Ways to Conquer girls

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Conquer Girls!
Video: How to Conquer Girls!


The key to conquering girls is having the right attitude and good strategy to behave in all cases. Whether you're looking for a girlfriend or just dating for fun, you need to show that you are worthy of someone's time with you. Once you become a target of conquest in girls' eyes, chances are they will start chasing you.


Method 1 of 3: Search for girls

  1. Don't target girls who are busy at work. Even though the waitress is cute, when she is working in the restaurant, it is not the right place and is not the time for you to flirt. You may get mixed signals, as she's probably just doing her job of pleasing customers without making any sense to you. It's best to avoid any confusion.

  2. Find girls in popular places like shopping malls, cafes, or bookstores. You should go places that match your personality. This way, not only do you have more chances of finding a girl with the same interests, but you also feel more comfortable approaching and talking to her in a familiar environment.
  3. Be cautious when getting to know girls in bars, on the internet and at work. These are places where you can easily find girls to talk to, but you need to know what you're going to face. You need to be wise!
    • Bars can be a place where you'll find lots of women, but drinking behavior can be a coping mechanism that both men and women can turn to to relieve serious life problems. . Maybe they have just lost their love, lost their job, or got upset. You need to be wary of unhealthy drinking habits.
    • The internet has always been a risky environment when getting to know girls. It will take a while to find out if the person you meet is exactly what they recommend on social media.
    • While there are many opportunities to interact with girls in the workplace, you must always be careful when you are having relationships with your coworkers. If things go wrong, the two sides may be in an awkward position.

Method 2 of 3: Reach the girls

  1. Indirect approach. This will allow you to chat with the girl without having to make it obvious that you like her. The opportunities for you to start a conversation are endless, as long as you pay attention. If you see her wearing a watch, ask for the time. If you are in a shopping mall, you can ask where the store is. Then, take the opportunity to initiate a conversation with the girl. Usually this doesn't make her think you're flirting so it might be easier for you to talk, and neither does she.

  2. Give her a sincere compliment. Her hair, outfit and shoes are perfect for compliments, as she probably put in a lot of effort to choose. She'd be happy to have a guy realize that, especially if it's someone she likes too.
    • Try saying that she has smooth skin that makes her look radiant, or that you like her hair color.
    • Say her dress looks pretty, or that you like the way she pairs her shoes with the outfit.
    • Avoid compliments like saying she's the prettiest in your group. She may think you are criticizing her friends without thinking of it as a compliment.
  3. Treat her friends well. If you pull the person who is beside her out of the conversation, she will feel guilty. She may leave you to hang out with her friends, so be gentle with her friends and talk to them as well.
    • For example, if you ask her what she likes to drink, turn to your friend and ask "What would you like to drink too?" This will make you seem generous but also attentive.
  4. Tease her. Not because the age of the student is over, but this way out of effect. Harmless teasing can stir up conversation and create an atmosphere of joy. If she's cheering for a bad team or listening to music from a singer you don't like, tease her a bit. It is important to know when to stop. If she doesn't smile after you, it's best to stop.
    • For example, if you see her holding the keychains of a team X, you might joke that last season Team X was very good ... cede the opponent!
  5. Tell her you're busy. When you talk, let her know that you want to invite her out, but lately there's too much work to be done. This will make you seem like a busy person and not easy to meet, so you will be more valuable in her eyes. Instead of acting tall, she will find a way to seduce you.

  6. Give her some space. You've had a good conversation, and now you also need to know how to retreat. You can ask for permission to go to the restroom or greet a friend or acquaintance if they are nearby. However, let her know that you will come back so she won't feel left out. Show her that the evening isn't just about whether you talk to her or not. This will give her time to spend with her friends or do something else.

  7. Find someone who "covers". When you get to know girls, your best friends can chat with the girl's friends. You may need support if the girl needs advice from a friend.
    • Choose your "teammates" carefully. Please take a close look among friends. Your friend doesn't have to be charming, but it should make everyone feel good.

Method 3 of 3: Occupy the girls' feelings

  1. Confident. You need to be confident, but don't be arrogant. The best way to show confidence is with body language. Your posture will tell the girl a lot about you, so pay attention to your expression.
    • Speak clearly and stand upright.
    • Make eye contact when talking.
    • Smile.
    • Show an easygoing attitude. Don't be busy with your phone or indifferent to what's going on around you.
  2. Show elegant manner. Open the door for her and pull her chair to invite her to sit. Don't forget basic communication words like "thank you" or "please". You won't be an attractive or likable guy if you don't behave well. Your demeanor shows you are well-educated or self-fulfilling, which is attractive to many women.
  3. Brag about yourself. If you are talented at singing, sports, or speak a foreign language, you should "let it go" calmly when talking to her. The key is to choose the right time.
    • Ask about herself. If you want to find an opportunity to show off your musical talent, start by asking what kind of music she likes, then comment on her answers from a musician's perspective. For example, if she says she likes a certain band, you could say that the band's guitarist plays really well and that he inspired you to play.
    • Bragging styles can cause people to turn their backs on you, so don't go overboard. Avoid talking about money or about how many girls you've broken down. Most women don't like stories like that.
  4. Be careful when moving forward. Don't kiss her too soon. The kiss may come later, but not the first.
    • Find a chance to gently brush the strands of hair on her cheeks. This gesture shows your tenderness and concern.
    • You can also tell her how pretty she looks or how pretty her eyes are.
    • A forehead kiss will be sweet without going too far.
    • Touch her in insensitive places. You can either touch her upper back or her hands.
  5. Be honest when talking to her. Lies will not earn you any points. Maybe you tell her something and forget it again, and if she repeats her again one day and you don't remember it, that's not good at all.
  6. Let her know exactly what you mean. Tell her that you are looking for a serious, "open" relationship or just dating for fun. Don't give her false hope. If you just want to have fun, be frank. Don't be selfish and break a girl's heart, and prepare yourself not to disappoint. advertisement


  • Always be easygoing - a smile will help your face look natural.
  • Always listen to her. Sometimes guys forget the most important part of the conversation because they are too busy thinking about how to win the girl. Even if you really have such an intention, try not to appear.
  • You can look at girls, but don't scare her. The cold feeling of the spine does not make anyone comfortable!
  • Be calm, otherwise, you might be in a mess, and let her know that you like her.
  • Be polite and respectful of her. No one likes rude people. Show her that you care about her.