How to Convert Between Fahrenheit, Celcius and Kelvin

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Temperature Conversions - Fahrenheit to Celsius to Kelvin
Video: Temperature Conversions - Fahrenheit to Celsius to Kelvin


You can convert degrees Fahrenheit (degrees F) to degrees Celsius (degrees C) or degrees Kelvin (degrees K) and vice versa with just a few simple math. With the steps below, once you get a temperature value, you can easily switch back and forth between these three temperature scales.


Method 1 of 6: From Fahrenheit to Celcius degrees

  1. Get to know the temperature scale. The original value of the F scale and the C scale is different, 0 ° C is equivalent to 32 ° F. In addition, the rate of temperature rise measured in degrees Fahrenheit and measured in degrees Celsius is also different. For example, the range from the freezing temperature to the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius is 0-100 °, and in degrees F is 32-212 °.

  2. Subtract 32 from Fahrenheit. Since the freezing temperature of water in degrees Fahrenheit is 32 °, in degrees Celsius is 0 °, so you can convert from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius by subtracting 32 from the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
    • For example, if the starting temperature in degrees F is 74 °, subtract 74 from 74, we get 74-32 = 42.

  3. Divide the result by 1.8. As noted above, the range from freezing to boiling of water is 0-100 ° C, which is equivalent to 32-212 ° F. That is 100 ° C for every 180 ° F. So the correlation of the rate of temperature rise between these two temperature scales is 180/100, or 1.8 after being minimized, so you need to divide by 1.8 to finish converting the temperature scale from degrees Fahrenheit to poison.
    • For example, after step 1, divide your result by 42 by 1.8, and you get 42 / 1.8 = 23 ° C. So, 74 ° F is equivalent to 23 ° C.
    • Note: 1.8 equals 9/5. If you don't have a calculator and want to use the formula, you can divide the result in step 1 by 9/5 instead of 1.8.

Method 2 of 6: Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees

  1. Get to know the temperature scale. The rule for converting from degrees C to Fahrenheit is similar to converting degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, that is, we still use the temperature difference of 32 and the temperature rise difference of 1.8, but in the direction. opposite.
  2. Multiply the temperature in degrees Celsius by 1.8. If you want to go from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you just need to reverse the procedure outlined above. First, multiply the value in degrees C by 1.8.
    • For example, if you have a temperature of 30 ° C, first, you multiply 30 times 1.8, or if you prefer fractions, multiply by 9/5. We have: 30 x 1.8 = 54.
  3. Add 32 to the multiplication result. In the above step, you have brought the rate of temperature increase from C to Fahrenheit, now you need to continue to convert the original value by multiplying the product of the 30 x 1.8 plus 32 multiplication. is the temperature in degrees F that we need to calculate.
    • Adding 32 and 54, we get 54 + 32 = 86 ° F.So, 30 ° C is equivalent to 86 ° F.

Method 3 of 6: Convert degrees Celcius to degrees Kelvin

  1. Get to know the temperature scale. Degree C is calculated by scientists from degrees Kelvin (K). Although the difference between degrees C and K is greater than the difference between degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit, degrees C and K have the same rate of temperature increase. The ratio of the temperature rise of degrees C and Fahrenheit is 1: 1.8 while the ratio between degrees C and K is 1: 1.
    • The degree of freezing water in degrees Kelvin is a relatively large number - 273.15 - since the K scale is based on absolute zero temperature, i.e. 0K.
  2. Add 273.15 to the value in degrees Celsius. Although 0 ° C is the freezing temperature of water, scientifically 0 ° C is 273.15 ° K. Since the rate of temperature rise of these two temperature scales is the same, the conversion from degrees C to K is very simple, you just need to take the value in degrees C plus 273.15.
    • For example, if you need to convert 30 ° C to K degrees, add 273.15 with 30 to get the final result. We have 30 + 273.15 = 303.15K.

Method 4 of 6: Convert degrees Kelvin to degrees Celcius

  1. Get to know the temperature scale. When converting from degrees K to degrees C, we still keep the ratio 1: 1. You only need to remember only the number 273.15 and perform the subtraction when converting from degrees K to degrees C.
  2. Subtract 273.15 from the K value. Contrary to the conversion from degrees C to degrees K, when converting from degrees K to degrees C, you subtract the value from degrees K minus 273.15. Let's say you have an initial value of 280K, just subtract 273.15 and you will have the same temperature in degrees Celsius, that is 280K - 273.15 = 6.85 ° C. advertisement

Method 5 of 6: Convert degrees Kelvin to Fahrenheit degrees

  1. Get to know the temperature scale. The most important point when converting from degrees K to Fahrenheit is the rate of heat rise. Since the ratio between degrees K and degrees C is 1: 1, so is the ratio between degrees K and degrees Fahrenheit. In other words, a 1K change in temperature is equivalent to a 1.8 ° F change.
    • Multiply by 1.8. In a 1K: 1.8 ° F rate of temperature rise, the first step in converting from degrees K to Fahrenheit is to multiply the value to be converted by 1.8.

    • For example, when you need to convert 295K to Fahrenheit, you multiply this number by 1.8, which means 295 x 1.8 = 531.
  2. Subtract 459.7 from the multiplication product above. Just like when converting from degrees C to Fahrenheit we need to add 32 to the value of the temperature, when converting from degrees K to degrees Fahrenheit, we also need to add the correction number of 459.7K because 0K = -459, 7 ° F. The number we need to add is a negative number, which is the equivalent of doing subtraction.
    • Subtract 459.7 from 531 and we get 531 - 459.7 = 71.3 ° F. Hence, 295K = 71.3 ° F.

Method 6 of 6: Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Kelvin

  1. Subtract 32 from the F value. On the other hand, to convert from degrees F to degrees K, the easiest way is to convert to degrees C and then convert the value from degrees C to K. That is, we start with subtraction with a subtraction of 32.
    • Let's take an example with 82 ° F. Subtract 32 from 82, we get 82 - 32 = 50.
  2. Multiply the difference found by 5/9. When moving from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, the next step is to multiply by 5/9, or divide by 1.8 if you are using a calculator.
    • 50 x 5/9 = 27.7, this is the value after we convert from degrees F to degrees C.
  3. Add to the value above 273.15. Since the difference between degrees C and K is 273.15, so by adding 273.15, we convert degrees C to degrees K.
    • 273.15 + 27.7 = 300.8. The final result is 82 ° F = 300.8K.


  • Here are some important values ​​to remember:
    • Water freezes at 0 ° C, equivalent to 32 ° F.
    • Normal body temperature is around 37 ° C or 98.6 ° F.
    • The boiling point of water is 100 ° C or 212 ° F.
    • Degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit have the same value at -40.
  • Always recheck your calculation, this will help you confirm the end result.
  • When your reader or recipient is a foreigner, the use of "degrees Celcius" (English: degrees Celcius) should be used instead of "centigrade" or "celcius".
  • Remember that degrees K is always 273.15 higher than C.
  • You can also use a recipe C = (F - 32) x 5/9 to convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, and C x 9/5 = F - 32 to convert from degrees C to Fahrenheit. These are simplified formulas of C / 100 = (F-32) / 180. Since the freezing point of water is in the range 212 if we use the temperature thermometer F, we need to subtract 212 from 32 to get the zero point of this temperature scale. Thus, the two-sided numerator of the equation is equivalent, while the denominator represents the difference in the rate of temperature rise of the two temperature scales.