
    • For example, if you have to have a business dinner and you understand that you are frustrated that you will have to miss your son's baseball game, you can find more information about that dinner. . Think about why it's important and what factor the company believes they will get through this mandatory dinner.
    • To gather information, you can chat with colleagues or managers, conduct research about your company, use sources of information, like dinner messages. Finding new information like this will help you know that dinner serves as a mentoring program for young people and can provide career advancement and promotion. Knowing the information can help you feel more positive about dinner.
  6. Consider what you have ignored. Another aspect of the crawl process is to consider every element that you have missed or missed in the past. Sometimes, we experience what it feels like "tunnel vision" and focus only on a single thing we see, or maybe awaken some particular response from us. However, you should take a step back and observe a larger range. This method will help you identify new information that you have missed and will help you to correct your attitude.
    • For example, if you have a negative attitude toward someone because your first meeting didn't go well, you can improve your view of the person by looking for information you did not care before. Understanding them better will give you a more objective view of their nature, and can change your negative judgment about them, which in turn can lead to change and improvement in your attitudes. effectively.
  7. Believe in change. One of the most important factors in changing your attitude is trusting that you can actually make the necessary change. Usually, we just assume that our attitudes are natural and an important part of who we are and therefore cannot change them. However, if you don't believe you can change your habits, you'll never be able to. Maybe you won't start doing it, give up quickly, or just make a half-hearted effort.
    • One way to believe in your ability to change and improve is to recall several other situations in which you improved your life. Maybe while you were in school, you decided to build a better attitude about studying and put in more effort. As a result, your GPA improves. Try to think about the many experiences or times when you accomplish your changing goals. This is the best way to instill belief in yourself.

Method 2 of 3: Appreciate a positive attitude

  1. Ignore everything. Clinging, anxiety, and frustration can contribute to negative attitudes and negatively affect your mental health. Instead, acknowledge that you have no control over everything. You cannot control someone getting a promotion, not you. What you have control over is how the events affect your attitude and how you react. You can minimize negativity by ignoring factors that are out of control. Go ahead and try not to let these negatively affect your general outlook on life.
    • The way to let things go is to not think that you are going to endure suffering, troubles, sadness, etc. on your own Often times, the series of events and situations in life have nothing to do with us. Avoid seeing yourself as a victim. This will only keep you thinking about the negative emotions you've experienced.
    • You should remember that life is about being able to go on, not fretting over something.
  2. Identify your strongest qualities and accomplishments. Focusing on the strength will help you develop more emotionally positive experiences and attitudes.At the same time, it can also be a source of positivity during the moment you experience a negative attitude. From there, it will help you cope with adversity more easily.
    • Consider writing down your achievements and positive attributes in a journal or note. You can write freely or list lists in different categories. You should treat it like an exercise that has no end. Remember to add to the list every time you do something new, like graduate, rescue a puppy, or get your first job.
  3. Do what you love. Another way to build positive experiences is to spend time doing something that makes you happy. If you like music, you can listen to the album you love. Some people enjoy reading every night in a relaxing environment. You can also do physical activity you enjoy, whether it's an evening walk, yoga, or team sport.
    • Actively do activities that are fun for you. This is a great way to maintain a positive and healthy attitude.
  4. Take a moment and take a look at all the good things. Take 10 minutes every day to journal about the positive experiences you have had. This gives you the opportunity to look back and look back on your day and look for the positives, even if it's just the trivial thing. These can include things that make you happy, proud, surprised, grateful, calm, content, or content. Re-experiencing positive emotions will help you to correct your views against negative moments.
    • For example, review your morning routine to determine if there are any moments where you feel extremely happy. Maybe you love the moment the sun rises, experience a friendly interaction with a bus driver, or the moment you take your first sip of coffee.
  5. Show gratitude. Make sure to take the time to express gratitude towards everything you have in life. Gratitude is closely correlated with objectivity. Maybe someone has done a nice deed to you, like paying for a cup of coffee or cleaning your bed. You can also be proud as if you have completed a mission.
    • You can even write a "gratitude diary". This is a diary dedicated to the factors that make you feel happy and grateful every day. Writing them down will help you carve them into your subconscious mind. Taking notes on paper means you'll have a visual element to refer to every time you want to increase your gratitude!
  6. Re-adjust negative moments and attitudes. Examine any negative thoughts or experiences you have had. Then, try to adjust them in such a way that you can develop positive (or at least neutral) emotions. This measure is one of the foundations of a positive attitude.
    • For example, a coworker accidentally spills coffee on you. Instead of getting angry and making judgment that the person is clumsy or stupid, think about the situation from their point of view. This was just an accident and the person must be very embarrassed too. Instead of developing a negative attitude toward them, you should treat this incident as if it were rare. You can even joke around like this is a great "getting acquainted" for that person's first day at work.
    • Re-adjusting your thoughts and experiences does not mean assuming that everything is okay. Instead, it's about not allowing negativity to drive you. This will help you find a more positive approach to your overall life.
  7. Don't compare yourself to others. The competitive nature of humans often makes us like to compare ourselves to others. Perhaps you will compare your looks, lifestyle or attitude to others. When we do this, we tend to see only the negativity of ourselves relative to the other party. Recognizing your strengths will be healthier and more realistic. The key is not to compare and just accept yourself. Accepting yourself will give you more general control over your thoughts, attitudes, and life. This will aid you in making less subjective inferences about the other person's behavior.
    • Everyone is different. So there's no reason to judge yourself based on someone's standards. Maybe you will love what other people don't like and the two will have different life paths.
  8. Surround yourself with positive people. If you want to improve your attitude, you need to surround yourself with someone who can encourage you to develop a more positive attitude. The people you spend time with - family, friends, spouse, and co-workers - will influence your view of all the things that happen in everyday life. Therefore, make sure they share a positive feeling as you, and lift you up instead of pulling you down. Social support will help you when you experience a negative attitude.
    • Research has shown that people with great stress in life can cope more easily with a network of friends and family they can rely on. Spend time with positive people. Surround yourself with someone who feels valued, valued, and confident. Allow them to encourage you to be the best.
    • Stay away from negative people who motivate your negative thoughts and judgment. Remember that negativity leads to negativity. Try to limit your interactions with this type of person in your life. This is something that will help cultivate your overall positive attitude.

Method 3 of 3: Make physical adjustments to improve attitude

  1. Evaluate your current physical state. Your physical condition has an impact on your mental state and your attitude emotionally. You should take a look at your daily routine. Decide if modifying your daily sleep, physical activity, or eating habits can benefit your attitude improvement process.
  2. Exercise every morning. Exercise and exercise every day in the morning will drain excess energy. From there, you will be less irritable and more pleasant during the day. Exercise releases endorphins, for a sense of well-being and overall well-being. In addition, daily exercise will help improve self-perception of body appearance, leading to higher self-esteem.
    • Walking, jogging slowly or quickly in the morning is a great way to engage in physical activity and reduce stress in general.
  3. Increase social interaction. Even the smallest or most mundane interaction has a positive effect on a person's mental health. You should join other people for the day. This will help improve your mental attitude and perspective.
    • Social interactions naturally affect the release of serotonin into the brain. Serotonin affects improved mood and overall well-being.
  4. Get more sun exposure. Sun exposure helps provide the body with vitamin D. For some people, a vitamin D deficiency can cause exhaustion, negativity, and a bad mental attitude. Just "exposure" to the sun or ultraviolet light for 15 minutes a day will also have a positive effect on your mental state.
  5. Improve eating habits. It can be difficult to maintain a positive and positive temperament if you don't eat well. Many studies have shown that people with healthy eating habits will often notice an improvement in their mental attitudes. In contrast, unhealthy eaters are more likely to get angry, have difficulty getting along, and get irritated more easily. Try to develop a healthier diet to see if it affects your mental or emotional attitude.
    • Be sure to include a variety of foods from the appropriate food groups in your diet, including meat, fish, vegetables, dairy, and wheat.
    • B-12, found in many red meats and green leafy vegetables, has been shown to have a positive association with overall well-being and mental health.
  6. Spend a lot of time with animals. Many studies have confirmed that spending time with animals reduces stress levels. This method will improve your mental and emotional state. Even short-term interactions with animals will improve your attitude.
  7. Meditate or practice relaxation techniques. Stress can develop during the day, negatively affecting your mental attitude to the world around you. So meditating or practicing relaxation techniques each night will help.
  8. Get enough sleep as prescribed. Too much sleep or lack of sleep can negatively affect your mental state and emotional outlook. You should develop a daily sleep routine and stick to it. Almost every researcher agrees that the average adult should get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each night. You will notice a positive improvement in your attitude if you maintain a steady and healthy sleep routine every night. advertisement


  • Remember that it takes a while to improve your attitude, just like any other self-improvement plan, whether it's trying to be slimmer or developing mental resilience. .
  • Having a more positive attitude is very beneficial for your overall health. Many psychologists have shown that people who focus on the positives (optimists) and those who focus on negativity (pessimists) often face similar obstacles and challenges, but those who Optimists deal with them in a healthier way.