How to take care of the bud

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Galaxy Buds Pro: How to Wear & Care  | Samsung
Video: Galaxy Buds Pro: How to Wear & Care | Samsung


Caring for the bud is a leisurely pastime that can help reduce stress. Usually imported from Taiwan and China, many people believe that the budwood tree grown in the home or workplace can bring happiness and prosperity. This article will guide you on how to take care of the bud.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing the bud

  1. Find a tree you like. Don't rush to get the first tree you see, but find a healthy one. You can buy bud buds at a garden or nursery center, or even at a supermarket.
    • Phat Phat tree is also known as womanhood, sometimes called by its scientific name Dracaena sanderiana.

  2. Choose plants that are lush green. Taking care of the bud is not that difficult, but if you bring in an unhealthy one, the work will be much harder; otherwise, the tree may die. The size of the tree is not that important, as most buds are quite small.
    • The tree should be uniform green, free from defects, bruises or yellowing.
    • The stalk should be uniformly green from the base to the top.
    • The leaf tip does not turn brown.

  3. Make sure the plant is planted properly and has no smell. The bud is very powerful, but if grown incorrectly or has a sour smell, it is probably ill and will not survive.
    • The bud does not smell like some flowers, but if not properly watered, bacteria can multiply on the plant and cause a bad smell.
    • Observe the water level and test for soil or fertilizer. Many buds are grown using hydroponic methods, which means only water and gravel or small rocks to hold the plant in place. However, some buds are grown in the soil. Check to make sure the water level is at least half the pitcher, or that the soil is moist but not soggy.

Part 2 of 3: Growing the bud

  1. Decide whether to plant in water or in soil. Both of these options have advantages depending on how well you can take care of. Too much soil or fertilizer can actually damage the plant. However, if you are using fluoridated tap water and other chemicals, you may want to use soil to prevent the tips of the leaves from turning yellow.
    • If you are planting the bud in water, you will need some gravel to keep the stem upright. If planted in soil, try mixing equal proportions of sand, peat moss, and regular soil to make sure the soil has good drainage.
    • When growing your plants in water, make sure the water level is enough to cover the roots. You should also change the water at least once a week to prevent rot. It is best to wash the jar, gravel, and plant every time the water changes.
    • If you are planting in the soil, just water it with just enough moisture.
  2. Choose the right pot. The pot should be about 5 cm larger than the circumference of the plant. Most buds are potted when sold, but you can use a different pot to make it unique and your own.
    • Transparent jars are great if you are growing plants in water to show both the plant and gravel, but be sure to avoid direct sunlight.
    • You can also use ceramic pots to grow plants in clean water or soil. If you are planting in soil, use a pot with a drainage hole.
  3. Apply fertilizer periodically in a very small amount to help plants grow faster. Too much fertilizer is more harmful than not fertilizing, so you should use it very little. This is especially true for potted plants, as the fertilizer will not be diluted by rain and not exhausted like when planted in the ground. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Caring and shaping the bud

  1. Water a little. The bud does not need much water. A lot of watering will actually be harmful to the plant.
    • Water the plants once a week and make sure the water is a few centimeters, enough to cover the roots.
    • If you are planting in soil, make sure the soil is not too wet or too dry. The bud can grow well in water alone, so too much soil or fertilizer can damage the plant.
  2. Place the plant in a place out of direct sunlight. The buds usually live under the shade of other tall trees in the natural environment. You should leave the plant in a bright, well-ventilated place, but not in the sun all day.
    • To get the most out of your bud, avoid placing it in a window with plenty of sunlight. Should put plants in a place not too bright in the room.
    • The bud will do best with temperatures between 18 and 32 degrees Celsius.
  3. Bending the trunk. If you want to shape the bud, you need to choose some main branches to shape and display. With a little effort, you can get the branches to grow around each other or to curl. To do this, you have to choose branches that are underdeveloped and not yet stiff.
    • You can simply plant the buds in a straight line or row if you want the tree to grow straight.
    • To curl the bud, find a cardboard box, cut off the bottom of the box and one side next to the box. Place the box over the tree, the open side facing the light source. The plant will begin to flex in light as it grows. When the branch is bent, rotate it in the other direction.
    • You can also wrap steel wire diagonally around the branches. As the branches grow, you'll need to wrap more wire to keep them stable when twisted together.
  4. Eliminate dead or yellow leaves. Sometimes the tip of the leaves may turn yellow, which is caused by a number of things: inadequate watering, too much soil or fertilizer, or too much direct sunlight. You can trim the part of the leaf that turns yellow or remove the entire leaf.
    • To cut the yellow leaf tips, disinfect the shears or sharp scissors by rubbing alcohol or vinegar, then cut off the yellow leaf according to the natural shape of the leaf.
    • Yellow leaves can be completely removed just by pulling down and off the stem.
  5. Propagate the bud. When some of the branches are too tall, cut them out and plant them. This way the tree will not be too dense, and you will also have new plants.
    • Select the longest branch and remove the small leaves at the base of the shoot.
    • Using a sterile knife or scissors, cut the bud more than 1 cm away from where the shoot was growing from the stem.
    • Plug the shoots into a bowl of clean water. Place in the shade for 1 or 2 months until the shoots begin to take root. Once you see the roots, you can re-plant the old bud.
  6. Tie the trunks with decorative steel wire or other ribbons. People often tie red or copper ribbons around the trunk of the poppy tree to bundle the trunks together as a symbol of luck.
    • Sprinkle more gravel to add a nice touch and keep the plant in place.
    • Place your bud in a place where you can see it during the day and remember to take care of it.


  • If you smell a sour smell on the tree, it may be too late to save it. It is thought that rotting leading to a sour smell on the tree can be harmful to human health. So it is best to throw the tree away and buy a new one if this happens. Change the water regularly to prevent this from happening again.
  • As an added note, if the bud is growing from the main branch, you can save the buds from rotting. Just cut the buds out and plug in clean water. This way you will not have to throw the whole tree.
  • If the plant begins to rot, you can multiply the parts of the plant that have not rotted yet (see above for how to multiply).


  • Using bottled water can help plants grow fast and have a beautiful dark green color. (Tap water usually contains chemicals and additives that are not found in the plant's natural habitat. If you water the plant with tap water, the leaves will usually turn yellow and the plant will eventually die.)
  • Do not place plants in direct sunlight.
  • Do not over water. You only need to water the plant once a week.
  • Fertilize only once every two months if needed.
  • Add 1-2 drops of a dilute hydroponic fertilizer solution if you want your plants to grow faster.

What you need

  • Small buds
  • The pot is 5 cm larger than the perimeter of the plant
  • A little bit of sunlight
  • A little soil and fertilizer if desired
  • Clean water